
The New Moon in Aries - Light A Fire Under Your Soul & Begin

New Moon in Aries launches a brand new cycle and begins the astrological year with the Sun moving into Aries. Yes! Aries is the fire starter within us that blows forth the flame that ignites the beginning of something that could be wild, elemental, essential and new. Yes!

In my last correspondence I spoke about using our creativity to free up our energy and use our life force for something we might love. This is the time to take advantage of this spark of creation as it is a gift we can all catalyze at this powerful time.

Take a moment, take more than a moment and give this some thought. The momentum has power if you launch the spark. What do you want to begin? What kind of fire do you want to ignite in you? Now is the time to blow forth that flame and begin something you have dreamed of – something wild.

Here are the 2 things I want to do. I am going to say it loud and clear right here. Now, my goals are really not so wild. Oh darn, I am going to have to think of another one to fit into the wild category. But, for now, my goals are essential to me.

1) Finish the BOOK. Thank you so very much to all of those who purchased the book. You definitely lit a fire under me. My crowd funding campaign is over, and thanks to many it was a success. Your support means so very much, and it is the fire I needed to inspire me on to completion.

2. I want to get strong. Although I practice yoga regularly, and I walk every morning on the beach with a little dip in the ocean to wake my ass up, I do not feel strong in my body like I used to. This is unacceptable to me. I don’t like feeling slightly frail. I know I don’t look like that to others, but I can feel how my strength wants to be enhanced. I need to light a fire under my butt and start weight training. Is it essential? Not sure. But, I know it is essential to my soul. So, here goes, joining the local gym. Maybe I can get something wild to wear in the gym. Yeah, I will create a new look.

Stay tuned for something a little more wild. Truth be known I really would like to do something wild. I miss being wild.

You? Do you miss wild? What do you want to ignite on this powerful new moon? Do tell.


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Delicious, Flourless and Gluten Free, Quinoa Pancakes

These pancakes began their creative journey the night before I made them. I was working late and got really hungry. Too late to eat yet another meal, I settled for a half of a papaya before I went to bed, but that is when I started dreaming of pancakes. Pancakes are a little heavy for me in the morning unless I am in real need of a bigger more satisfying meal. So, as the dream continued my mind started to think about the ingredients I already had on hand. We had Quinoa for dinner and there was quite a lot left over, stored in jars in the fridge. So, I thought, how about a quinoa base with some almond meal and eggs? Then I remembered that I had whipped up some sesame milk that day. I think this will work, I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep with hunger anticipating my morning treat.

Once in the kitchen the next morning I began to salivate with the idea of manifesting my dream. What you see below is what started coming out of the fridge and the pantry. It was a quick recipe since the Quinoa and sesame milk was already made.  When my assistant arrived there was a hot pile of cakes for her to photograph and dive into. They made her day and I got big points!  By the way, the cardamon and cinnamon really top these cakes off to something special.

So, here is another version of yummy flourless - gluten free pancakes. I think this is my favorite.

3 eggs or Vegan style: 3 tbsp of flax meal (Or Barlean's mix of Flax, Chia and Coconut)
½ cup almond flour
½ cup cooked quinoa
1/3 cup sesame milk (almond, coconut, hemp or another milk will do)
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp Sunflower Lethicin (optional)
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 cup fresh or frozen cherries, blueberries, or a berry mixture.

As you like:

Salt (on top after being cooked - see below)
Cooking oil (coconut) - Barlean's Culinary Oil is one of the best oils to cook with. It makes everything taste so good and just has the perfect consistency for frying pancakes, tortillas, or anything. It is great for baking too. Seriously, it worth using.


Start with cracking 3 eggs into a bowl and whisk thoroughly. If you are making the cakes vegan style, soak the flax seeds (ground up a little) in 1/2 cup of water. Let them sit for about 10-15 minutes until they gel together. Add water to give them the consistency of eggs.

Proceed adding all the rest of the ingredients blending each one as you go. Heat the pan and pour in about a tbsp of cooking oil. As mentioned above, coconut oil will do nicely, but Barlean's Culinary Oil is to live for. There is just something about it that works for cooking in high heats - it is meant for high heat and brings on a delicious substance and flavor.

Hot Berries: This is the cool part. After the cakes are all cooked, toss a cup of blueberries, cherries or other fruits or berries into the pan. If they are fresh, then will just need a quick swirl in the pan to warm them. Yet, if they are frozen they will make a huge sizzle sound and steam up a quickly. Doing this also makes the pan look like the picture below. But, don't worry, it actually cleans up easily. It is just the color from the berries that instantly coats the pan. Toss the berries, or cherries in this case, around a bit until they thaw - about 3 minutes. You can most likely turn the heat off the moment you toss them in. While they are warming (thawing), butter your cakes (or not), pour a small amount of Maple syrup on them (or not). Top with the warmed fruit.  (put the pan in water immediately and let it soak-it will then be easy to clean).

Now, here is the best part: Once this whole extravaganza is complete sprinkle the entire plate with Celtic Sea Salt (grey fine ground). You will be heaven, I guarantee it!

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Are You Sick & Tired of Doing What You don't Want?

Many years ago, when I just a young 35 year old, I had an experience that taught me a huge lesson. Here is my experience told in a story I wrote for my new book. What follows my short story is a reflection on how we might benefit from a new perspective, then change our attitude with a big splash of creativity.  Enjoy!

Hands On Steering Wheel

It was Tuesday, another freezing, dreary rainy day in the northwest. My week was just getting started when I got a call from my partner in crime. My girlfriend Judy and I were building a huge custom home on spec. The lot was on the 9th fairway of the local prestigious golf course. We really thought we knew what we were doing when we had the idea, and when we so dramatically designed our dream home in hopes of making the big bucks. Judy was frantic because the call came in from our new foreman. He was asking a ton of urgent questions none of which either of us understood. She was all upset saying, “What will we do, I don’t know what to tell them?”

I peered out my window and saw the pounding rain. Dang, another bad hair day. It was time for me to get ready for work anyway, so I passed on breakfast and ran out to my VW bug to start the engine. The car was so cold that I had to place a brick on the accelerator so it could warm up while I finished getting ready.  This was the only way to warm the car enough to tolerate the extreme damp cold. Within ten minutes I was dressed, out the door, and in my somewhat defrosted VW. I was not happy.

 (Too bad I did not have a fancy Audi like the picture portrays)

My anguish was not about the house as much as it was about the job that awaited me after I visited the job site. The golf course was part of a country club that also had a gym workout facility of which I was a trainer and aerobic instructor. Now this will not sound very nice, but I just did not think I could tell one more overweight person what to eat, and how to exercise. Everyday it was the same place, same words, same exercises on the same equipment, over and over. I was so bored with it and everyone there.

Many things can cause unhappiness and I thought I had plenty of reasons. It was the early 80's, and it was my first Northwest winter after being born and raised in Southern California.  It was always so cold, the kind of damp cold that seeped in my cells and remained there until I submerged myself in a hot bath. It was dark at 4:30 in the afternoon, and it was a long drive to town if I wanted to go out and socialize. My 11-year-old son and I were held captive in our apartment every evening. I missed my family, my old friends, and outdoor walks in the evening, the west coast sunsets, happy hour and a good tan. My hair always looked like shit and I was lonely too.

Building homes had always been a dream. I was thrilled when I moved there to actually fulfill this dream. I should be happy, right? When I arrived at the job site, the rain was still pounding. It amazed me how the people in NW just move on regardless of the weather. Here I am cussing, grunting and groaning while very wet, wondering why anybody in his or her right mind would live here, but here I was.  My own self added to my disdain.

Judy had made a few phone calls prior to her arrival at the site, so she had answers for the crew. It was apparent that they delighted in our ignorance, giving them the opportunity to give us a hard time. We could feel their sneers and judgment and knew they were laughing behind our backs.

As I drove myself to the club, with my attitude in the dumps, I looked at my hands on the steering wheel and suddenly saw what they were doing. There they were, both gripped firmly around each side of the wheel. I was driving myself somewhere that I had decided to go. No one was driving me. No one had a gun to my head.  It was all me. I had made the choice to go there, and at some point in time I was even excited about it.

In that very moment I made a decision. If I was going to make the choice to do something in my life, even daily little tasks, then I was going to love it or leave it. If I did not want to do it anymore, then I would move toward changing the circumstances that were within my power. Meanwhile, I would make the most of what I decided to do even while planning and executing a new path.  Then and there I decided I would quit this job and find a new source of income. But, until then, I said to myself, “let’s have some fun today”.

This decision and insight inspired an entirely new attitude deep within that has lasted me a lifetime. I popped into the club with a smile on my face and lightness in my step. I was going to make this day the best day ever. With that I embraced each person who came my way. This new attitude inspired a reservoir of creativity in how I worked with them. Taking the focus off myself, I asked about their lives, showing genuine interest. I made jokes and found new ways to inspire a fun and satisfying workout for them. Our energies fed off each other as we danced through our time together. Like musicians who are in a grove, we harmonized living our moments with fresh spontaneity. Wow, could it be this simple? Could I just decide to have the best day ever and have it? Well, yes. I discovered a new power that day and it was all because I decided to.

That afternoon I called Judy and we brainstormed how we might court the crew to become team players, players aligned with our vision, players that helped us learn rather than delighting in challenging our ignorance. As we dropped our agenda to act like we knew it all, we schemed, giggled and laughed and came up with a plan. 

The next day we showed up on the job at quitting time, dressed as cute as possible without being too sexy. With an ice-cold bottle of Champagne, crystal glasses, a case of beer, and 3 joints rolled with the best of the NW weed, we said, “We want to celebrate with you. We have never built a house and this is our dream. You guys are the experts and we need you. We really don’t know what we are doing, but we want to learn. Will you help us? To celebrate our first week of ground breaking we brought some party favors.”

With that we unveiled our stash.  A couple guys grabbed a beer instantly while another said, “Hell, I quit drinking a year ago, but would love a doobie”. We cracked the champagne, poured, puffed and toasted. Sitting around in funky chairs, legs stuck in the mud we got to know each other. Gratefully the rain had subsided and our newfound friends joined in our intentions. This was the beginning of the one of the most fun episodes in my life. And the good news? I bought a cute hat.  My bad hair days were over. 


A New Day - Feeling Trapped

Within my constant study of consciousness and personal development I came across some readings that landed in me like truth.  It has to do with feeling trapped, which I know many people are feeling today. 

When people are feeling trapped, it brings on a very low frequency in the human life force deep within the body. Part of this is due to the fact that our creativity shuts down and we do not breathe deeply. We might feel powerless. When we don't breathe fully, we deplete our energy and reduce our capacities. One of the sure signs of this is fatigue. When we feel tired and loose our dynamism we have usually allowed ourselves to feel trapped. This is not a time in our evolution to diminish our life force. This is a time to be strong. 

This struck home to me because I was feeling trapped. But, you see, I did not know I felt trapped. I was just tired all the time, and have been fighting a fatigue problem. I am that person that goes like crazy and then crashes - the pitta body type out of balance. When my Mom used to call me, and I would tell her I was tired, she would respond by saying, "Well, I guess so. I never saw anybody go like you. You never stop." When I do get good energy, I get so excited that I spend it like crazy. 

Years ago while standing - staring at an open kitchen cabinet full of supplements, wondering which one to take, I heard this voice. It said, "You will not solve this problem by what you put in your mouth." Dang. A pill would be so much easier.

So, when I learned of the fatigue masquerading as the feeling of being trapped. I perked up and realized that I had been feeling trapped, like I did years ago in Washington. This realization called for nothing short of re-evaluating my situation and revitalizing my creativity within it. Why? Because the problem is not solved by changing the outside around us, even though there are definitely things that might need changing. 

The solution could only be resolved by changing my attitude and mustering up more creativity within the world I have already chosen, on some level, to live in. I share this with you now because this is a time for us to be on our game. We must do what we can to keep ourselves strong so that we can keep our families strong, and our communities thriving. With humanity facing its greatest crisis ever - namely the destruction of our own environment, we must dig deep, and use our creativity for collective and practical solutions. 

Fatigue * Weight Loss * Immune Function

I believe this state of feeling trapped and causing fatigue has a has a great deal to do with immune response and weight loss as well. Because when we operate at a low frequency our body does not metabolize our food as well. This means that we don't get the nutrients our food provides, and we don't burn it off as well either. We may feel hungry even when fed, but it is our spirit that is hungry, most likely for more creativity. Creativity awakens our life force. Like in my story, when I got creative within my day, my life force turned on, and I had a great day. The power is within. We know this, but it is not always that easy to recognize. That being said, it is extremely easy to do if we put our mind and actions to it.

I share this in hopes of you freeing yourself from feeling trapped, if you so happen to feel that way. Feeling trapped can be hidden in so many ways, even if we just feel trapped inside a body that does not look and/or feel like we want it to. But, whoever you are, and whatever you are doing, there is enormous creativity in you just waiting to be expressed. This creativity will re-inspire and free up your life force for ????????, perhaps all kinds of magic.

Do you feel trapped? If so, what do you do about it? Let's talk about it. Leave your comments below.

Aloha blessings, Susan Teton

 Please contact me for a no-obligation 15-30 minute complimentary health, wellness, and nutrition coaching session by phone, by Skype or in person (on Maui).



The Best Way To Eat Carrots

This may just seem so simple and trivial for a post, but, let me tell you that making carrots this way is a huge benefit, particularly for kids. 

When the carrots are grated on the very small (slanted) element of the grater, the carrot pieces fall into nice little pile that kind of sticks together. Put a pile on the side of a bowl of soup, on salads, top on avocado toast, in a wrap, or just on the side of a plate as a garnish. 

Grating it in this way makes the carrot juicy. This is the key. It will juice up a sandwich or wrap with sweet flavor. The reason it works so well with kids, is that the carrots are juicy, which means sweeter. It is also easier for them to chew.

In a salad, you might think that the little pieces will spread around, but they don't. They seem to stick together in a clump. If you use a delicious dressing like the The Golden Elixir, or the Maple Lemon Miso, you will delight in the way that you will get a bite of juicy carrot with the dressing infused in. Try it! 

If you use them on a sandwich, wrap or toast, add a little salt, perhaps some Tamari, olive oil, or any salad dressing you want to top them with for another flavorful dimension. You can also grate a beet in the same way.

If you want more handy hints of how to eat some foods raw, get my Raw Food Basics course. This course it great for learning how to make sauces and dressing, and use nuts and seeds in the most healthy way. Some have called it the best Raw Food Course available.

Visit my Indigogo Campaign if you would love to support my upcoming book, Eating As A Spiritual Practice. Support offers perks for courses, private coaching, and so much more. Go HERE for more info.


Cauliflower Almond Meal

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Cauliflower Almond Meal


yum yum yum yum. This recipe is so easy and can actually be made with any vegetable (broccoli, squash, yams, green beans, chard). The sauce can be made on its own, then top on your veggie of choice.

Here is how I do it with cauliflower.

Almond Meal Sauce (this is a very basic recipe that could be more diverse with spices)

1/2 cup Barlean's Coconut Oil or butter or ghee

4-5 cloves of garlic (chopped)

1/2 cup Almond meal

water to blend

salt & pepper (a little cayenne if you like)

Warm a sauce pan, and put in the coconut oil/butter until it is warm wan bubbly. Saute the garlic gloves until almost golden. Add in the almond meal. This will make the mixture get very dry. At this time, add in the water to make a paste. Turn down the heat and cook the mixture for a few minutes. You may need to add more water until you get the consistency you want. A thick sauce is what I like.


Prepare the Cauliflower by washing it, and it breaking apart. The smaller the pieces the faster it will cook. Place the cauliflower pieces in a baking dish. Top the almond meal sauce around the top, and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the cauliflower is soft.  Don't over cook it and let it get mushy. I like to broil it for a couple seconds just before serving so that the top gets nice and tan and crispy. It also tastes better when it is crispy!

Serving suggestions: On a bed of salad greens, rice noodles, or other steamed veggies.

Enjoy. Remember to use Barlean's Organic Coconut oil. It is the best!  Ghee is quite scrumptious too.

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Sunflower Cocoa Ashwagandha Smoothie with Barlean's Chocolate Silk

This morning our sunflower milk, made with fresh sunflower seeds soaking over night, was turned into a rich powerhouse of a smoothie with Barlean's Chocolate Silk Greens. Whoa! Many of you know that I am a huge fan of making your own seed milks. They are so simple and provide you with so many nutrients when made fresh. Here is how we brought this smoothie together. Make your own version if you like!



1/2 cup sunflower seeds soaked and rinsed.

1 quart of filtered water

1 scoop of Barleans's Greens (Chocolate Silk flavor). This is Barlean's antioxidant blend of cocoa, fruits and vegetables, probiotics and enzymes to aid in digestion. Can you belief all this in one scoop of delicious flavor. No wonder they call it slik!

2 tbsp of cacao powder

1/2 tsp of Ashwagandha powder

1 tsp Maca

1 tbsp of coconut cream/butter (you could use coconut oil as well)

The above ingredients made a great foundation. From here we added:

1/3 cup of organic cold pressed coffee concentrate (if you don't have concentrate, which I believe is rather scarce now) and you really want caffeine, just cut down on the water and add some strong coffee.

2 dates

sprinkle of cayenne

Blend all of the ingredients. Add ice if you want it thicker and cold.

Basically, the Barlean's Greens will give you the base of flavor and sweetness. We merely wanted to get more decadent, and wished to add the Ashwagandha powder and Maca. Along with the cacao powder, Ashwagandha powder and coffee concentrate, which added extra bitterness, we were able to get away with adding the dates. If you are sugar sensitive you may want to use more stevia or perhaps it will be sweet enough.


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Raw BuckWheat Coconut Cereal (Raw, Vegan, Paleo legal)


Raw BuckWheat Coconut Cereal (Raw, Vegan, Paleo legal)

I have been making this cereal concoction for years. As a matter of fact, those of you who have my DVD's or watched my cooking shows may remember this. Basically I use this wonderful coconut cream butter. There are a few companies that make it and you can use it for so many recipes, or just enjoy a spoonful. Decadent is the word to describe it. 

For my basic fruit salad or raw buckwheat cereal I use the coconut butter, puree or cream (it has several names, but it is basically dried coconut meat blended into a butter like peanut butter).  I also use it for my cocoa truffles, pizza dough crackers, and sometimes, I just have a spoon full for dessert or for a quick snack. (Check out how to work with buckwheat for sweet and savory salads, etc. HERE)

In this particular picture we made it instantly on the road on our trip to Hana during our retreat. I packed the previously made coconut milk from the coconut butter, the dehydrated buckwheat groats (with maple syrup and salt), a banana and chopped walnuts. From the cooler I assembled the ingredients on a cutting board within about 5 minutes. Since the milk was made and all the other ingredients in small containers, all I had to do was assemble them together in our cups. We enjoyed this sweet crunchy mid morning breakfast, with a good cup of coffee. Off we went fueled and fulfilled and ready for an adventure.

Raw Buckwheat Cereal

1 + tablespoon of Raw Coconut Butter (make as much milk as you like experimenting with flavor and consistency)

1/3 cup water (more or less depending on consistency and desired taste)

3 tbsp of soaked or roasted buckwheat or other dried cereal type granola

fruit of choice (banana, berries, etc.)

nuts & dried fruits (walnuts, mac nuts, raisins, dates)

Mix all together and enjoy.

* Storing: Do not refrigerate the coconut butter until after opening. Once you open it, you can still leave it out at room temperature, but you MUST NOT contaminate it with any food particles. If you do decide to refrigerate it, it will become hard and much harder to work with. If you want to store it in the fridge then you will need soften it by heating it in a pan of hot water before using it. I keep mine in the pantry if I know I am going to go through it rather quickly. I am also very careful to always use a clean spoon when removing some and never double dip!

* Making Raw Buckwheat: Soak at least a couple of cups of raw buckwheat groats for several hours. Rinse and drain well. Sweeten with a couple of tablespoons of maple syrup and salt to taste. Place on sheet in the dehydrator, or on a cookie sheet in the oven at the very lowest temperature. Cook or dehydrate until dry. When dry and crunchy, store them in a glass jar and keep in the pantry. They are so yummy when soaked with maple syrup and salt, and then used to sprinkle on just about everything!

Use your imagination with buckwheat. Make a buckwheat milk, a savory salad, or raw food pizza dough.

Learning how to work the basics of raw food is vital to a great diet, whether you are a vegan, vegetarian or Paleo dieter. Find out more about my raw food course "Raw Basics & Entrees". What is even better is to discover how to blend raw and cooked food styles together for a delicious, simple, nutritionally rich and fun way of the life. FIND OUT MORE HERE


Finding A Deeper Truth - The Work of Byron Katie

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Finding A Deeper Truth - The Work of Byron Katie

An excerpt from my book:

Eating As A Spiritual Practice


My new book, "Eating As A Spiritual Practice" contains a few stories that may not be related to food in the way that you might think. Since beliefs have a great deal to do with all of our actions and thus our health, I decided to post this story from my book to acquaint you with The Work Of Byron Katie. My book, "Eating" is a memoir - cook book because I tell the story of how I became the foodie I am, and how I have witnessed our individual and collective food choices affecting our communities, policies, health crisis, and environmental destruction. 

Below is a story my first experience doing The Work. It is about the beliefs I had about my son, who had been using drugs since he was 13. Katie helped me find some peace in his long journey with addiction, which was my long journey as well. 

Though my journey with circumstances and beliefs that drove the fear,  I see now that there might be wisdom in lightening up while in the face of struggling. We can still stay prudent and act in alignment with our highest values, but we can do it with a light heart if at all possible. So many people have guilt around every decision they make. This cannot be healthy. We cannot afford to go around with suffering thoughts and feelings. We can only do what we can do, focus on ourselves, our families and our communities. I send blessings to everyone that is suffering in the world, either through the communities they live in, have a disease, or feel tremendous doom over our environmental and political situation. The Serenity Prayer comes to mind when I drift off to worry, doubt and fear: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".

Please comment below if you have done The Work or how you see your beliefs are affecting your life and the goals you want to achieve.

Aloha and Happy New Year! Susan Teton


Aspen & The Work of Byron Katie, an excerpt from "Eating As A Spiritual Practice".

One weekend a group of friends and I drove to Aspen to see Byron Katie, the soon to be best selling author of “Loving What Is” and other titles that followed. My friends were familiar with “The Work”, the process Katie calls her method of inquiring into beliefs and judgments that cause us human mortals suffering. On our first morning after arriving in Aspen late the night before everyone got busy writing their worksheets on the areas that found that caused them suffering so they could do “The Work” with Katie.

What on Earth is The Work, you ask? Here is a little of how it goes. People boldly write down on the “Worksheet” what is bothering them about a person or situation in their life. In other words, their story of what is causing them pain and suffering. Then a brave soul will join Katie on the stage, worksheet in hand. Like a guru she sits up there with a lovely table, adorned with flowers, and a glass of water. Next to her is an empty chair fluffed and ready for the next willing participant. On stage, in front of everyone, Katie facilitates one person at a time through her process. They read their thoughts and judgments from their worksheets and she asks her 4 famous questions and then offers the turn around. The 4 questions are: 1. Is it True? 2. Can you absolutely know that it is true? 3. How do you react when you think the thought? 4. Who would you be without the thought? And, then finally she asks you to turn the thought around, giving the thought or concept another way to live inside of you.

A little surprised at the serious attention my friends gave to their worksheets, I realized that I was there more for entertainment and a weekend in Aspen with cool people. I had no intention of doing “The Work” with Katie.  With no one to play with during our first morning together before going to the workshop, I found myself grabbing a worksheet. I pulled up a chair and began to write out my story of Jason. He was my biggest claim to suffering, so I casually wrote out my gut feelings knowing this piece of paper would only be seen by me and me alone.

I was drawn to Katie’s work because it was riveting to say the least. People had the most incredible stories. I marveled at their courage to get up in front of an audience and expose themselves as they did. It was better than the Jerry Springer show. Katie was a master of helping people to see how ridiculously untrue most of their thoughts were, and how they were actually mirroring behavior with the projections and judgments they put on others. Her magic touch was in how loving and compassionate she was, her quick sense of humor, and how vividly she listened.

 I mean, talk about getting naked. People took their entire skin off. They walked on the stage in despair knowing they were right and had valid reasons for their pain and judgments. They walked off the stage free from suffering, smiling, and often even laughing. Watching them and the process was miraculous. I admired their courage particularly because it was something I would never do. Too shy, I would not expose myself like that in front of so many people. But, I did not yet even know this about myself.

After breakfast we took a ride into town and gathered in the auditorium. Poised elegantly in her chair, Katie spoke, “OK, who wants to do The work?” We watched and listened attentively as a couple of people went through the process with her. Witnessing her clever insight and humor while helping each person see how their own story was at the root of their pain, was entertaining to say the least. I was blown away while my rooted perspective on life began to loosen it’s grip.

After a short intermission visiting with friends out on the front lawn of the auditorium we came in for another round. All seated quietly, Katie on stage and ready. She spoke, “So, who wants to do The Work? As she scoped out the audience, no brave souls volunteering yet, her head turned my way. Without awareness or forethought my arm began lifting into the air. In the same moment with swift precision, Katie caught my eye, Her arm reached out with a pointed finger straight at me. She claimed her next victim while saying “You”. Trust me, I had nothing to do with it. Someone or something raised my hand, within a flash, as if orchestrated by a swift angel.

My body began walking to the stage. “Oh my God, how did this happen. Who did this. What is happening?" My emotions overtook me as I muttered to myself. Frightened, with a dry mouth, emerging moist arm pits, and a heart beating rapidly, I took a seat. “Let’s hear it she said”. With worksheet in hand my heart pounded out the first words: “I am saddened, upset and angry at my son because he is ruining his life”. Here came question #1: “Is it true”? She said, like a puppet who always says the same thing. “Yes”, I exclaimed. “He does drugs, gets thrown in jail, puts other people in harms way, steals and hurts himself”. There. Was I convincing? I thought so.

Not buying my story, she posed the second question, “Can you absolutely know that it is true, that your son is ruining his life”. With a beat, I closed my eyes, went deeply inside and looked far and wide. Could I know? As I searched my own consciousness to see if it was true, I heard more of Katie’s words “Perhaps this is his path, his journey to take and he must do it his way”. She repeated the question, “Can you absolutely know that it is true, that your son is ruining his life”?

I searched some more and could not find my thought to be true.  “No”, I said, “I can’t”. For the very first time a sliver of illuminating light poked through my archaic belief system. Something loosened.

Satisfied with my answer and ready to move on, Katie asked question number three, “How do you react when you think the thought he is ruining his life”. Again, I looked inside and watched my behavior. It looked like a movie of a stressed out mom with fixed attention on her son, calling and following him, helping him when it wasn’t appropriate, pleading with him to change, and full of worry constantly. Ugh! I quietly, slowly, and humbly told Katie what I saw.

Satisfied once again that her process was working beautifully, Katie posed question number four, “Who would you be without the thought, that your son is ruining his life”? Familiar now with the territory of my own consciousness, I dove deep inside and there was nothing but freedom. Ahhhh, my body melted with the thought. There went the strain, the fixed attention freed. I began to envision myself going through life with joy and carefree laughter birthing a new and creative lifestyle fulfilling “my” dreams. I could feel it more than I could describe it.

Without any words from me, Katie could see that I had landed in a new story. She went for the turn around. With an instructive tone, she said, “Turn the thought around”.  Answering her questionably I said “My son is not ruining his life?” She looked at me and stated, “Could be just as true”.

My world had just been blasted open. I began to see that my way was not the only way or the “right” way. This does not mean I let go yet, but at least I knew where to look. My son was living his life his way, and although I could convince anyone, including myself, that I was “right”, in my fear, doubt and worry,  the only thing I really knew to be true was that he was living as he was living, period, end of story. If I argued with reality it would only cause me to suffer.

Floating in a sea of “ah has”, I heard Katie prod further, “There is another turn around”. Gazing at her in question, she helped me by saying, “I”. Catching her drift I completed her thought,  “I am ruining my life”. She added, “By thinking he is ruining his”.

There it was! My thinking, my judgments, my fear, my attachment was ruining my life.  

If that were not enough, then came her last question, one that expresses the overall theme of “The Work of Byron Katie”. “Who would you be without your story?” I looked deep into her blazing blue eyes with the depth of mine, meeting her in a new space of total acceptance, I said with absolute resolve, “I don’t know, but I am going to find out”.  

I can’t know the real truth in this situation because it was not mine to argue with. I learned from Katie that there are three kinds of business:  my business, your business, and God’s business.

I learned that I must let go of the belief that my son was ruining his life because I was ruining my own life by constantly obsessing about his! Katie helped me see the bigger picture, helped me let go and let him live his own life. It was with this work that I began to see the wisdom of working on ourselves, because when we change, everything changes, and all we can change is ourselves. We live in a matrix, and are finding out that our thoughts and energy effect others without us even saying anything, or passive aggressively acting out. It was hard to let go, but it was the beginning of turning my focus toward myself, while letting him be him.

Are you suffering from others actions? Are you suffering from your own inner demons? Can you find joy and satisfaction in your thoughts and actions? If not, is there something you need to change in your thinking or your choices?  My New Years resolution is to lighten up and let go of every negative thought I can find. My choices and decisions are going to come from a new place. This is the intention I am promising myself this for the coming year.


PS: I went on to eventually do several of Katie's magnificent schools, and worked with her for over a year. As a matter of fact, it was with her schools that I learned to be a Chef! I am now certified in "The Work" and welcome a call if anyone could benefit from a session. Aloha

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Pumpkin Seeds Roasted in Coconut Oil (A New Years Treat)

These roasted pumpkin seeds are the best for every occasion. Put them out on the counter for an appetizer, or sprinkle on top of salads, soups, steamed veggies. Seriously, they are so great on EVERYTHING. Everyone loves them and I like to give them as a gift as well.

Below is the video that shows how to make them. If you are making enough to store them for another occasion,  it is best to put them into a jar as soon as they cool. This way they stay fresh. Another hint is to salt them just before taking them out of the pan. This way the salt does not infuse, but sticks to the seeds. If you put the salt on when they are still really hot then the salt sticks to the slight amount of oil on the seeds. I only use Celtic Sea Salt (light grey fine ground), but this would work with any salt. Celtic Sea Salt is by far much tastier than Himalayen Salt.  Most everyone knows this by now because I am always saying it! I try other salts, but Celtic Light Grey reigns supreme.



Vegan Gluten Free Banana Bread - Radically Good!

Are you ready for the bread of a lifetime? This vegan banana with millet is what makes this moist bread have a nice crunch to it. Make this for your friends for the holiday. Or, just for you. Hide it somewhere you can find it for a late night snack, or first thing in the morning. Such a yummy!


3 ripe bananas (about 1 1/2 cup)

3/4 tsp vanilla

1 tbsp chia seeds soaked in 2 1/2 cups water for about 20 minutes (use flax as well)

3 tbsp melted coconut oil

1/2 cup of brown sugar

3 1/2 tsp double acting baking powder

3/4 tsp Celtic Sea Salt

1/2 tsp cinnamon

3/4 cup sesame milk (blend 1 heaping tbsp of hulled sesame seeds with 3/4 cup water)

1 1/4 cup almond meal

1 1/4 cup gluten free flour or gluten free pancake mix (organic, of course)

1 1/4 cup millet (un-cooked)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line pan with a little coconut oil, the a sprinkle of flour of choice.

Mash bananas and combine all ingredients together, and blend thoroughly. Bake for one hour and 12 minutes, depending on your oven. Cool slightly before serving.

When ever I make this, I can hardly stand waiting till it cools. I go for it as long it is not too hot to hold. Notice it may be very moist at first, but it firms up after it cools. Yum, Yum, Yum

Happy Holidays! Chef Teton




Happy Holidays From Chef Teton - A Gift For You

Here is my Holiday Gift Course just for you. First there is a fun video, and then the LINK for the

Holiday Gift Course is HERE

Thank you for being in my life! I send blessings for a wonderful holiday season.

The Holiday Gift Course contains some of my favorite recipes:

Something Sweet: Pineapple Upside Down Pancakes, Spelt Cookies, and Cacao Truffles.

Seed Powders: One of the best ways to create an instant sauce for Swiss Chard and Yams.

Sauces & Dressings: The favorites: Golden Elixir, Carrot Tahini, and Savory Sauce (a tofu based creamy sauce)

Get it HERE - no obligation - my GIFT to you for all of 2017!


Cleanse, Fortify & Nourish-A Light Breakfast


Cleanse, Fortify & Nourish-A Light Breakfast

I love to start my day with a lemon, olive oil smoothie. Juice the entire lemon, add that to about 12 oz of water, a tbsp of olive oil and give it a little swirl in your blender or Vita Mix. I like to add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt as well.  


This mixture is a powerful liver cleanser and fortifier. It is actually pretty filling. Best to let mosey on down through your body before you eat. About 30 minutes is good. Then enjoy your morning tea or coffee, and/or your breakfast. Mine is always light because I am one of those people that just cannot eat first thing. Do what is right for you!  


Papaya (or local fruit), cultured coconut meat (or any seed cheese), chopped walnuts (or macs, pecans or cashews), and Celtic Sea Salt. A squeeze of lemon or lime-juice is divine. Remember to soak your walnuts, overnight is best is possible. Enjoy!


So Simple Holiday Cacao Truffles


So Simple Holiday Cacao Truffles

These truffles are creamy and more delicious than any other I have tried. Yes, true story. Everyone “LOVES” them. The best part is that they are oh so simple to make. These make a great gift for your friends, and you too! Enjoy. 

Main Ingredients:

1/2 cup Coconut Cream (sundried coconut meat ground into a butter-Artisana makes one as does Wilderness Family Naturals - online).

3/4 cup water (warmed)

1 to 2 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup maple syrup

3 tbsp coconut oil

2 tbsp raw sugar or honey (more to taste)

1/2 tsp salt (more or less to taste)

Optional: 1/2 cup cacao nibs - 1/2 cup shredded coconut - or any other nuts or seeds you would like to add. Seen in the picture above, Golden Yukon Berries (sour type raisins) are added. Cashews are great to garnish with as well.

You can also use cinnamon, cayenne, chili powder and other seasoning to make your own truffles.


Begin by blending the coconut cream and coconut oil in warm water. Once blended, add maple syrup, sugar and salt or seasonings. When creamy, add cacao powder through a sifter to alleviate lumps. Blend in a little at a time. Mixture will thicken to a point where it is difficult to stir. If too dry, add a bit of water. Remember they will firm up when refrigerated. They will also thicken a bit when the cacao nibs, coconut and/or other nuts are added.

Roll into balls and place nuts or Golden Yukon Berry on top with slight pressure. Chill. Best to serve at room temperature.

These travel well, but remember to package in a container where they can soften and still hold their shape.


Because coconut oil melts quickly, it is best to store these yummy truffles the fridge or freezer. Pull out about 15 minutes before eating. They are best at room temperature.


Paleo Buns


Paleo Buns

I recently was called to teach a man how to eat who had severe diabetes. He was missing bread so much and was craving a cheese-burger with a big bun. Now mind you, I am not his doctor and therefore could not prescribe a diet. He would only eat what his doctor said was OK. He could have all the meat and dairy, but only a little fruit and veggies (because of the sugar and carbs). After a year on this diet he was craving some carbs in the form of bread. I made these and watched him explode with excitement when he ate it. Happiness is healthy too!

These buns are fantastic no matter how you eat them. They are best right out of the oven or fresh, yet are still good after being stored in the refrigerator for a few days. If they have been stored or frozen they will need to be warmed our toasted to be at their best. 


  • 1½ C            Almond Flour +  as needed to get the right consistency
  • ½ C             Tapioca Flour
  • ½ tsp.          Celtic Sea Salt
  • ½ tsp.          Baking Soda
  • ½ tsp.          Baking Powder
  • ¼ tsp           Garlic Powder (optional) 
  • 1 tsp.            Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 3                  Eggs    
  • 1 Tbsp.         Honey (or another sweetener or sugar replacement)
  • 1 Tbsp.         Coconut Oil


  • Topping:
  • 1 Tbsp.     Coconut Oil - liquified
  • 1 Tbsp.     Sesame Seeds


  1. Preheat the oven 350 degrees.
  2. Whisk together the almond flour, tapioca flour, salt, soda, baking powder, and garlic powder in a large bowl.
  3. In another bowl, whisk together the eggs, apple cider vinegar, and honey.
  4. Blend wet ingredients into the dry, then stir in the oil (Make sure the oil stays liquified). Stir until blended thoroughly.
  5. Oil your hands with some coconut oil and form the dough into 4 balls and place on a greased cookie sheet. Add additional almond flour as needed so that the dough holds together. Be careful not to make them to dry though. Pat them just enough to give them shape of a bun. Brush the tops lightly with coconut oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds (olive oil will work as well).
  6. Bake for 12 - 15 minutes or until golden brown.
  7. Cool before cutting, or eat right out of the oven with tons of butter! 


The Best Salad Dressing Ever! The Golden Elixir


The Best Salad Dressing Ever! The Golden Elixir

Not to boast or exaggerate, but this dressing literally started my cooking career. As a matter of fact all of my special dressings started the whole thing. I realized that if people had a good dressing they would eat almost anything good for them - that they may not ordinarily eat. Try this dressing and make a double batch. You will be glad you did!



1⁄2 cup        Flax Oil Barlean’s High Lignan is best (Olive Oil can be replaced if preferred, but will have different taste)

1⁄4 cup        fresh lemon juice (or juice of a whole lemon)

1⁄4 cup        water

1⁄4 cup        low sodium wheat free Tamari

2 tbsp          Sesame Tahini

2 tsp            Sea Kelp Powder (this will provide flavor and also thicken mixture)

2 tsp of fresh ginger juice (grate fresh ginger and squeeze out juice), or add small piece of ginger.

1 garlic clove (peeled) - optional dash of cayenne

Blend all ingredients except the oil. Once the ingredients are blended, add the oil slowly while the blender is on low speed.

Enjoy immediately, or chill before serving.

The dressing keeps up to several days in the refrigerator, however, for essential fatty acids to remain in integrity, from the Flax Oil, (or dressings) it should be consumed within 6 weeks.

Note: the dressing will thicken a little over time because of the thickening quality of sea veggies.





Maui Retreat - Awaken, Move, Eat, Explore & Relax

We have one space open for Maui Moon Retreat - January 18-27th. That's 10 whole days on the ocean front Maui estate with Chef Teton and, the Maui moon phase, the stars, ocean, tropical breezes, and of course, great food.

This is a small private retreat where we will customize an experience and lifestyle plan for just YOU!

Start 2017 with your dreams planted firmly for awakening your success, health and vitality.

What do you want? Why? Is there something getting in your way or stopping you? If so, what?

Let's over come whatever is stopping you. Together we will free you from your limitations, load you up with inspiration, and a have a lot of fun. Let's:

.......fill you with just the right food for YOU, and empower you with the knowledge and skills to put good food into your body forever. the right movement for YOU to keep your spine straight, your muscles toned and your joints flexible.

.......uncover old beliefs that no longer serve you, and plant new seeds of thought to support the fulfillment of your dreams.

During your ten days on Maui, with the Maui moon cycle we will cook, study, move and explore the gorgeous island of Maui.  We will hike to water falls, laze in the hammock, circle up and explore our inner fabric. We will experience some rituals on the beach where you will be able to discover deeper aspects of your body and soul, and discover your purpose in YOU. Along with some powerful medicine rituals, like the "chocolate scrub" you will cleanse your mind, and awaken to the incredible body you live in, and your purpose here together.

We all have very different bodies that thrive with our own special dietary needs. We have unique preferences for movement, whether it be yoga, cycling, spin classes, or walking. We also have unique lifestyles, finances, responsibilities, likes and dislikes. What works for one does not work for another. Let's find the right fit for YOU.

That being said, we all need food that nourishes us, movement that keeps us flexible and strong, and a vibrant mental focus and attitude. I have lived in this body for 71 years and have accomplished excellent health through years of study, and practice with every diet that exists, various yoga and movement practices, and consciousness and spiritual training's. Success with my health has come with tons of experimental study, and getting to know my own body and what works for me. I get that we are not cookie cutter. We are individuals with unique bodies and souls. For this reason, I am calling in just a few individuals at a time who want to come and experience a lifestyle plan designed to fit YOU. It is a retreat experience customized to fulfill your needs.

Let's cook together, study together, hang out together, learn, discover, practice and grow.

Here is what is included:

* Delicious meals - all organic food from the Earth and not the factory.

* Cooking & non-cooking classes (fermentation, vegetables, healing foods -  what would you love to learn?)

* Private room & bath (1 shared bath).

* Transportation to and from the airport.

* 3 Maui Excursions (options: Trip to Hana, Lavender Farm & The Maui Winery, Haleakala Crater, Up Country Farm Tour & Lunch, Chocolate Scrub Ritual, 5 Rhythms Ecstatic Dance).

* 2 Free days to explore Maui, rest, write or play in the kitchen.

* Yoga and movement every day. Learn simple new meditations to empower and strengthen your mind.

* Free time to rest, contemplate, journal, talk, and share.

* One on one coaching consultations in the areas important to You.

* Chef Teton's Dietary Makeover Course, The Ayurvedic Course, and Cultured Superfoods Course.

* Copy of my new book, "Eating As A Spiritual Practice".


My vision for you is to: what "Eating As A Spiritual Practice" means to you.

.........create full control and skills to nourish you all the time - easily.

........a plan to strengthen your physical body that fits your needs for growth and maintenance.

........create skills to continue to strengthen your mental muscle to support YOU.

........create a foundation for "soulful living & eating".

........go home with a treasure chest of tools for optimal health and vitality, and an awakened state of consciousness so that you can continue to grow and blossom.

..........have a lot of fun.

Come, join me in the kitchen, on the mat, in the waterfalls, and on beach. Let's together explore YOU and Maui.

Cost: $3,500 All Inclusive

Email me NOW: or CALL 808-250-1535 so we can discuss options for you, and book your stay.

There may be space for other full moon gatherings in February, March & April.

Questions? Need more info? Call or write.




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Great Travel Tips for Health & Enlightenment

An airplane or a long car ride offers a new space of opportunity to stay still, dream, listen, learn and play. Be creative and use it wisely!


I don’t know about you, but I suffer if I am thrown off my self-care schedule. How about YOU? Don’t you just want to eat, drink and be merry, and sill feel good the next day? I do!


Are you flying away somewhere wonderful for the holidays? Or, maybe you are staying home and visiting friends and/or hosting parties. In any event, when our usual schedule of self-care protocols are thrown to the wind, we suffer, and who wants to suffer when there is so much fun to be had?

Whether you flying, driving or staying home, here are a few things that have proven to work for me during the holidays and winter months.

Do them, because they really work to help you stay stable, alert and vibrant for a fun and healthy holiday season. You can do them if you are staying home as well.

Flying or Not!


Take the neti pot into the bathroom of the plane and use it before you land. I have a friend that uses it the minute he can get out of his seat, and then once again before a landing. If you have a little salt for the water, then great. If not, just use warm water. Yeah, I know, not much fun, but it works to kill pathogens that you breathe in. I used to get horrible hay fever that would last a couple days after a long flight. Now, that I neti, I don’t look like Rudolf when I land.  Not flying? Use a neti-pot often this season.

Essential Oils

Get some organic essential oils:

Now hear this, "the right kind of essential oils are extremely powerful". I really like the Veriditas brand. Their oils are organic and affordable. Go to their website and see if a store near you carries them, or order them online. They make a fabulous blend called: Good Sumaritan, which is perfecto to use on the plane and while traveling (clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and more). This blend is great for killing bacteria and helping to prevent colds. It is also good for killing mold and mildew in homes.  Peppermint and lemon are two you should also not leave home without.

To create an aerosol, mix about 4 drops in distilled water and some vodka (or just vodka) in a 4 oz spray bottle. Don’t drink it now. If you cannot make an aerosol, then just take put a few drops on the palm of your hand with a carrier oil or lotion. Using the oils by themselves without a carrier oil might cause skin irritation. I cannot use them alone. If I do, I always break out, and it is not fun. This is because they are so powerful.

Rub your hands together with the oil and the carrier, and bring to your face and inhale through your nose and then through your mouth. You can also put a few drops on a Q-tip, and place it in a baggie. Retrieve the Q-tip as needed and just inhale deeply. These oils are highly effective when inhaled. They will also help to kill airborne bacteria in the air. Use them regularly when traveling and in public places.

Lemon is a great hand sanitizer. When I am on the plane, in a hotel or at a friend’s house, I like to put a few drops in a small bowl of water, and wash down the food trays, tabletops, bedposts, phones, TV remotes, and dressers. This only takes a few minutes and refreshes and sanitizes the entire room. It freshens the space and makes it your own.

Peppermint is also great for pick me up, pain relief and mental clarity.  Lavender is the other must have for relaxation after a long day, great for burns and a nice perfume. Don’t travel without these: peppermint, lemon, lavender and the Good Sumaritan. Don’t even live without them! 

Food & Water

A friend of mine recently told me that you should not eat at all when flying. Well now, that does not work for me. I always take my own food, but eat very lightly and drink lots of water.

No fruit for me because the airlines will never let me take it out of Hawaii. But a banana or orange are good travel foods because they stay clean. An apple works well too if you can keep it clean. Basically, whether in a plane or not, eating lightly through the holidays and travel will serve you. Just because there are many temptations, it does not mean you need to eat them.

More options are: baked yam or sweet potato, a nut butter sandwich, nuts, seeds and dried fruits, hard-boiled eggs and crackers, water, water and more water. My advice is to keep it simple and allow yourself to fast a little. Your body will be the better for it when you land and/or when you arrive at a friends house. These guidelines go for long drives as well.

If you have a lot of parties to go to, then go to them fed. I find that a solid high protein meal will keep me from temptations of foods made with bad fats and sugar.

If you are dining out a lottravel with your own olive oil, apple cider vinegar and salt in small leak proof containers.  This way, you can order up almost any salad or veggie and top with some great ingredients that will help the flavor, satisfy you and provide healthy nourishment as well. Think ahead.

Here is the post for Pak & Go Travel Tips.

Body Acupuncture Points & Movement

Recently, before my last flight to LA, I visited my chiropractor and he gave me a kinesiology practice to do right when I land. He instructed to me a protocol touching certain pressure points, telling me stories of how it will reset you and provide you the energy to more forward without suffering from jet lag. It goes like this:


With your right hand, reach underneath your left arm and touch the spot where a bra would pass over to wrap around your chest. With circular motion rub this spot for a few seconds.

Then with both hands take a hold of each of your ears and start pulling on them gently, beginning at the bottom and proceeding upward to the top of the ear. Gently pull on your ears outwards as you move up to the top. It is sort of like you are trying to pull them off.

Repeat this sequence 3 times. It works!! I recently flew to LA to attend a conference. I literally hit the ground running after arriving at 10:30 PM, checking into my room and getting to sleep at midnight. I followed through the protocol when I returned home 3 days later. It worked!


Move, even if it is just a walk. Get up and stretch, if only for 5 minutes. You can also do isometrics in your seat when flying. Take your walking shoes or a yoga mat if you are traveling away from home.  Just keep moving even if it is not what you usually do.

If you stay home for the holidays please keep up with your exercise routine. It will help you so very much to keep you vibrant.

Meditations and Your Thoughts

Tune into your body and tell her/him that you are going on a long trip. Tell it that things are going to change. Ask your body to just relax and know that you will take good care of it. Let it know you will not be moving as much as usual, and will be putting new foods inside of it. Stay happy and smile inside as much as possible. Don’t worry. For me, this is a challenge when I am on a plane. I don’t love flying, so I don’t like to think about the fact that I am 30K feet above the Earth, and I have no idea who is driving, so to speak.

I send blessings to all and do what I can to distract myself. My favorite thing to do is watch good movies, or listen to inspiring pod casts. So I tune out to where I am, go into another world and stay calm. Vodka used to be my favorite calm of choice, but I have found that it no longer works for me. I get agitated after the effect wears off, and then a headache often follows. Landing happy, alert and balanced is so much better. Drink tons of water!

Having your own music and good headphones are a must as well. Listen to podcasts and positive meditations are very effective. (Bentinho Massaro, Neville Goddard, Deepak Chopra, Nirinjan Kaur-Kirtan Kriya, etc., and so many more). If I take the space to listen to uplifting messages, I find I land in my new place with a satisfied consciousness.

An airplane or a long care ride offers a new space of opportunity to stay still, dream, listen and learn. Be creative and use it wisely!

My next post will have more tips for keeping healthy for the holidays, so we can eat, drink and be merry for a fabulous holiday time!

Please share below if any of these things worked for you or if you have any other handy tips for a fabulously healthy holiday season!








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Have A Date With Your Future & Become Fully Engaged & Inspirited!



My friend and colleague, Elaine Wilkes, Hay House Author of Natures Secrets Hidden in Plain Sight called me one day to offer me a “A Date With Your Future” session. I was reluctant because Elaine is always coming up with cool ideas to create, and I was trying to focus. She is the genius of creation, and the most intuitive person I know. But, because I love her, I said, with a long sigh, “OooooKaaaaay”.

We set a date and she called me. 

She began by asking me what was happening a year from now in my life. I spontaneously pulled something out of my imagination of what I would like to have-be in my future. She did not stop there. She, being the master that she is, continued to respond with enthusiasm, and more questions as to how I got there. The session lasted for about 45 minutes and, I say with sincerity, it changed my life in that moment with lasting inspiration. 

Then she encouraged me to go write down what I said. I could hardly wait to do that because a new vision had been born. And, better yet, the strategies to get there were birthed as well.

This was all do to Elaine's intuitive genius that tuned into me, and pulled out my heart and soul. When we did the session I had my eyes closed and just let my higher self answer. There was no fear, doubt or worry involved. It was like painting a beautiful dream. The best part is that I did not let my mind get in the way, you know, the one stuck in stupid limiting beliefs. I let my soul lead the way, and it was so much fun. New inspiration turned into enhanced motivation. Of course, much of this had to do with Elaine, because she is a master of enthusiasm, knowing just what questions to ask, and comments to make to cheer me on.

Give this a try and plant a new a seed for a new vision while Elaine is offering my clients a special discount. Let me know how it goes. Can't wait to hear from you.

Here is an excerpt from her website:

I had the best date ever!

Super fun. Insightful. Loving.

I felt high afterwards.

Who was this with?

I went on a date with my future self.

After going to over 1000 classes and seminars, Elaine Wilkes, PhD, realized the wisest guru was your future self.

"Elaine had me feel and experience all my future accomplishments as if they already happened—a year from now. I gained clarity on how to make my upcoming year outstanding.”

Elaine is exclusively offering my list her $150 sessions, for only $65 a session. Give her a call or text: 310-447-8446.

If you want me to answer any questions, or you would love a 30 minute complimentary consultation, call or text me at: 808-250-1535.

Have your best date ever:




Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises Kirtan Kriya (Short Version) · Nirinjan Kaur Meditations for Transformation: Kirtan Kriya ℗ 2014 Spirit Voyage Records Released on: 2014-11-11 Auto-generated by YouTube.

 Please give it a try and let me know how it is working for you.

Here is an except from my newsletter:

"I love meditation, but the truth is I never do it much. I am an outdoor kind of girl, so my walk and swims are my meditation. That being said I have changed my ways. I love doing Kirtan Kriya every morning. I don’t know how to convey the magnitude of the results, which appear to be nothing short of magic, that this daily practice has had on my life. The above Kirtan Kriya by Nirinjan Kaur is my favorite You Tube recording to do the Kirtan Kriya with.  Nirinjan's voice is soothing and powerful.

As you may have read in my Full Moon Celebration Newsletter on Oct. 15, 2016, I spoke about the benefits of doing this Kryia on a daily basis, but I had not experienced the longer term effects of it yet. I feel like it is one of those things that has significantly empowered my life greatly. At a time I most needed it, I began a daily habit of starting my days with the 12 minute meditation chant. I am currently into about day 20 of the practice and look forward to practicing this Kriya forever!! My mental focus is so enhanced it is hard to believe.  If you are craving better mental focus and happiness, please give this Kriya a try. The short version is only 12 minutes long. 

Here is what this Kriya has been clinically proven to do: Reverses memory loss, increases energy levels, improves sleep quality, down regulates inflammatory genes, reduces stress, improves psychological and spiritual well being, activates significant anatomical areas of the brain, increases telomerase (the rejuvenating enzyme that slows cell aging) by 43%, the largest increase ever recorded."

Go here to get full instructions on how to do it:

Then go to YouTube and chant with Nirinjan and enjoy. How about creating a 30 day challenge. Also, please feel free to contact me if you want to discuss the purpose for this Kriya and perhaps some others Kriya's if you are dealing with memory loss, focus, depression, or dis-empowerment. 808-250-1535. Or write:



Support My Campaign on Indiegogo to Publish Eating As A Spiritual Practice!

Help publish my book by supporting me on indiegogo HERE

If you want to truly awaken, alleviate stress, prevent disease, live your purpose and dreams, become healthy and vibrant, all while making a meaningful contribution to the world and your communities, you must start making Eating a Spiritual Practice.

That’s a tall order. Yet, one of the single most powerful things you can do to create a better world, and a better you, is to become aligned with your source, the Earth, and your plate.

Eating As a Spiritual Practice will awaken you to:

  • the profound global repercussions of your food choices.
  • the power food has to reverse almost any condition.
  • why now, more than ever, we must love ourselves enough to become our own purpose.
  • the incentive for abandoning diets, and eating from the Earth and not the factory.

Contribute Now on indiegogo!

Today, we know more about health than ever. We have the most advanced medical systems as well, and yet, we have alarming rates of chronic illnesses. We also have problems with feeding the world, and sustainable food security. What is really going on here?
Author and chef, Susan Teton, says, “It’s all about the food,” but not about diets, proteins, carbohydrates or fats. Eating As a Spiritual Practice inspires a brave new way of eating: dropping diets, and enjoying the bounty of food from the Earth (and not the factory). Adopting a “spiritual practice around food” provides profound personal and global benefit for our present and future generations. Plus, Susan’s story will touch your heart and soul, in ways you may have never considered, as she inspires you with a lively, mouthwatering combination of raw, cooked and cultured foods.

Out in April!  Contribute