Has Everyone Gone Mad? or Confused?

I Hope This Will Help.

People are going Diet crazy! I can’t even tell you how many people contact me about what they should eat. I hear things like this:

1.     I really try to stay on a raw food diet, but my husband eats meat. It just does not work for me all the time.

2.     I can’t seem to stay on my vegan diet when I am traveling. What should I eat?

3.     Yeah, I tried the Paleo Diet, and I feel so much better since I have been eating that way. What do you think? I often feel bad that I might be doing something wrong, but I feel better.

4.     Vegetarians live longer; this has been the diet for me, but my sister just started the BulletProof Diet. She is doing well and I am shocked and now confused.

5.     What is the best weight loss program? I heard that a juice fast is the best way to loose weight fast.

6.     I thought you were a raw food vegan. What happened, why did you start eating eggs and bone broth?

What’s Really Going On Here?

Are you confused? Do you need help deciding on what diet to eat, or which one to let go of? Are your beliefs helping or hurting you? Are your beliefs about others hurting you? Are you nagging your husband, wife or kids that they should eat better? What diet really suites your lifestyle, and your body at this time in your life? Have you tried everything and still do not get the results you want? How do you feel? How is your weight?

Let's talk more about this.

 “Healthy food” is expressed in a virtual all-you-can-eat buffet of diets that claim to be "the ONE" we need to achieve the energy, beauty and vitality we so desperately crave. This dietary smorgasbord includes: vegetarian and vegan diets, the Blood Type Diet, Raw ‘Living’ Food Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, Mediterranean Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Maker’s Diet, The BulletProof Diet, Nourishing Traditions, and an overabundance of others from doctors, nutritionists and entrepreneurial researchers, claiming theirs to be ‘the ONE true way.’ 

There are protein powders, supplements, and superfoods galore. While there is a lot of fluff out there, by way of dietary advice, there also exist many doctors, researchers and food pioneers steering us toward more functional foods and serving us up a variety of facts, studies, recipes and diets full of integrity. With all this information around, you would think we would be convinced and on our way to healthy food heaven. But instead, so many of us are still confused – perhaps even overwhelmed.

Though food has been my study and part of my own life purpose, I will admit to having lived in a state of nutritional confusion many times. As I experienced an aging body, my health challenges increased and I found myself experimenting with nutritional protocols to keep my bones strong, alleviate my allergies, keep me focused, and give me the energy for a full life. Health pioneers have been my teachers, my guides and my mentors as I searched for answers along the way, but my own body has been my best teacher.

My dietary changes - some out of necessity and some just for fun -fueled me to finally creating a dietary practice that includes many aspects of the above-mentioned diets.  Why, you might ask, as many have?

Here is the truth of this matter. All of these diets work. What do they have in common? They all include food from the Earth and not the Factory. Pure whole foods are the way to go. At different times in our life we need different nourishment. A child, for instance, will often just nibble here and there. Worried parents are shoving more food down them, while they just want spaghetti, or fruit or what ever fancies them. They seem to sprout overnight no matter what they eat.

Then there are teens that wolf down so much food you would think they would burst. Bursting they are, with energy, growth spurts, and hormones raging. They need fuel and they need a lot of it.

Again, let me be clear, I am ONLY speaking about healthy diets here that include only foods from the Earth not the Factory (organic grown, and GMO free).

When we get older and move to new climates our body and diet often changes. For instance, I just heard recently, that older people need more meat or animal foods, where they did not need them as much when they were younger. We need muscle and we need bones.  Is this true?

I remember, when I was a vegan raw foodist, people would beg me to eat a piece of salmon. I was so thin and just needed to be grounded. I remember the day I decided to eat a piece of chicken at a Wild Oats store in New Mexico. I don’t remember what moved me – sheer animal desire I suppose, but I do remember how I approached my purchase. I don’t believe I had any forethought. I saw a piece of crispy cooked chicken breast wrapped in clear wrap in the “to go” section of the store. As my hand reached for it, I became aware that I had made a decision to eat it. Within moments I began to salivate and began tearing open the package before I got to the check out. Standing in line I began gobbling it like a child who had been starved for many years. With manners abandoned, I savored every bite, even chewed on the small brittle bones. Ahhhhhhhh.

Did I have a stomachache? No. Did I want to throw up afterwards? No. Since I was a vegan and had been for many years, the only remorse I felt was guilt, like I had done something horrible. This feeling of guilt had to be more damaging to my health that any chicken breast.

Here is the truth of the matter. All of the above-mentioned diets, and more than I mentioned, work for those who enjoy them. People rave about which ever one is working for them. Finally, they say things like: my skin cleared up, I have more energy, I finally lost weight, I sleep better at night, and I stopped sugar cravings.

All of these diets have one thing in common. They are real food, hopefully grown in healthy organic soil. This must be how people ate years ago. People like me. When I grew up there was no such thing as all these diets. We just ate food – real food. When we wanted to loose weight, we would cut out all the sweets (pie, cake, donuts and ice-dream), and cut down on our portions. Period, end of story. It was easy and there was no confusion around dietary choices.

Now, so many people are confused, and I must admit to that same state of being, until I finally let all my beliefs go and listen to my body. While letting them go, I also discovered there is much more to our health than just our food choices. This is another matter that I will be speaking about in upcoming posts. 

Why did I let my strict habits fly out the window? Because it felt right to do so. My body still feels good. I have not gained or lost weight. I am feeding my soul and my body, truly nourishing myself on every level. In other words, I eat what I want, when I want it. I let go of diets. OK, this is not totally true. I do have some very strict rules: I will not eat any GMO foods. I only buy organic foods and I am truly one of those gals who shops on the outside isles of the grocery store. More often than not, I purchase from the local farmer.

Being a foodie on an island has provided a huge benefit to me in that I know all the growers and where to get the best. This includes eggs and dairy. I ferment my own veggies, make Beet Kvass, and my own bone broth from bones that are delivered to me from the local deer, or cows raised on an organic pasture. This may sound cruel, but we have an overflow problem of deer population on Maui. They create havoc for all the farmers, ranchers and home owners. The USDA finally stepped in and they now harvest the deer in a most humane way possible. Bones are delivered to me to make rich broths, which I often deliver to others in need. Am I a carnivore now? I guess I would have to answer, "yes", at least now and then.

You might say that I take the best of all culinary heavens and enjoy them all. This does not mean that I recommend such a diet for my clients. We are individuals and live in different climates and have different lives. We must do what is right for our body, mind and soul. This is vital to our well being. I can't say this enough. Guilt, pressure and confusion do not belong in wellness. I love to help people find the right foods for them, foods that delight their taste buds, fulfill their desires, lifestyle, age and personal circumstances.  Our lives are busy and stressful enough. Let's find some extra wellness in our choices while listening to our body.

Many ask what I eat now, so below this post is a list of the foods that I include in my diet the majority of the time.

Are you confused? Do you need help deciding, or letting go? Are your beliefs helping or hurting you? Are your beliefs about others hurting you? Are you nagging your husband, wife or kids that they should eat better? What really suites your lifestyle, and your body at this time in your life? Have you tried everything and still do not get the results you want? How do you feel? How is your weight?

Let's talk more about this.

Maybe I can help. If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, let's chat. Contact me and set up a time (include your time zone): susan@chefteton.com.

My Diet (Raw, Cooked & Cultured Foods)

Fermented Foods:  Veggies (everyday), beet kvass, some Ogi, and coconut kefir.

Raw Foods: Desserts made with nuts, seeds, fruits, coconut meat, veggies (carrots and beets), nut butters, dehydrated crackers, salads and veggies, raw butter, ginger, turmeric, sunflower sprouts, greens.

Cooked Foods: steamed vegetables, topped with Ghee, eggs, occasional chicken and fish, soups, onions, garlic, turmeric, Ayurvedic foods such as lentils, rice, ginger, curry, and coconut, broths, noodles, yams and sweet potatoes, taro.

Baked Goods: Dave's Bread (not much bread but now and then the day calls for a good piece of toast) cookies, light coffee cakes (usually gluten free flours) and some Paleo Pies made with fresh fruits and almond flour. Baked good and sweets are minimal in my life. Now and then some rice crackers and chips, but not often, corn tortillas (occasionally).

Sweeteners: local raw honey, a little maple syrup.

Liquids: Red wine of course (not a big drinker but love good wine), lemon water, Barlean's Greens, smoothies now and then with fresh fruits and/or frozen, Mate, and Matcha tea.

Condiments: salt - lots of good Celtic Sea Salt, pepper, and rosemary, cumin, coriander, and fennel are my main staples.

Now and then I eat a little chocolate, but not often because I am not a chocolate lover!

Here is what I don't eat:

GMO foods or anything grown or raised eating GMO foods. Processed foods such as frozen pizzas and other frozen entrees, most baked goods like muffins, cookies, pies and cakes (when in the mood I make my own, but it is seldom), beans (eat only lentils because I don't like beans), most grains and pastas. I am sure I must have left something out, but you get the idea. When I look at all the diets, I see that I pick the best of all of them in a way. How about you? What works for you? Do you love your choices? I sure hope so, because we need to love our choices because the depth of nourishment comes from love.

Contact me for a complimentary no obligation consultation: Susan@ChefTeton.com and let's schedule a time for us. I would love to hear from you.











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Matcha Blue Green Smoothie

As I make this post, I realize I must get up and make one of these smoothies. Here again, I am using the ImmuneTree Colostrum, but you do not need it to make a delicious and nutritious smoothie.


Water (a cup or two)

1/2 tsp green tea matcha

1 cup blue berries

1 tbsp ImmuneTree Colostrum

Optional: banana, other frozen fruits, mint, ginger, turmeric, lecithin, protein powder.


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Coco Cinnamon Matcha with Colostrum

ImmuneTree Colostrum 6 is by far one of the best things that has happened to my body and my taste buds! I blend it with almost everything. It makes my hot drinks creamy and delicious, my chia puddings rich,  and my sauces divine. I love this stuff, and so does my body.

Recently I purchased some Matcha Green Tea powder. But, I could not even finish one cup of it, until I began reducing the amount of green tea powder I was contributing to my drink. I used one tsp for one cup and found it was too much. So, I reduced the amount to 1/3 of a tsp, added some stevia, ImmuneTree Colostrum and cinnamon and had the most delicious drink of all time. This drink is highly nutritional. To find out more about ImmuneTree Colostrum, visit their website HERE. You can also purchase it on Amazon. Enjoy and drop me a line if you would like more info and ideas on how to incorporate this great food into your diet. 

If you don't have Colostrum, then make this Matcha Green tea with just coconut oil and cinnamon.. Add stevia for sweetener or honey if you like.  You will love it. I am going to create some smoothies with the Matcha this afternoon. I will keep you posted.




Taro in Bone Broth, Miso, or Vegetable Broth

If you are a Paleo lover, this recipe is for you. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, then it is for you as well. Taro is such a hearty food that has nourished people for centuries. But, today, many people do not know how to put it into their life easily. And, easy it is when eaten just on it's own.

Simply boil the whole taro root until soft enough for a knife to slide through easily. Enjoy immediately with some salt and pepper and perhaps a little Ghee, butter, coconut oil or olive oil. Or, chill and store for later use.

When you are ready, simply peel the side skin off, cut into bite sized pieces and put in a pan with a fresh bone broth, vegetable broth or miso. As it is warming, which is all that is needed, you can add some vegetables of choice or Napa cabbage, (which cooks instantly) as I have done here. This meal is so easy, so delicious and fulfilling. It is a great starch for any diet or meal. Go for it!



Yam a la Stryian Pumpkin Seed Oil

it does not much better than this. Bake a sweet potato or yam until soft. Split and pour over Stryian Pumpkin Seed Oil, Celtic Sea Salt and fresh ground pepper. Unbelievable flavor, texture, and luscious satisfaction! Get the pumpkin seed oil and salt at www.CelticSeaSalt.com. Tel them Chef Teton sent you. If you are not enjoying their salts, then do so. They are by far the best.



Offering 30-60 Min Complimentary Consultations

Contact me for a no obligation 30 to 60 minute complimentary health, wellness, and nutrition coaching session by phone, by skype or in person (on Maui). Message me here: Susan@ChefTeton.com, or call: 808-250-1535 with your name and time zone, and I will contact you to schedule a call.


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Coaching & The 4 Week Dietary Makeover Available Now

Aloha, After a huge demand I am opening my coaching program up again. First, I am launching the 4-Week Dietary Makeover with options to extend your personal coaching program.

This is a comprehensive REVOLUTIONARY course with 5 magical times together! Discover how to create the perfect combination of RAW, COOKED, HEALING & CULTURED FOODS just for YOU.

Includes:2 Evening Classes/Lectures-Demo + 2 Saturday Cooking Classes. + 2 Personal Consultations * On Line Courses * Cooking Shows & Audio Program * Recipes 

Specializing in: Gut Health * Creating a Healthy SPINE * FLAT Tummy and & Inspiration for DIVINE Stewardship.


Take action now:

Contact me for a no obligation 30 to 60 minute complimentary health, wellness, and nutrition coaching session by phone, by skype or in person (on Maui).

Message me here: Susan@ChefTeton.com, or call: 808-250-1535 with your name and time zone, and I will contact you to schedule a call.

Do you want to loose weight, improve your digestion, create flexible joints, more energy, deeper sleep, beautiful skin and clear thinking? How would you like to be in control of what you put in your mouth, and learn simple culinary methods that will not only satisfy you, but provide you with abundant sensual pleasure?

How would you like to control your mind as well, and create new patterns of thinking and being that enliven and excite you to create the vitality your desire? How would you like to be inspired to not only know better, but do better?

If this is you, you have come to the right place. I promise you will learn and become inspired to take the action you desire and most likely need.  You will also love the culinary delights that await you, and the new mind set along with a body that has a lively step. These results await you.

Contact me for a no obligation 30 to 60 minute complimentary health, wellness, and nutrition coaching session by phone, by skype or in person (on Maui).

Message me here: Susan@ChefTeton.com, or call: 808-250-1535 with your name and time zone, and I will contact you to schedule a call.

Course Includes:

1.     The 4-Week Dietary Makeover On-Line Course (videos & Audio) for 1 year.

2.     Two one hour private consultations (during our 4 weeks together)

3.     Private Facebook Group (forever)

4.     Weekly teleconference group calls for Q&A (during our 4 weeks together)

5.     Bonus call on 5th week for essential movement practices: Creating a strong and straight spine, how to get a flat belly.

6.     Option to join longer coaching programs offered below.

7.      My ebook and all the recipes in the program, shopping lists and resource list. In addition I am offering two of my other online programs: Cultured Superfoods and Healing foods      Ayurvedic.

8.      A bonus week to go over movement and other lifestyle changes you may want/need.

This course is for:

1.     People who are already somewhat familiar with health and nutrition, but want to bump up their practice with better culinary skills and knowledge.

2.     People who just want to learn how to eat healthy in a simple way.

3.     The beginner who knows nothing about nutrition and can’t cook at all. 

4.      For the person who is sick and it has been recommended by their doctor that they change their diet and lifestyle.

5.      For the man or woman who wants more energy, beauty, flexible joints and deep sleep.

The course will introduce you to several new trends of highly nourishing culinary practices (raw, cooked and fermented). It will also show you how to combine them, I promise. The methods and techniques are designed to “keep it simple” while nourishing you and providing pleasure at the same time. Keep in mind it is comprehensive with a lot of videos, recipes and insightful learning’s in the audio portion of the program. But, don't you worry about time. I will coach you through it as we design the best choices for you, given your lifestyle, needs and desires. It will be yours for one year after your register.

Many have gone through incredible leaps in this program as it provides a solid base to learn how to “Eat From The Earth and Not The Factory.” Whether you are a vegan, vegetarian or a Paleo adventurist, I can help you bump up your life with sound nutrition and pleasure. You are worth it.

Contact now me for a no obligation 30 to 60 minute complimentary health, wellness, and nutrition coaching session by phone, by skype or in person (on Maui).

Message me here: Susan@ChefTeton.com, or call: 808-250-1535 with your name and time zone, and I will contact you to schedule a call.

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NutPods, My Favorite Non Dairy Creamer

Here it is, Nutpods, my favorite non dairy creamer, smoothie ingredient, gravy thickener, topping for cereal, egg enhancer, beverage for chia seed puddings, and more to be discovered. 

As you can see there are 3 flavors, all delicious. What I love is that they are not over flavored, but instead just a hint of the flavors shown above. I love mixing it with my coffee and a couple tsp's of cacao powder. Blending it makes for a frothy drink.

The smoothie that I make with orange juice, is best when the vanilla or original is added to make a mixture of half orange juice and have coconut milk (nutpods). Seriously, I crave it. If you are not sugar sensitive add a couple of dates. Yum!  If you can't get it at your local healthy food store or market, try contacting them directly.

It is always best if we can use fresh almonds and coconuts, but it is not always easy. These come packaged in relatively small containers that do not need refrigeration until opened. This way you can take one out with you during the day or when your are traveling. This is a great product.


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Grilled Cheese with Cultured Vegetables & Soup

One day I had hardly any food in my fridge, but there was a loaf of Dave's Bread in the freezer. I seldom eat much bread, or cheese for that matter, but there was some aged cheddar that called out to me, along with a great batch of cultured veggies just living to be used in something creative. Grilled Cheese, yes! I assembled it and grilled it in Barlean's coconut oil. OMG! This was a better rich delight than a bowl of ice cream, and there was no sugar, which I seek to avoid.


2 slices of bread

two tbsp of cultured veggies or Sauerkraut

a couple slices of organic cheese (raw is best)

coconut oil


Preheat a skillet (with lid) to medium to high heat. Add a tbsp of coconut oil and warm. Place both pieces of bread open faced on cutting board. Arrange cheese on one piece of the bread. Then top the cultured veggies on top on the cheese. Add seasoning if you like.

Place the other piece of bread on top and place the whole sandwich in the hot skillet. You should hear a little sizzle sound. Put the lid on the top and cook on one side for just a couple minutes, checking often that yo do not have the head too high.

When the side down is golden brown, turn the sandwich carefully so that all the ingredients do not fall out. If necessary, put a little more coconut oil in the pan to that the new piece of bread can sizzle in the pan like the first one. Place the lid on top and turn off the heat. Let it sit for a few minutes until the cheese starts to melt and the bread is toasted to a golden brown.

Remove from the heat. Cut in half and enjoy alone or with a soup for a very fulfilling lunch.






Easy Grain Free Gluten Free Fritatta

There is an awesome health food store here on Maui called "Alive & Well". Their deli is full of fresh juices, coconut kefir, raw cacao desserts, coconut desserts, raw salads, entrees, fresh baked goods, coffee, tea, sandwiches, and cold deli salads, vegan soups and also meat dishes. Everything is guaranteed organic. This is hard to do on this island with 90% of our foods being shipped in. Many think we are abundant in healthy food, but not the case with Monsanto and chemical ag being the majority here. This is why many food artisans are on the path to growing their own food and sharing it with others.

In the morning when I am in need of a hearty breakfast while out, I stop there knowing their hot Fritatta's are just coming out of the oven. They use fresh local ranch eggs, spinach for crust, and a very small amount of cheese. I am not sure how they make these eggs so fluffy and light, but they are never dry. So, I set out to make my own. Here I used my new favorite non-dairy creamer, NutPods (See blog post above for this creamy non-dairy creamer made from coconut and almonds), fresh ranch eggs from my neighbors, veggies and some seasoning. 

Experiment with this recipe and create a healthy egg dish Paleo style. If you are a vegan you can do the same things with egg replacer and/or tofu.


spinach (how much depends on how big the Fritatta you are making). I like a lot!

eggs (2 pp is good)

Nutpods or another milk (about 2 tbsp if using two eggs)

veggies: onion, jalapeno, tomato, asparagus, or your preferences

salt & pepper + a little baking powder for fluffiness (if desired)


Steam the spinach along with any other veggies (chopped small) that you want to include. Create the egg mixture below while the veggies are cooking, about 4 minutes for spinach. Drain all the water from the steamed veggies and set aside to make the crust with.

Mix eggs thoroughly and blend with nut/coconut milk, baking powder, salt & pepper and all the veggies except the spinach. I like to put some of my veggies in raw,  and let them cook while the Fritatta is baking. But, if you want hard veggies like carrots, then best you steam them lightly with the spinach. If you are using cheese, add it in with the egg mixture.

Line your backing dish (pie pans are best) with lots of spinach. Season with S&P. Pour in egg mixture.

Bake at 350 for approximately 10 minutes. If you are adding cheese on top, you can broil the Fritatta for a few minutes to make a golden sizzling top before serving.

This picture is of a small single portion made in individual glass pie dishes. You could also make the same recipe in a ramekin, but the spinach crust is not easy to line the sides with. In that case put a heavy layer of spinach on the bottom.




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The Best Paleo Apple Pie Ever







This is my first Paleo Pie. I know, hard to believe. Actually, with exception of raw pies, I don't think I have ever baked a pie. But since the passing of my Mama, the "Pie" has come into my life. When I made the Blog Post about her passing (see it here) people have sent me all forms of pie. Now, recently, I met a few people whose Mom's also passed. I vowed to send them a pie, and thus my practice has begun. I am also playing around with a Paleo diet, which I will discuss on another post, so I decided my first pie should be Paleo. I did some research on the Internet and combined some of my own techniques and made the most delicious pie Evvvveeeeerrrr! My neighbors even said so!

There are 3 recipes below: The crust, the filling and the topping. Go for it and put your own spin on it just for fun!

Crust Ingredients

2 cups almond flour

½ cup coconut oil, (soft or melted)

2 tablespoons coconut milk (cold)

2 tablespoons raw honey or maple syrup

Mix all ingredients for the crust just until combined. A rubber spatula works well. Do not over blend. Press the dough into the bottom and sides of a 9-inch pie plate. Create fancy edges with your fingers if desired. Cover pie, and freeze until ready to bake.


Using thick cream at the top of cooled coconut milk (along with some of the milk) works well to make this crust creamy and rich.

Tips: When working with coconut oil the temperatures really influence the consistency. When it is warm it will get soft and almost watery. Yet, when it is cold it can get rock hard. Take this into consideration when working with coconut oil, knowing it will change. I often cool my cookie dough or other desserts I am making with coconut oil before I mold them or proceed. 

Apple Filling

4 to 5 medium apples, peeled, cored, sliced to ¼-inch thickness


½ cup chopped mint leaves

½ cup cranberry (cooked until soft in ½ cup of water – drain off excess water)

1 tablespoon lime juice

2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½  cup coconut palm sugar

2 tablespoons water

½ cup coconut milk


In a large bowl mix together the apples, mint and cranberries with the lime juice, coconut oil, and cinnamon.  Combine the coconut palm sugar and water  in a small saucepan and heat mixture over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Mix in the coconut milk, and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat, and pour sauce over the apple mixture. Toss ingredients until they are fully coated with the sauce. Set aside.


Streusel topping

1 cup blanched almond flour

2 tablespoons flaxseed meal

2 tablespoons Kuzu Root Starch or Arrowroot powder

3 tablespoons organic coconut palm sugar

2 coconut oil

3 teaspoons coconut milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract handful walnuts or pecans


Mix all the ingredients together using your hands until mixture become crumbly.

Preheat over to 400 F

Spoon apple mint mixture into the cooled crust. Distribute the Streusel topping over the apples. Bake at 400F for about 10 minutes or until crust is browned. Then reduce temperature to 325 F. Cover pie with parchment paper or aluminum foil and bake for 40 more minutes.


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Ginger Fennel Cranberry Sauce

I have gone cranberry crazy this holiday, having such fun creating many different recipes for this incredibly healthy and delicious food.  Cranberry sauce is one of those great dishes that can be made in a variety of ways.  Since I am always looking for a way to give my food a digestive boost, I thought fennel might be a delicious addition along with fresh ginger, and I must admit I was quite right. See below for the recipe with some variations. I hope you have as much fun as I did.


3 1/2 cups fresh cranberries

1 cup of water, orange juice or pineapple juice (I used water in my recipe)

1 cup of raw sugar (less is good if you prefer it to be less sweet - a few drops of stevia also work well with bitter foods, so I often use 1/2 cup of sugar and a couple drops of stevia). If you want to use raw honey it is best to add it after the cranberries have been cooked. Maple sugar is also a treat. 

1/4 cup finely minced ginger

1 cup finely minced fennel

1 tbsp zest of orange peel

* I used 3 drops of doTerra Wild Orange Essential Oil. (Your batch will still be great if you do not have essential oils). If you do want to order doTerra, go HERE.

Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. Cool and serve immediately or chill. 

Other ingredients you may love: cinnamon, jalapeno (seeded and minced), chili flakes, or cayenne.





Gluten Free Steel Cut Oats


There is really nothing like a scrumptious bowl of hot cereal almost any time of day, but especially on a cool morning. Personally, I love a bowl of steel cuts oats for lunch or an afternoon snack. Now, you can have gluten free steel cut oats from Bob's Red Mill. In this recipe I added a chopped apple and a few dates. Then I topped my steaming bowl with my holiday cranberry sauce flavored with doTerra's Wild Orange Essential Oil. OMG! I can hardly wait for tomorrow to make it again. 

Steel Cut Oats a la Cranberry Sauce

Gluten Free - Dairy Free


1 cup Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Steel Cut Oats

3 cups of water

¼ tsp of salt

Bring water to a boil. Add oats and salt. Reduce heat to low; cover and cook for 10-20 minutes (depending on how chewy you like your cereal). Stir occasionally.

Additional fun, and yummy foods to add to the oats while they are cooking, or use as toppings. In this recipe I added a chopped red delicious apple and 3 dates. The walnuts were soaked and rinsed and then chopped and topped before serving.

1.     Chopped apple

2.     Raisins

3.     Dates

4.     Walnuts (soak first and add on top)

5.     Coconut oil or butter

6.     Cinnamon

7.     Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce


4 cups of fresh cranberries

1-cup of sugar

1 ¼ cup water

zest of one orange peel

4-5 drops of doTerra Essential Oil – Wild Orange (optional)

(optional: chopped ginger or fennel)

Directions: Cranberry Sauce

Put all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool. 

The Products I Love

I love telling people about the products I use, because it makes a huge difference. I use what I find to be the best, so you will often see some of my recipe reflect a brand. I am learning to bake more and experiment with gluten free cooking and backing. So, you will see a lot with Bob's Red Mill products. They have such an incredible variety, made with impeccable integrity, which means delicious taste and texture.  I am also experimenting with non-dairy milks and creamers. NutPods has just come into my life. It is fantastic! Not over flavored or too sweet; great product


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Cranberry Corn Bread

Cranberry Corn Bread

(gluten free-dairy free)

There can't be anyone in the world that does not like corn bread. That said, I am often disappointed when I am served a huge piece of fluffy yellow stuff called corn bread, which does not taste like corn at all. I find myself smothering it with butter just to satisfy something in me that was yearning for that great corn flavor. Well, I must admit, I was more than pleasantly surprised when I tried Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Corn Meal. It not only tasted like corn, but the texture was to live for. Seriously, this is the best I have ever tried; hearty, flavorful and gluten free! I had the butter out and ready, but did not even need it. This is a first. 


1 cup Bob’s Red Mill Corn Meal

1 cup Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Baking Flour

1 cup NutPod Coconut Milk/Creamer

1 egg (beaten)

¼ butter or coconut oil

1 tbsp baking powder

½ tsp Celtic Sea Salt

¾ cup cranberry sauce (see recipe below)


Preheat over to 350 degrees

Mix dry and wet ingredients separately, then blend them together. Do not over mix. Baste baking dish with coconut oil and place mixture in baking dish.  Drop a few tablespoons of the cranberry sauce around the top of the corn bread mixture. Blend and swirl around with a butter knife.

Bake mixture for 20 to 25 minutes at 350 degrees.


Cranberry Sauce


4 cups fresh cranberry

1-cup sugar

1 ¼ cup water

Rind of one orange

4-5 drops of doTerra Essential Oil – Wild Orange (optional)

(optional: a chunk of ginger or fennel)

Directions: Cranberry Sauce

Put all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool. 

The Products I Love

I love telling people about the products I use, because it makes a huge difference. I use what I find to be the best, so you will often see some of my recipe reflect a brand. I am learning to bake more and experiment with gluten free cooking and backing. So, you will see a lot with Bob's Red Mill products. They have such an incredible variety, made with impeccable integrity, which means delicious taste and texture.  I am also experimenting with non-dairy milks and creamers. NutPods has just come into my life. It is fantastic! Not over flavored or too sweet; great product. 

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Cranberry Cultured Veggies

Cranberry Cultured Veggies


4 cabbages (about 30 cups)

4 cups onions

1 cup grated ginger

1 cup chopped and seeded jalapeno

½ cup chopped mint leaves

2 tbsp. cinnamon

¼ cup salt (or salt to taste)


Cranberry Sauce


4 cups fresh cranberry

1-cup sugar

1 ¼ cup water

Rind of one orange

4-5 drops of doTerra Essential Oil – Wild Orange (optional)

(optional: chunk of ginger)

Directions: Cranberry Sauce

Put all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool.  You can also use raw cranberries, and a smaller amount of sugar in the cultured veggie mixture. I use cooked cranberry sauce because the finished fermentation is slightly sweeter, which is a yummy way to serve it with a traditional thanksgiving dinner.  It also ferments within about 5 days.


Directions for Cultured Veggies

Wash outer leaves of cabbages and save the outer leaves to build a canopy later for harvest (see below).

Wash and process all of the ingredients and combine into a fermentation jar, glass bowl or bucket.

Place the outer leaves from the canopy on top of the mixture. Make sure the mixture is completely covered. Then place a plate on top and a rock or weight. If you are using a rock, make sure you boil it first for about 6 minutes. Cover mixture with a lid or cloth and let site for several days.  If you want some great visual instructions on how to make cultured veggies, check out my course on “Cultured Veggies” HERE. You can view it online instantly.

When the fermentation is complete, place the veggies in jars, secure lids, and refrigerate.




Cranberry Orange Turmeric Ginger Smoothie

This smoothie recipe rocks. It is full of rich nutrients with a refreshing and vibrant taste. Fresh cranberries are super potent and yet rather tart, so the grapes (full of resveratrol) and the banana and orange juice sweeten it up just enough. 

The orange juice is full of vitamin C and electrolytes, the turmeric is powerful for inflammation and the ginger aides in digestion. Sunflower sprouts are known to be one of the most healthy foods you can eat. Their watery flavor balances this super sweet/tart/sour flavor into a refreshing vibrant flavor. Finish with pepper? You bet. Fresh ground pepper makes the turmeric more potent and gives this smoothie a new identify. Experiment as you like.

Orange Cranberry Smoothie

1 cup +           fresh orange juice

½  cup             raw cranberries

½ cup              red grapes

1                      banana

1 sm chunk    fresh ginger

1 sm chunk    fresh turmeric

handful of fresh sunflower sprouts

1 scoop protein powder of choice (unflavored is best. A vanilla or stevia flavored powder will make it quite sweet. If it is too sweet you may want to leave out the grapes or the banana. It will all be good no matter what with these awesome ingredients.

Fresh ground pepper to finish!


Squeeze the juice from 2 oranges and then blend all the ingredients until smooth. Add ice and blend some more. Sprinkle fresh ground pepper on the top!

*I use plain unsweetened whey protein powder


Optional powder supplements:

ImmuneTree Colostrum 6



Vitamin C

Coconut oil

Whey protein powder



Rich & Delicious Blended Veggie Soup

These are easy warm veggie soups with poached eggs or just cultured veggies.

Here is another 'oh so easy' veggie soup that will keep colds and flu away. This is how what I created the other evening when cleaning out my veggie bin of my fridge.  I took whatever veggies I had in my fridge that were crying to be eaten, and threw them in a couple cups of water in a sauce-pan. I added some onion and garlic, of course, and let it slow cook until the veggies were soft. You can do the same with any left over veggies or those just purchased from the store or out of your garden. Here are the ingredients that created the one you see here.

Handfuls of:







String Beans

When the veggies became soft,  I let it cool down a bit and prepared my vita mix to receive this bountiful variety of veggies. Once in the blender and slightly smooth, I added in some miso and a big scoop of butter. Coconut oil will do as well to provide a creamy consistency. Avocado would also work. Use whatever veggies you have. Just add the onion and garlic, slow cook and blend. A warm winter soup will warm your soul.

I added poached eggs from my friends farm, which provided a nourishing and satisfying lunch for me.  I find this to be such an easy way to enjoy a variety of veggies at one sitting! YUM.



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Powerful Immune Building Soup

This simple and delicious immune building soup could be enjoyed everyday to keep the bugs away. Boost your immunity with onions, garlic, turmeric, ginger, rosemary and miso.

 This is my powerhouse for the fall and winter!

Years ago when my immune system was completely compromised I was in search for the most powerful immune building foods I could find. One dish that remains a staple for me is onions and garlic. I put a couple of onions in a small sauce pan with several cloves of garlic. I like to add a tablespoon of coconut or olive oil, but it is not necessary. A little salt and pepper also go a long way. Let it slow cook until the onions and garlic are soft. When they are finished, store in the fridge and enjoy a couple tablespoons a day with your meals.  

Here is a previous Blog post on the onion and garlic recipe described above.

This new soup pictured above was created after watching The Truth About Cancer Series. I wanted something powerful, that was easy and delicious. It is equally as simple as just cooking onions and garlic, but includes more immune building foods – plus it is DELICIOUS and perfect for winter comfort. All you have to do is put the ingredients listed below, with exception of the miso, into a pan of water and cook them until soft. When the veggies are soft and slightly cooled, add the miso and blend until creamy.  Add some coconut oil if you like.

2 cups        water
1 onion    rough chopped
4 cloves    garlic (peeled)

1 inch +    piece of fresh turmeric
1 inch +     piece of fresh ginger
1 tsp          rosemary (minced)
2 tbsp       miso of choice

Garnish with lots of fresh ground pepper, which makes the turmeric more powerful!

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The Truth About Cancer 9 Part Series - Don't Miss It!!

I am a study-aholic if there ever was one, and primarily for health and wellness. I am often dismayed and even confused why some people don't dig in like I do. Because I am so passionate about taking care of My Girl, I just gobble up everything I can. 

So, through this journey, which has been a long one,  I often find it challenging to convey to people just how powerful food and nutrition is. My voice cannot speak louder than some habits, big pharma and corporate influences. Still, when I see a parent put crap food - food that is not really food full of chemicals, dyes and sugar into their children, I get so irritated that I have to leave the room. Don't they know? Doesn't everyone know? I have found that most everyone does know what healthy food is, ask any 6th grader. BUT, do they eat better? No. Many don't. Why, I ask?

I have concluded that most people don't really get how POWERFUL food is for promoting excellent health, healing and beauty. Most also do not know just how DAMAGING factory food and food grown in chemicals really is. BUT NOW, THERE IS HELP ON THE WAY!

This new series titled, "The Truth About Cancer" paves the way to illustrate a clear, comprehensive and beautiful path to expressing the power of the body for healing when fed the life giving miracles of food grown in healthy soil. Of course, there is more than just food and nutrition involved, but let me say that nutrition gives the immune system the fire power it needs to boost an immune system and heal a body and a life. You will learn this and be convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt from this series.

The 9 part series, which you can get HERE, is worth its weight in gold. Purchase it for yourself, your family and friends. Host a few evenings of viewing in your community. This series is a fabulous tool and will give you all the info you need to become the vibrant being I am sure you want to be. If one can heal from cancer, imagine what else you could heal or how you could feel.

It is often hard to convince others, even ourselves, when faced with a life threatening disease like cancer. This series will give you the confidence to get yourself well whether you are undergoing conventional methods or have done so in the past. I myself, although healthy and feeling well, am going to take on some of the protocols just because I am sure I can get even healthier.

And, besides, I am not a study-aholic for nothing!




Raw Banana/Mango Pecan Pie


Raw Banana/Mango Pecan Pie

This Raw Banana/Mango Pecan Pie rocks. If you do not have a dehydrator, use your oven. 

Here is the recipe:

Raw Banana Mango Pecan Pie

5 bananas

1 mango sliced

1 cup pecans (soaked in water for 1 hr)

1 1⁄2 cups pecans (not soaked)

6 oz filtered water

5-10 dates, soaked

1 tsp vanilla

1 heaping tsp raw honey (or more to taste)

A dash Tamari or Nama Shoyu

Soak one cup of pecans in water


Fruit Crust

In a glass pie pan, arrange one layer of sliced bananas (2 1/2 bananas should do it).

Lay the banana slices in a spiral pattern with one slice slightly overlapping the other until you have covered the entire pie pan.

Put a layer going up the sides of the pie pan as well.

Cut the mango into thin (1/4 inch) slices and layer over the banana. Put another layer of bananas over the mango. Compress the fruit down evenly with your hands. Set aside.

Pecan Cream Filling

Put 1 cup of soaked (drained) pecans, dates, 6 oz. filtered water and vanilla into blender and blend into to a fine cream. Taste the cream, and if it is not sweet enough for your taste, add more dates.

Pour the Pecan Cream Filling over the fruit in the pie pan. Put into dehydrator at 95 F for 3 hours, or your oven at the lowesttemperature possible.

If you are using an oven make sure you keep a good watch on the pie. Depending on the temperature of the oven, it could be that only an hour is need, perhaps even less. The idea is to get the mixture to congeal and NOT cook.

Blend honey with just a little water and a dash of the Tamari orNama Shoyu.

Toss the soaked pecans by tossing gently with the honeyed water to coat the pecans.

When the pie is ready, out of the dehydrator or oven, place one layer of the honeyed pecans on top of the pie. Place them in a circle inside a circle, artistically placed towards the center of the pie.

Chill pie for one hour or longer before serving. Keeps for a few days in the refrigerator.

