Book — Susan Teton



If you want to truly awaken, alleviate stress, prevent disease, live your purpose and dreams, become healthy and vibrant, all the while making a meaningful contribution to the world and your communities, you must start making Eating a Spiritual Practice.

Eating As A Spiritual Practice - Memoir/Cookbook will:

  • give you a moving story of challenges and awakenings that spans almost 50 years

  • provide an expansive look at where we were, where we are, and where we can go depending on our choices today

Eating as a Spiritual Practice will awaken you to:

  • the profound global repercussions of your food choices.

  • the power food has to reverse almost any condition.

  • why now, more than ever, we must love ourselves enough to become our own purpose.

  • the incentive for abandoning diets, and eating from the Earth and not the factory.


More about the book:

Eating As A Spiritual Practice tells my story of how I discovered food to be at the core of my family's health, and subsequently at the core of our environmental problems. The story is told through the spiritual discoveries I made as a woman in a changing world.

With 25 years of nutritional and agricultural advocacy working with the best health and environmental professionals in the country, and simultaneously raising a child with addictions, I discovered how our food choices dramatically affect parts of lives that many are still unaware. Eating has illuminating facts & studies help us to see the big picture while inspiring the type of self care that is vital to our future.

My nutrition studies started early on yet catapulted in 1992 when I went to work with EarthSave International, founded by John Robbin's (author of Diet For A New America), to direct the Healthy School Lunch Program,  and write a guide to get healthier food in schools. This was an eye opening experience that took me into schools across the country, Washington DC, and state capitals. Following this work I took my advocacy into the kitchen and began teaching the best of all plant based, and healing diets.

Eating is written as a memoir because a story often paints a more vivid picture than pages of science, facts and footnotes.  We all seem to love a dynamic story, which I believe Eating tells. The book also contains the recipes from my internationally distributed DVD series called, "Essential Cuisine."

Our food system lies at the core of most of our health, environment, and even social problems. My hope is to inspire, enlighten and educate people so they align with their source, the Earth, and their plate to live healthy lives on a healthy Earth.