OMG! Pancakes never tasted so good and became so healthy. With these you will get a double whammy of Essential Fatty Acids with Barlean's new Flax, Chia, Coconut mixture, as well as Barlean's High Lignan Flax Oil, and Barlean's Coconut Oil!

Yes, that's right! Flax Oil on pancakes.

What makes these so good and hearty is the combination of excellent ingredients and fabulous taste and sensuality.


Use any gluten free batter.

1 egg (optional)

1 tbsp Barlean's Coconut Oil

2 tbsp Barlean's Flax, Chia, Coconut Oil (you can sprinkle this in the batter or sprinkle on top of the cake when cooking).

Cook cakes as usual in a hot skillet, with a little coconut oil.

While cooking the cakes, combine equal parts of Barlean's High Lignan Flax Oil and Maple Syrup.

Place hot cakes on plate and cover with Flax-Maple Syrup mixture. Add berries or any fruit of choice. YUM!!

This is a great way to get your children to get plenty of EFA's and high quality fiber.

Order Barlean's products HERE for 20% off and have them sent direct to your door fresh and yummy!