Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course - Open One More Day - Today!!" — Susan Teton

So, many people say to me, “It’s easy for you, you like to cook”. They follow with some thing like, “I don’t like to cook, its just not my thing”. They say this as they are complaining about a breakdown in their body, one that could most likely be healed by a good cleanse and a nutritious diet.

They seek me out to learn what and how to change their diet. I know how they feel, because I really don’t like to cook either. What I do like is delicious fresh food, and to feel good, pain free, flexible, and have flowing digestion. I like being healthy.

Now, I am not saying its a perfect ride, and that I don’t have my issues, but I know my diet has a great influence on my health and life. And, thank God I educated myself, because things change as we grow with life. And, being in the kitchen together can be fun when we know what we are doing. This is why I am so passionate about encouraging you to become educated around nutrition. Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program re-opened for one for day, expiring tonight (Monday, the 17th, till 11:59 PST). It will be the gift that keeps on giving, Do it!!

Today, more than ever we must become an expert on diet and nutrition. We can’t trust medicine, agricultural practices or food manufacturers to protect us and keep us thriving. With todays state of the world it is essential that we learn everything we can about nutrition, especially if we are parents and/or in the aging population.

Our ancestors did not have this problem. Farmers grew good food from healthy soil, and we did not have the toxicity we do today. Today it takes a study. What used to be is no longer.

This is why I am encouraging you to become educated in the care of your body through nutrition. The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program is a great opportunity because it includes so many wonderful teachers, plus a text and the opportunity to pay in monthly payments. It may seem overwhelming, just chunk it down a week at a time. I ask you to give it a real consideration.

Empower yourself, then we can start having fun in the kitchen - even though we don’t like to cook. Everything is more fun when we know what we are doing and why.

So, for those who don’t like to cook, here is a great way to enjoy carrots. Grate them on the smallest part of the grater. What emerges is a wet juicy pile of carrots that can be added to a salad, sandwich or just added to the side of your plate. Breaking down a carrot in this way, produces a much sweeter flavor. Kids love carrots this way because they are easy to chew and have the sweet juicy flavor. Top with a little olive oil and salt.

Great on avocado toast!

Making Every Bite Count, Chef Teton

