These are easy warm veggie soups with poached eggs or just cultured veggies.

Here is another 'oh so easy' veggie soup that will keep colds and flu away. This is how what I created the other evening when cleaning out my veggie bin of my fridge.  I took whatever veggies I had in my fridge that were crying to be eaten, and threw them in a couple cups of water in a sauce-pan. I added some onion and garlic, of course, and let it slow cook until the veggies were soft. You can do the same with any left over veggies or those just purchased from the store or out of your garden. Here are the ingredients that created the one you see here.

Handfuls of:







String Beans

When the veggies became soft,  I let it cool down a bit and prepared my vita mix to receive this bountiful variety of veggies. Once in the blender and slightly smooth, I added in some miso and a big scoop of butter. Coconut oil will do as well to provide a creamy consistency. Avocado would also work. Use whatever veggies you have. Just add the onion and garlic, slow cook and blend. A warm winter soup will warm your soul.

I added poached eggs from my friends farm, which provided a nourishing and satisfying lunch for me.  I find this to be such an easy way to enjoy a variety of veggies at one sitting! YUM.

