Sweet & Sour Potatoes — Susan Teton
Sweet & Sour Potatoes

Want something rich, salty and satisfying? These potatoes will do it.

An Ayurvedic doctor showed me how to make these years ago. We were at someones else’s house that did not have much food, so we scrounged around and found the ingredients to make these scrumptious potatoes. I was skeptical at first until I enjoyed a bowl of this balanced meal.

You will note in the picture above that I added some steamed mushrooms while steaming the potatoes. Incidentally, steaming is much faster than boiling. I have turned many clients on to this recipe when they are trying to get off sugary rich desserts. It works!



An herb or choice: Parsley, Cilantro, or?

Olive OIl





Wash and cut potatoes (skin on or off), and cut into bite size pieces. Steam or boil them until soft.

Chop herb of choice.

When potatoes have cooked to a soft texture, place into a serving bowl. Drizzle with EVOO, a little honey and salt. Sprinkle on the herb or choice, and top with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Enjoy!

I know, it sounds weird. But, the magic comes in having all the tastes present, which are necessary in the Ayurvedic culinary tradition: sweet, sour, bitter pungent and salty. This is what makes this dish so appetizing and satisfying. It is also super simple!

Want a rich dessert, or craving something sweet and salty? This will do it. It will fill you up but not out, and has all the indgredients for a healthy meal or snack.

