Chef Teton Emergence From Radical Change — Susan Teton
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End February 2020, my son calls me from Lake Tahoe where he lives. We were planning a visit – just a week to play in the area – no agenda. The reason there was “no agenda” is that the last time I was there several months earlier we had a big agenda to help him complete the renovation for his new Air B&B, split from his toxic girlfriend and his love of vodka. He was at his end and asked for help. Of course I went. Well, that was then.

Now, we wanted something a little more relaxed and fun – something lighter.   Sounded good to me, but inside I knew it might be impossible. With reluctance I “knew” to go. The day before boarding the plane he said, “You know, why don’t we use that week to help me move to Maui”?  March 1st, 2020 agenda in action, I landed in Sacramento with a little excitement in my heart and terror in my gut.

The week was unbelievably wild: A clinging girlfriend, preparation to transport a dog, sell a car, deal with a son with one foot planted firmly in Tahoe, the house and the girl, and the other trying to get away, and of course there was vodka.  The news was absorbed with Covid and I knew if we did not hustle we would be stuck there. On March 11 we landed on Oahu, which was wild with chaos and masks. The dog made it through and we boarded a little plane to Maui, landing in the afternoon. That was the last day of 11 days of hell, and the first day of more hell. 

During these 11 days my self-care went out the window. I cried several times, as I did not know how to meet the physical and emotional demands. I called a few friends for help. One of them, Patricia O’Neill (the expert on Flower Essences in the Seed to Soul interview HERE) suggested I get Rescue Remedy and use it every 15 minutes if needed. I purchased the spray and the lozenges. Every time I thought I would go insane I took a dose.

Please forgive me if I seem negative. But, truth be told the time through March, April and May challenged me to the core. Thank God for my spiritual path that provided resources to keep me from insanity, friends to lean on, and a healthy body to support the unbelievable physical and emotional demands.

My home was large and easily big enough for my son and his dog to join in. My son was in shock, almost terrified at what he had just done, confusion and remorse permeating him. I felt the same. OMG, what did we just do. This was a dream I thought I wanted. Then I opened my mail.

There was a 45-day order to vacate my home. Even though I had rented the place for 15 years, it was “my home”. It sold and the new owner wanted to move in my unit, which was the main house on an estate with six units. Ouch! Within a day or two of this shocking notice, lockdown took place and there we were stuck together, my son, our dogs and me.  

Several years earlier I put my name on the housing lists for Senior Housing on Maui. People covet these housing projects because they are federally subsidized, and therefore super affordable, stable and on Maui. All of the locations are excellent and well maintained. My name had risen to the top of the list for the complex in Kihei just when I needed it.  There ya go! That’s that. No way to turn this down because once you do it’s over for you. I can always move away if I don’t like it. 

The next two months were insane. No one wanted to help me because they were afraid of getting sick.  My son and I eventually found a rhythm as we both began to accept our fate, roll up our sleeves and get on with the tasks at hand. My son bought a truck, found work, and eventually AA, and new friends. He began to heal his heart and find balance.

I began completing the enormous task of completing paper work for the new housing, sorting my belongings, selling stuff, and moving. Nothing else mattered right now. I knew many people were going through similar changes and challenges as their lives changed dramatically in what seems like a heart beat. I was on my knees with gratitude that my son was here and that housing had been provided for me so easily.  The Rescue Remedy, good food, my own bed and the ocean provided solace.

April 24th was the first night I slept in my old bed in my new apartment. I was so exhausted that I prayed I would wake up in the morning. The next day marked the beginning of a rebuild of my entire life and all of me that inhabits this body. I was numb and still concerned for my son, as he had not found housing yet. He slept by the beach in his truck for several nights and then found the perfect little place just across the street from the beach and only a half-mile from me. Ahhhhhhhh……

All of my work stopped until new inspiration was birthed in me. My body, mind and soul needed some devoted attention. I allowed myself the time I needed, and during this time I discovered many health and healing modalities that have served me to get to this point, which feels pretty good.

There are a few people I know who are weathering this storm beautifully and then there are those who are suffering greatly with financial worries, sickness, loss of loved ones, and so much more. Fear permeates the air as caution takes hold.  There is mass confusion and many stories and even more questions. Those in public office are being challenged to the max to make prudent decisions. Please know you are all in my heart as I pray for everyone daily.

When creativity finally returned I took some new pictures and began to craft what came to me naturally. During the move I finally grew my natural white hair out, which I had no idea how white it was, learned how to do some of my own art work, and birthed Seed to Soul, an interview series. It is emerging from me as a means to share what I find helpful to navigate through our mutual mission to create a healthy body and mind, a happy soul, and a thriving community.

Thank you all for being “out there” for me to look forward to connecting with.

Blessings to all!

Chef Teton

Next up in the Seed to Soul series is Patricia O’Neill on Flower Essences. If you don’t already know the power of Flower then you must listen to this awesome expert. Honestly, I had no idea Flower Essences were so powerful!

