What’s for breakfast? During and after the holidays many of us are tempted to eat many different foods when traveling, visiting friends and relatives, going to parties and dining out. So, how do we get our 5 A Day? How about vegetables for breakfast, a huge bowl of them.  At least then your body will have received a good start and if you don’t eat veggies for the rest of the day, you will be covered.

Besides the benefit of having a wonderfully nutritious breakfast, you will have the treat of your life. Breakfast veggies are delicious, very easy and don’t take a bunch of time when you do them the “a la Oils” way.

For those of you who have watched my DVD’s already know the secret to easy, healthy veggies. For those who don’t, here is a sample:

In a small saucepan, heat water (use steamer if you like) to cook veggies in.

Add in your veggies and cook (steam) until tender. In this picture I used fresh string beans, yellow and green zucchini, and an onion. Once tender place in serving dish and add the following:

1.   Ground sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds. Sprinkle on top of the veggies.

2.   Barlean’s High Lignan Flax Oil - 1 tbsp per person or 1/4 cup if a large serving.

3.   Top with celtic sea salt or a splash of Tamari/Shoyu

When the oil is added to the veggies with the seed powder, instant gravy is created that enriches the flavor, depth and nutritional component of the dish.

If you want extra protein, add a slice of tofu, egg, piece of chicken, etc.  Or, you can add a grain like Quinoa, Millet or Amaranth.


Add your cultured veggies to the meal and your digestion is set for the day!!

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