Food Revolution Summit 2021 - OMG! Don't Miss This - Fantastic — Susan Teton

DO NOT MISS this summit!

As many of you know, my foodie study and career started with John Robbins, when I read “Diet For A New America” in 1990. Life changed for me - radically. So grateful.

The point I want to make here is that I often don’t listen to the annual summit because I think I know it all.

Well, let me tell you, I don’t.

There has been so much nutrition knowledge swirling around for a decade. And, so many people try new things (diets), and become confused and fail at what is really possible. I don’t think most of know just how powerful food is!

This summit is blowing me away.

There is so much new information out that is bigger than heart disease, cancer, lifestyle management, immune disorders, dementia, weight loss, and on and on………

If you can’t watch the free summit, or can’t catch up, do what you can to purchase the Empowerment Package. It will be the best $97.00 you ever spent. then listen to one each day. Do this for YOU!

Listen to these great speakers, become motivated and get well. Age in a healthy body!

Go to: The Food Revolution Summit 2021 - now.

Take this exciting opportunity to learn from seasoned experts and pioneers that have been on the self care trail for years. What a gift!

Get inspired, informed and healthy. I know that when I learn more, and I become more inspired. When we know better we do better. Get in the know now and receive the knowledge and inspiration you need to become a vitally healthy person. It is FUN!

