Understanding & Using Frequency Medicine — Susan Teton
Wellness Frequencies-Healy Webinar 09/15/20 Hosted by Mart Reker

Why take a great moment and ruin it with the past.

On New Year's day, I was at a small gathering with close friends in my "covid safe bubble". During our hustle in the kitchen to get brunch out to the tables, one of my friends came up close to me, looked into my eyes, and asked with sincere interest, "Teton, how are you?" I responded, "I'm great!" The last 24 hours had been a blast. I was at a beautiful retreat center on Maui, had a good night's sleep, and was so happy to be in a social celebratory setting. So, at that moment I was "great"!

Within a beat, after my response, I remembered that I had not been great for months. It was like this little thing went off in my being. My memory of the past jumped in to remind me that I had been ill. I had the H-Pylori virus and extreme stomach aches…….blah blah blah. At that moment I could feel my energy shift into the memorized frequency of illness, which I still carried with me. Somewhere in me, I had to share that I had been suffering and unhappy. At that moment the frequency of my being was shifted from being joyous to burdened. I could see that he shifted as well. The light in his face dimmed as he showed concern and pity. This propelled me into contemplation.

After our brief visit, I recalled a saying I learned many years ago, "Don't drag yourself through the past to get to the present". I felt almost embarrassed, although I'm sure he thought nothing of it. But, as the day progressed I began to observe how that memory affected my frequency at that moment. I wondered how it affected him? I mean, really? Why be living a completely wonderful moment and ruin it with the past. What if I could have stayed in the presence of this lovely day without carrying the baggage of yesterday with me?

Well, we all know this is easier said than done. We have memory in our brain and tissues that are driving our "now present" state of being. Therapy, meditation, and other consciousness techniques are designed to uncover those big and little impressions that live deep in us. Moment to moment awareness is what is called for if we want to stay present.

I kept thinking about what happened that day, and it has stayed with me as a profound lesson. Since I have been ill for several months and had an extremely challenging year, this recent experience helped me enormously to become more aware of all the fear, doubt, and worry that lived in me. I know I am not alone during this turbulent time, so perhaps you can relate.

I love being healthy, feeling strong, having enough energy to take care of myself, play with my friends, and fulfill meaningful tasks. So, when I get ill I do everything in my power to "fix it", and this has been my mission. The most significant thing I discovered and truly inspired me is learning about the power of frequency, understanding it, and tapping into the very source that gives us life and takes us back. I tell the story above to provide an example of how our little conversations can have a direct impact on our health. Can we stay present, and not drag ourselves through the past to become present?

Everything we think and do creates a frequency. We know the holistic approach needed for vibrant health is hydration, diet, exercise, and the thought waves that control the mind. The mind is the biggest generator of frequency. We can do all the right things, but one low vibration set can bring the rest down. This brings being "mindful" to a whole new level.

To raise our vibration we must climb above negative emotions and thoughts, accept what is, decide to be happy, and move on to where we want to go. The choice is ours. I believe this is where we must focus our mastery. Those of us who are not monks, meditating 8 hours a day and having our meals made for us, may find this challenging.

In the next few blog posts, I will share what I learned about frequency, and how I used a device called "The Healy", an FDA medical device approved to help alleviate pain and depression, to assist me on my journey, and profoundly change my sense of well being. There is much more this beautiful device and the frequencies programmed for it can do, but the FDA's tyranny in the US prevents legal use of any other claims. In Europe and elsewhere it is a very different story.

There will be much more sharing along the way as I continue to heal from the wraths of Hy-pylori, ulcers and who knows what else. Of course, there will be yummy recipes too.

I posted a video about the Healy that runs for about 45 minutes. If you are interested in learning about the incredible benefits of frequency medicine and the Healy, please watch this. The man who hosts it is delightful and informative. You will be seeing more and more about frequency medicine, so it is good to be informed.

Join me in Aging with Vitality. Let's do this together as well as we can and enjoy the journey.

There will be much more to come, but please message (FB or email) me for a complimentary consultation if you would like to learn more right now!


