New Moon in Aries launches a brand new cycle and begins the astrological year with the Sun moving into Aries. Yes! Aries is the fire starter within us that blows forth the flame that ignites the beginning of something that could be wild, elemental, essential and new. Yes!

In my last correspondence I spoke about using our creativity to free up our energy and use our life force for something we might love. This is the time to take advantage of this spark of creation as it is a gift we can all catalyze at this powerful time.

Take a moment, take more than a moment and give this some thought. The momentum has power if you launch the spark. What do you want to begin? What kind of fire do you want to ignite in you? Now is the time to blow forth that flame and begin something you have dreamed of – something wild.

Here are the 2 things I want to do. I am going to say it loud and clear right here. Now, my goals are really not so wild. Oh darn, I am going to have to think of another one to fit into the wild category. But, for now, my goals are essential to me.

1) Finish the BOOK. Thank you so very much to all of those who purchased the book. You definitely lit a fire under me. My crowd funding campaign is over, and thanks to many it was a success. Your support means so very much, and it is the fire I needed to inspire me on to completion.

2. I want to get strong. Although I practice yoga regularly, and I walk every morning on the beach with a little dip in the ocean to wake my ass up, I do not feel strong in my body like I used to. This is unacceptable to me. I don’t like feeling slightly frail. I know I don’t look like that to others, but I can feel how my strength wants to be enhanced. I need to light a fire under my butt and start weight training. Is it essential? Not sure. But, I know it is essential to my soul. So, here goes, joining the local gym. Maybe I can get something wild to wear in the gym. Yeah, I will create a new look.

Stay tuned for something a little more wild. Truth be known I really would like to do something wild. I miss being wild.

You? Do you miss wild? What do you want to ignite on this powerful new moon? Do tell.
