Sleep with Jason Prall & The Gut with JJ Virgin

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The only people I know that sleep really well are those that take sleeping pills. Well, I take that back. I do have a few friends, who sleep beautifully. They wake up restored and ready to hit to day with energy and a good mood to boot. This is not me, however, I have improved my sleep enormously by taking the steps Jason shares in the Masterclass today.

Take a listen because sleep is a vital element to the health and success of our days. I am so happy Food Matters includes Sleep in a nutrition masterclass becuase sleep is a huge nutrient. Food alone does make a happy human. That being said, your diet plays a KEY role in how you sleep. Take advantage of this free class while it is airing.

Watch video teasers below as JJ Virgin shares her vital information. She is a straight shooter, which I love. There is never a time more vital than now to learn about nutrition. Our food system is a mess, and we MUST become knowledgable and prudent.

Enjoy the series with the valuable information.

Making Every Bite Count,

Chef Teton
