Chef Teton Emergence From Radical Change

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End February 2020, my son calls me from Lake Tahoe where he lives. We were planning a visit – just a week to play in the area – no agenda. The reason there was “no agenda” is that the last time I was there several months earlier we had a big agenda to help him complete the renovation for his new Air B&B, split from his toxic girlfriend and his love of vodka. He was at his end and asked for help. Of course I went. Well, that was then.

Now, we wanted something a little more relaxed and fun – something lighter.   Sounded good to me, but inside I knew it might be impossible. With reluctance I “knew” to go. The day before boarding the plane he said, “You know, why don’t we use that week to help me move to Maui”?  March 1st, 2020 agenda in action, I landed in Sacramento with a little excitement in my heart and terror in my gut.

The week was unbelievably wild: A clinging girlfriend, preparation to transport a dog, sell a car, deal with a son with one foot planted firmly in Tahoe, the house and the girl, and the other trying to get away, and of course there was vodka.  The news was absorbed with Covid and I knew if we did not hustle we would be stuck there. On March 11 we landed on Oahu, which was wild with chaos and masks. The dog made it through and we boarded a little plane to Maui, landing in the afternoon. That was the last day of 11 days of hell, and the first day of more hell. 

During these 11 days my self-care went out the window. I cried several times, as I did not know how to meet the physical and emotional demands. I called a few friends for help. One of them, Patricia O’Neill (the expert on Flower Essences in the Seed to Soul interview HERE) suggested I get Rescue Remedy and use it every 15 minutes if needed. I purchased the spray and the lozenges. Every time I thought I would go insane I took a dose.

Please forgive me if I seem negative. But, truth be told the time through March, April and May challenged me to the core. Thank God for my spiritual path that provided resources to keep me from insanity, friends to lean on, and a healthy body to support the unbelievable physical and emotional demands.

My home was large and easily big enough for my son and his dog to join in. My son was in shock, almost terrified at what he had just done, confusion and remorse permeating him. I felt the same. OMG, what did we just do. This was a dream I thought I wanted. Then I opened my mail.

There was a 45-day order to vacate my home. Even though I had rented the place for 15 years, it was “my home”. It sold and the new owner wanted to move in my unit, which was the main house on an estate with six units. Ouch! Within a day or two of this shocking notice, lockdown took place and there we were stuck together, my son, our dogs and me.  

Several years earlier I put my name on the housing lists for Senior Housing on Maui. People covet these housing projects because they are federally subsidized, and therefore super affordable, stable and on Maui. All of the locations are excellent and well maintained. My name had risen to the top of the list for the complex in Kihei just when I needed it.  There ya go! That’s that. No way to turn this down because once you do it’s over for you. I can always move away if I don’t like it. 

The next two months were insane. No one wanted to help me because they were afraid of getting sick.  My son and I eventually found a rhythm as we both began to accept our fate, roll up our sleeves and get on with the tasks at hand. My son bought a truck, found work, and eventually AA, and new friends. He began to heal his heart and find balance.

I began completing the enormous task of completing paper work for the new housing, sorting my belongings, selling stuff, and moving. Nothing else mattered right now. I knew many people were going through similar changes and challenges as their lives changed dramatically in what seems like a heart beat. I was on my knees with gratitude that my son was here and that housing had been provided for me so easily.  The Rescue Remedy, good food, my own bed and the ocean provided solace.

April 24th was the first night I slept in my old bed in my new apartment. I was so exhausted that I prayed I would wake up in the morning. The next day marked the beginning of a rebuild of my entire life and all of me that inhabits this body. I was numb and still concerned for my son, as he had not found housing yet. He slept by the beach in his truck for several nights and then found the perfect little place just across the street from the beach and only a half-mile from me. Ahhhhhhhh……

All of my work stopped until new inspiration was birthed in me. My body, mind and soul needed some devoted attention. I allowed myself the time I needed, and during this time I discovered many health and healing modalities that have served me to get to this point, which feels pretty good.

There are a few people I know who are weathering this storm beautifully and then there are those who are suffering greatly with financial worries, sickness, loss of loved ones, and so much more. Fear permeates the air as caution takes hold.  There is mass confusion and many stories and even more questions. Those in public office are being challenged to the max to make prudent decisions. Please know you are all in my heart as I pray for everyone daily.

When creativity finally returned I took some new pictures and began to craft what came to me naturally. During the move I finally grew my natural white hair out, which I had no idea how white it was, learned how to do some of my own art work, and birthed Seed to Soul, an interview series. It is emerging from me as a means to share what I find helpful to navigate through our mutual mission to create a healthy body and mind, a happy soul, and a thriving community.

Thank you all for being “out there” for me to look forward to connecting with.

Blessings to all!

Chef Teton

Next up in the Seed to Soul series is Patricia O’Neill on Flower Essences. If you don’t already know the power of Flower then you must listen to this awesome expert. Honestly, I had no idea Flower Essences were so powerful!



The Food Revolution Is BACK!

The 2020 Food Revolution is back to provide us with the best health information we NEED. I have been touting preparedness for years. I hope people are taking action now. Don’t think it is too late. It is amazing how quickly the health of a body can turn around when go full on to make that happen.

Go Here and sign up now for this incredible free offer NOW.


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The Revolutionary Human Growth Hormone - Homeopathic Gel

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If you want something revolutionary for your health and vitality - to literally turn back the clock - and support you in your Aging With Vitality goals, you will want to get this gel and use it daily. Find out more below in this interview. Ordering info below.

Chef Teton's interview till rock your world if you are looking for something to turn back the clock, something to stimulate your hormones, build muscle stren...

Welcome to the Seed to Soul speaker series. This episode is with Allison Stillman, an author, essential oils expert and an alchemist for love and vitality.

Seed to Soul with Allison Stillman

Whoa, this new product by NewuLife is remarkable. It is a homeopathic human growth hormone that is safe and extremely effective at turning back the clock.

There are people of all ages realizing incredible results, from stubborn weight drifting into space, hair growth and muscles taking back their shape and strength. There is more to what some are calling an “anti-aging” miracle.

Listen to this interview (about 40 minutes) with Allison Stillman. She is one of my favorite alchemists. I always say, “When Allison speaks, I listen”. You will love what she has to say about life, love and how vital it is to keep our purpose alive and healthy.

During the interview we speak about where to get the NewuLife Homeopathic Gel and I mentioned I would post the link here on this post. See below.

If you want more information, then please contact me at: Susan@ChefTeton.com. I can point you in the direction of much more information from medical doctors, naturopaths, nurses, health care practitioners and many people who have enjoyed the benefits of the Gel.

To purchase directly: https://susanteton.newulife.com/

To learn more about Allison: www.AllisonStillman.com

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The Beauty of Sourdough Bread

Chef Teton’s own sourdough bread and rosemary olive oil.

Still crazy after all these years. Why oh why did I try to make sourdough bread? It certainly was not simple. For years, well since I became a nutritional foodie, especially in my raw food year, bread was the bad word. When I ask anyone what their biggest problem was with loosing unwanted weight, they usually would reply, “carbs” and bread was at the center of carbs.

Dr. Tomas Cowan, one of my favorite authors and doctors, who subscribes to a plant based diet that includes organic grass fed meats, real milk, butter and yes, sourdough bread. Fermented foods of all kinds are included in Nourishing Traditions, a cook book and dietary way of life. Now, don’t get me wrong and think that I am a milk guzzling, meat eating gal here, but I think there is merit to almost all the diets I see out there that are singing the same song, with slightly different lyrics. They all sing the praises of organic foods, from the Earth, mostly plants, and animal products from sustainably raised organic grass fed pastures. That being said, not many of these diets are talking about BREAD!

Did you know that many people who are gluten intolerant can enjoy naturally leavened sourdough bread? This is not wide spread, but the point I am making is that all breads are not created equal. Sourdough is lower in carbs, higher in protein and taste amazing. I can enjoy it without a heavy feeling while digesting it just fine. And, frankly, I don’t think my body could live without a piece a day. Life would just be too hard. I mean, really, what ever happened to the sandwich? I was raised on sandwiches. When I was a student and for many years lunch was carried in a brown paper bag that included a sandwich, an apple or orange and a couple of cookies - or something like that. I did just fine. So, did all my friends.

The problem now a days is the way wheat is grown (forced and sprayed with glyphosate before harvesting - not to mention while it is grown). It is mass produced in dead soil, is sticky and hard to digest, obviously.

My client, Connie, who you can read about HERE, has some pretty horrific digestive issues (and she is only 55). She had to take out gluten and all the products that contain gluten. But, she seems to tolerate sourdough just fine. When she eats bread or pizza or any other commercial bread when she is out, she has a reaction. Organic sourdough is not only digestible but she likes as well. This is a key point because otherwise she would bounce off her diet instantly if she was not satisfied with healthy carbs in some way. Connie is doing her best to eat only whole foods; she makes a lot of mistakes, and needs something that can satisfy her when she is in a pinch - which we all seem to be now a days.

If you are struggling with your diet in any way, or the inner game you play with yourself with regards to your diet, you might relate or gain benefit from reading The Story of Connie. I wrote it because I felt people might relate to her struggle. Connie did not know anything about diet and the quality of food when she came to me. She was shocked with what she discovered, but still, even when she knows better she does not do better. If you are struggling in any way you may relate to her story.

There is only one local brand of sourdough that I can find on Maui, and one commercial brand made from spelt flour that seems to do my body good. For years I have longed to learn to make my own bread, and finally had a chance to attend a class. I decided to dive in and learn how to make sourdough. This super bowl Sunday I surprised my neighbors with my first homemade loaves of sourdough. I can’t even begin to say how proud I was because it was a huge job that I charted through un familiar territory to say the least. When I was done, I said I would never do it again. OMG, it seemed like so much work. But, when I had lunch today, I was hooked. It was fantastic. Now, I have learned to incorporate the steps into my time in the kitchen. Like so many things that we try that are new, soon they become easy and find a way of fitting into our lifestyle.

Some sourdough facts:

  1. No sugars or oils are used for baking (particularly for home made), the ingredients are just water and flour, with the secret ingredient being live yeast cultures, which is what gives it a tangy flavor and texture.

  2. Not only does live instead of dried yeast change the flavor, but it also means that the bread stays fresh longer than factory baked bread. It also does not require any extra preservatives.

  3. Sourdough bread is fermented by using lactobacillus cultures (a probiotic that benefits the gut). The cultures are not alive in the bread after it is baked, but lactic acid is created and that does the body good. Lactic acid helps minimize the levels of phytic acid in bread, which helps other nutrients become more readily available, digestible and absorbable. Like many whole foods, the benefit is in the synergy created.

  4. Sourdough bread is also satisfying and fulfilling. It is often good without having to be toasted or heated, so it can travel well. Enjoying a good piece of bread with a salad or other meal helps to keep one satisfied, alleviating the temptation to reach for something less than excellent.

  5. Making your own creates enormous pride (maybe that is just me), and it creates a much lighter foot print on the planet - no plastic wrap.

  6. Lastly, it is so much more economical!

Sourdough is still bread though, yet could be an option you might like to consider, especially if you want to bring the ever loving sandwich back into your life. If you want to make your own, then all the better!

This sourdough toast with avocado has the added feature of cultured (fermented) carrots. Think sauerkraut. Instead of cabbage these are made with carrots. Have a jar of these around and make everything more tasty and digestible. YUM

What is your favorite choice of bread?

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Maui Retreat 2020 - Full Moon September 27 to Oct 3.

I am super excited to announce the 2020 Retreat on Maui September 27th to October 3rd during the full moon. Join me and your fellow participants for 7 days of play, adventure and transformation where self care mastery becomes a purpose worthy of your love and devotion.

Why this retreat?

This retreat is dedicated to the integrated practice of self care on all levels:

1: A discovery of self behaviors, hopes and dreams. What do you need to know about you? Are there beliefs driving behaviors that you don’t want? What can be done to change them and move them into self care practices that light up your day.

2: A discovery of the way your body moves. Where does the energy we all need come from? We will discover little known secrets about how to breath can be used to bring energy and vitality to the body, and how movement can bring vitality to your connective tissues and keep you strong and comfortable. So fun!

3. A discovery of how your particular body responds to food. There is no one single diet that is perfect for everyone. Here you will have the opportunity to let go of the idea of “diets” and discover what your body needs for fuel, healing and radiance.

During the May full moon join myself and and some special guests at one of the most secluded beautiful retreats on Maui. Join us for a  week of discovery, serenity, play, adventure, and delicious healthy food from Mother Maui. This will be an intimate time with only 10 people so that individual attention will be yours.

I will be your guide as we gather at a beautiful, one of a kind, retreat centers. The land is beautiful, deeply immersed in the spirituality of the Hawaiian culture. It is a place where you can feel the essence of what Maui has to offer.

 My vision is for you to have one of the best experiences of your life while you will discover aspects of yourself that you are ready to let go of, and create new visions and self care practices you are ready to birth. 

Together we will create a space for you discover and strengthen your soul’s purpose, while providing skills and community for self care mastery. We will sink in and let our spirits grow, expand and play while we learn, discover and enlighten ourselves. And, we will do this together at a place where nature will meet your soul with secluded trails, waterfalls and breathtaking ocean.

Creating a future with purpose, pride and power will be our focus as we empower ourselves with the purpose to live a long and vibrant life. We will gain strength and learn skills to build a strong vibrant body with a sharp mind and open heart. You will have space to become connected to who you are now, where you are going, and how you are going to get there. Together we will become more wise, and open our consciousness to cultivate pride in our journey. Ultimately we will move forward in our power. 

Here is a little about how our days will unfold:

We will gather in the large private kitchen as we learn, discover and enjoy some of the most delicious food on Earth. The focus is on nourishment and simplicity. Your nutrition knowledge will be enhanced and your skills sharpened. Your will be nourished from the inside out with the best local food Maui has to offer.

We will also meet in the dance/yoga room to move and loosen our spines with various methods of yoga practice, dance and music.  This beautiful meeting space has an expansive ocean view where we will circle up, listen, learn and share.

We will play in unforgettable nature spots, just a short “breathtaking walk” to local private waterfalls and expansive oceans and ponds for swimming, sun bathing or just being.

We will witness Maui under the moonlight. During the full moon we will gather for some very special ceremonies promising you insights of discovery and connection to the Earth you live on/in. 

Come open your heart, revitalize your spirit, eat well from the abundance of Maui, explore, dance, play, sing, meditate, move and grow.  

We will have a valuable and meaningful experience. We will have a blast! 

Retreat Date: September 27th - October 3rd 2020.

Cost: $2997.00 - includes meals, pick up and delivery to the airport, excursions, and classes. Fee does NOT include accommodations. Accommodations must be booked directly as there are different rates for shared or single rooms. Rooms run from $139.00 to $269.00 per night, which is a very reasonable for Maui and for all that is included.

If you are interested in attending, have questions or want to register for the retreat, please contact me as soon as possible. This retreat is limited to 12 people so we will fill up fast. Contact Susan Teton @ 808-250-1535 or write me at: Susan@ChefTeton.com and we can make an appointment to speak together. You must be registered with me first and then you can make your room reservations.

Aloha! Hope to see you there.

Any comments? Please leave a comment below: Tell me below what you would love, what you need for the next year and how I can support self care mastery for you and your loved ones.

For the new year I am offering complimentary consultation where we can focus on what you need to get the health results you want for 2020 and beyond. Contact me to schedule an appointment: Susan@ChefTeton.com

Many Blessings, Susan Teton



The Story of Connie - Be Willing To Be Perfectly Imperfect!

The Story of Connie

Story is my favorite form for finding ourselves. Others experiences weave circumstances together and insights are discovered. I share the story of Connie because I learned something new in my experience with her and how I am shaping my new courses. She also learned and now we are sharing her story so that you may learn the benefits from her that could be yours as well.

The 40 day Dietary Makeover Course that I have launched for years, and was scheduled for this February was altered after my experience with Connie. The purpose for the 40 Days is that it is believed, by those who know, that it takes (so they say) 40 days to unravel a habit and begin a new one that lasts. But, trying to change a dietary pattern with just food skills alone often won’t work because the underlying mind set and/or beliefs that are driving unwanted behavior still exists.

Often, like in the case of Connie, it takes some mind set adjustments as well. When the mind or the beliefs that are driving an unwanted behavior are not recognized and changed, all the skills and pep talks in the world will not change the problem. So, the new course is called “The 40 Day Self Care Mastery”. Read Connie’s story below and find out more about the new course and the wonderful benefits here.

The Story of Connie

Connie came to me really sick. She was having horrible stomach problems intermittently. She had a couple of years throwing up violently, becoming so dehydrated she would have to be hospitalized. She had been to several doctors and had several test including a colonoscopy. Connie is only 55, through menopause (had a hysterectomy several years ago due to endometriosis) medium weight and beautiful. She recently lost about 40 lbs following her divorce 5 years ago. Her long blond hair was falling out and she itched like crazy when a rash on the back of her neck flared up often. She also has a pin in her neck due to spinal stenosis.  She came to Maui, living next door to me and asked for my help.

When we had our first consultation about her health, she could not tell me anything definitive about her diagnosis because the doctors could not find a thing. We talked about her diet and the journey began. She loved to cook and bake, but being an un-recognized female dieter, she did not eat much of what she made. She drank caned ice-teas all day long with big glasses of ice water, and munched on empty foods. She ate candy bars, drank coffee with cream and sugar, and snacked on chips and cookies. In her minds eye she did not eat much and was not a junk foodie. But, she was.

Now, here is someone who really does not eat real food very much at all, and who was not totally aware, or in touch with, what she was eating or not eating and or why. She did not think she was addicted to sugar. She also told me she did not drink alcohol. But, every time I turned around she was having a drink. She would have an excuse. “Oh, my body just wanted this right now”, or “I need a drink because I am so nervous”. As for candy and other junk food she would remark, “Look, these were on sale – so cheap I had to get them”.

During our first appointment I encouraged her to:

1.    Let go of the candy and reach for whole fruit instead.

2.    Although the iced tea was not the end of the world, we investigated and found it was also full of sugar. My recommendation was to let go of the ice tea with sugar, and cut back as much as possible because it was causing her so much acidity along with the inflammation.

3.    Gluten was next. Simple, just eat gluten free breads and eat more whole grains.

4.    Start eating some “real food” meals. I was not pushing for plant based or any other kind of specific diet because she just needed to get off all the empty foods she was literally poisoning herself with, get her body more alkaline, and start to eat real food.   

5. Lastly, she needed an education about GMO and organic food.

Connie acted like she heard me, and seemed enthusiastic about making changes.  Silly me thought she heard me. I might as well have been talking to a alcoholic or a person with an opioid addiction. They sit there and agree with everything you say. You think they hear you, but they walk away and just keep doing what they did.

A few weeks went by while I acted like a cop, always catching her in the act of making huge mistakes. I began teaching her how to read labels and where GMO foods were lingering. I also turned her on to FMTV so she could watch nutritional documentaries. This helped a great deal because a movie with several doctors and personal stories backed me up, and offered more solid proof she could relate to.  

I finally sat down with her and was very blunt in asking if she wanted me to continue to point out where she was making mistakes. I did not want to make her feel bad and I was starting to feel like a nagging parent.  She was cool, and asked that I continue. In addition, once she watched the documentaries she called me to say, “Keep doing what you are doing, this is so important, OMG, I had no idea.”

After about a month Connie went to California to gather her things in order to move to Maui. It was there she reverted to her old ways and became violently ill to the point of being hospitalized (severely dehydrated from throwing up) again. Well, moving will do that to anyone, but it did teach her a lesson. She was again living on ice teas and God only knows what else. Since she was feeling better when she arrived, she thought her body could handle the abuse. This taught her a huge lesson.

My instructions were loud and clear – no more ice tea. Get some bone broths to nourish you, some light juices, and start eating real food – as little sugar as possible.  She got better and made the move here – barely. Why did she revert to her old ways? Because she had started to feel improvement and thought she could get away with it. But, here is the cool thing about Connie. She just kept diving in. She was enthusiastic and very willing to take imperfect action. He enthusiasm was awesome. Her mistakes and set backs did not throw her under the bus. She got right back into the game and just keep taking action - some right - some not so right. I loved this about her.

Two months have passed and here is the significance of Connie’s story. For some, change, radical change, takes times. First it was education on how to shop, what to look for and how to read labels. Then skills had to be learned, new routines established, and intuition developed. In addition Connie had to work with the inner game of her food addictions. What I admired about Connie is that she did not give up, even after failing so many times. She had no idea about some of the beliefs that were driving her unconscious behavior.

I have watched her screw up over and over, and now she is starting to feel what happens in her body when she ever she eats the wrong foods. She eats pizza or pancakes when she is out and the itching comes back.  Less and less will she purchase or eat these things when she is out because she does not want to suffer anymore. Her body lets her know and she has learned to listen and monitor how it responds. She is getting into her own power.  She also went to an acupuncturist and a chiropractor. They told her the same thing I did, so a healthier practice was reinforced.

We introduced her to some supplements and a homeopathic human growth hormone, which really helped her hair to stay on her head. She now eats breakfast, enjoys whole foods more and more. She does not follow any particular diet – she eats from the Earth and not the factory, organic and gluten free and avoids all foods with GMO grown food, which means all bread when dining out. Now and then she has some wine, a clean candy, and bakes some yummy zucchini bread with organic ingredients.   

Connie has not gone on a radical diet. She has not even been super successful, but for her, she has made big changes. She is learning how to develop the skills she needs and more than anything the awareness and intuition she needs to work with her inner game of self-care. She still, like the rest of us, has to discover when and where she is fooling herself, along with developing her intuition to discern what is best for her healing, and make choices accordingly. She also had to learn a whole new set of skills.  

Here is what working with Connie has taught me:

1.    Change often takes time and small steps are all some can do. Imperfect action is better than no action!

2.    Radical changes in a diet, those made with dramatic all or nothing changes often do not last.  Most fad or radical diets do not last. That said, having a framework for dietary restrictions and inclusions provides a territory to stay within. For instance: eat from the Earth and not the factory, organic, gluten free (unless gluten does not bother you), and non-GMO. If you eat meat and/or dairy choose only organic and grass fed. We could add to purchase local food as much as possible.

3.    Developing intuition about our own bodies is a must. With all the diverse diets and information out there, I think we are getting very “heady”. I find it is causing so much confusion for people as they try to fit themselves into some doctor’s idea of what a healthy diet is. Now, of course, the science is important, but have you noticed that most all healthy diets, when adhered to, provide excellent results for the people practicing them? What do these diets have in common? They are all whole plant food based and advocate no processed foods that include bad fats, preservatives, food colorings and additives. This is the diet I recommend.

4.    Going out to dine is hard for many people who must rely on restaurants. This was super hard for Connie. She was dating and going out often. Finally she drew a boundary with her new man friend asking that they start making their meals at home. The major thing to look for in dining out is the use of bad fats, low quality ingredients, and GMO foods (most all oils and breads). Restaurants fry a lot of food in less than excellent oils, and most of their dressings are made with the same low quality oils, which are almost always GMO. Ask restaurants for fresh veggies and olive oil. Keep it simple as possible and learn to prepare food ahead of time if possible.

5.    Remember if you are eating in a restaurant then you are most likely eating GMO foods in the form of meat and dairy, bread, butter, oils and potatoes. 

6. Go to parties fed, unless you know what type of food will be there. If it is a potluck, bring what you would like to eat.

7. We all have various beliefs - some we are blind to - that drive behaviors we don’t always want and/or don’t understand. If you are consistently making choices and acting impulsively, and finding yourself questioning yourself and feeling guilty, it is time to do some introspection. The problem with blind spots is that we cannot see them, so it is often helpful to get assistance. Enlightenment comes in increments, unless we are extremely lucky and get a flash all at once.

The moral of this story is that Connie’s health improved greatly even though she did not always follow an organic plant based, whole food diet. She practiced it for about 50% of the time and she still improved greatly. This is the power of food. So, can you imagine if she went 100%?

I am thinking that she will sail into her sixties and seventies with much better health and beauty if she continues to make positive changes and fully embrace a healthy organic plant based lifestyle.

Don’t beat yourself up if you are in a position where you can’t make all your food, have to eat out a lot when traveling, or if you are busy working. Making full on changes can be overwhelming if your lifestyle does not support it. Keep improving and integrating when and where you can. Don’t give up because all improvements will improve your body, mind and soul as well. If you want longevity, then enhance your self-care practice so that your long life will be one of high quality!

Want to know more about the upcoming “40 Day Self Care Makeover”?

Contact me and let’s discuss if it is the right program for you.

Please comment below: What are your specific challenges? What are your excuses for knowing better but not doing better"? What do you need to learn? How can I help you?

Contact me at: Susan@ChefTeton.com




Best Holiday Treats 2019-2020

Happy Holidays

Here are my favorite treats and potluck dishes. These are the tried and true recipes that I get asked for over and over again. Enjoy:

Chocolate Chip Cookies - best ever! 

These cookies have a nice chewy texture to them. Make them gluten free or with spelt flour (my favorite).The recipe also calls for less sugar so they are not very sweet. Yum!


Cocoa Mousse

No need to tell you much about this one.  This is another food that most all people can eat. It is decadent, satiating and healthy. Make sure you include raspberries and fresh mint! 


Watermelon Cake

I just had to include this cake even though it is made with more of a summertime fruit. It is “red” though and so very novel. It would be fun to decorate with ornaments - althought there is nothing better than Earth’s ornaments of colorful berries. 


Cocoa Truffles

These are really easy, and so creamy and delicious. They are great served with raspberries, and fun to play around with different spices as well. Make these often. They make a great gift or holiday treat. 


Baked Yams 

Best Dish to take to a potluck - Baking yams or sweet potatoes, and then sprinkling them with ground sesame seeds, and a little coconut or flax oil, is the bomb. Seriously, you won’t believe how good these are and always a hit with everyone. Besides, no matter what diet someone is on, they are legal (so to speak). Make a large dish of them for a party, cut into easy to serve sizes.




Your Mouth - Your Teeth - Your Health

These are not my lips - nor my teeth - but I thought it might get you attention!!

My Month in TJ at the Dentist - Please read this because it illustrates how much our teeth and the potential decay in them affects our health - your health!

This is why you have not heard from me in a month. Had I felt better I would have shared my month long journey in November to California and then back and forth to Tijuana for dental work. But, the experience caught me by surprise and took every ounce of my energy just to survive the many influences during the ordeal. 

Many of you already know there is new evidence around the impact that dental health has over our entire systemic health. The protocols are changing. Mercury is out - even though there are many people I know with mercury still in their teeth….yikes! In addition, root canals are performed like fillings used to be. Biological dentists are extracting the mercury and many are pulling old root canals. Implants - Titanium or zirconium? Many are going to Mexico or Thailand to save money on these very expensive procedures. 

This is my story, which I think has value to everyone who cares about their health and/or feels as though they have tried everything and they still feel lousy. What is going on in our mouth is going on in our body. Simple as that. Included in my story, which radically affected me and my health, are the best recommended protocols for hygiene, some of which I skipped thinking they were not that important. Will I ever learn!?

Here is my story:

Over twenty years ago a fortunate circumstance led me to find one of the top biological dentists in the country. He happened to be in Tijuana. I had experienced some bad dental work in my life, and decided to check him out. Now it is popular to go to Mexico, but at the time my family thought I was nuts. I was still living in Southern California so it was not a big deal to me. In addition I was educated in the latest research on nutrition and alternative health so off I went to meet Dr. V. (his name for this article). 

I have since been to him many times over the past twenty years. I had old mercury fillings removed, old root canals pulled, old bridges wrapped in heavy metals replaced and some minor fillings. Every time I finished a big process with him, I would think I was done. But, no, not the case. 

The reason I am telling you this story is that this last procedure we did has had a significant and noticeable impact on my health. Many of you know I was down for nearly a year with Shingles - the year long experience included my rebooting and revitalization process. Even though I recovered I never really felt like “me” again. I finally gave in and began to think that the “old me” would never return and that my current state was the new norm. I felt good most of the time, but lacked a certain vitality I had come to know as me. There were times of feeling pretty darn good, but then down times as well. I felt more sensitive and frail than ever. 

It is important to note that in the two years before I was slammed down with Shingles, I had a horrible abscess flare up on one of my lower teeth under a three tooth crown.  Ouch, it was so painful. I went to my local dentist on Maui (whom I like very much). He suggested a root canal. I sent the x-rays to Dr. V in Tijuana and he concurred to get a root canal asap. Despite being against the root canal process, it was the best we could do at the time to alleviate the infection. It was not long after that the tooth next to it went in the same direction, and another root canal was performed. Dang. Shortly after both of these breakdowns and subsequent procedures (root canals) I came down the Shingles. Are all of these connected? Who knows? But, we do know that something was happening to bring my immune system down. 

So, a year goes by and I do everything I can to heal and get my energy back. Much of what you have already read on my Blog posts if you have been following me. The Medical Medium was my protocol to follow, plus meditation, deep rest and many other health practices. 

For the most part I succeeded in my re-book goals, and over time I gained my strength back, but never really felt robust like I used to. I would have great days and then crash a little. I became a more sensitive person, and chalked it up to age (maybe?).  

On November 1, I flew to California for a workshop and when it was over there I decided I better check in with Dr. V. Oh God, here we go again, I fearfully thought. I stayed with friends in Dana Point, CA. so the trip to TJ was pretty simple; a train from San Juan Capistrano, a trolley to San Ysidro, and a brisk walk across the border. Dr. V’s office is a short distance by taxi. Once complete with him, I would reverse the travel and get back to Dana Point in the evening, sometimes much later than I wanted. 

Dr. V. wanted to pull both of my root canals and perform the necessary surgery for extraction and deep cleaning of the bone, which he (and other biological dentists) insist is vital to removing out all the decay, bacteria and infection. Both teeth at their root still showed decay and infection, visible on the x-ray. Had they not showed any sign of decay then it would probably be a different story. This decay at the bottom of the root of the tooth was most likely causing a drain on my health. I also had a couple of little cavities on other teeth and needed some work done on my bite. 

I felt sick. Now I needed to stay in California for a couple more weeks and it would mean many trips back and forth to TJ, not to mention the unexpected expense. 

I am not going to go into how excruciating and draining this back and forth travel, and the arduous hours in the chair was for me because the story would be too long and would probably bore the hell out of you. However, it did teach me a huge spiritual lesson that changed my attitude in a big way. I also used some meditation practices that I will forever swear by. I will write about them soon but for now this is about our teeth and our health. 

I ended up getting a hotel room in TJ the day before and after the surgery. Then I went back to Dana Point to heal for a week, and back again to TJ to remove the stitches and fit the partial for the missing teeth. No implants for me …..yet. The area in my mouth needs to heal first, and quite frankly I don’t want anyone to touch my head or body for quite a while. Done. 

Dr. V could tell this entire experience took a huge toll on me, and suggested I go home to Maui and sleep for a week. This I did, and I am happy to report that I finally feel like the “old me” again. It is like a cloud has been lifted from my being. My mood is enhanced and my vitality has returned. It is slight but so significant to my life.  Had I known this prior to trip I would have hightailed it to Dr. V. sooner. How could I know? X-rays show the signs. This means it is vital to have your mouth checked at least once a year.

On another note, the friend I stayed with promptly made an appointment to get her teeth cleaned. Her hygienist suggested she get her teeth cleaned every four months because plague grows faster as we age. True? I am not sure, but that is the suggestion. Do it at least ever six months and follow the hygiene protocol suggested below. Do it!

I will return to Dr. V in six months to adjust the partial and make decisions about implants. 

Things you might be wondering or of value to know are highlighted below: 

Info on Root Canals * Costs * Prior Surgery Procedure * Best Hygiene Protocol.

Root Canals (yay or nay): 

There are some root canals that can be very successful. The procedure removes the decay, kills the root, and the tooth and infection usually heals. In my case it was easy to denote in the x-ray that the infection was still alive. 

Here is some info from Google:

There is a growing awareness of how a root canal can affect one’s general health due to toxification of bacteria in the tiny tubules of the roots. This can lead to inflammation in the mouth or elsewhere in the body, especially along the meridians (microscopic energetic channels) that connect each tooth to organs, sinuses, sense organs, vertebrae, muscles, tissues, joints and glands.

Root canals have been implicated in the onset of degenerative diseases such as arthritis, heart valve problems, breast cancer, gall bladder disease, eczema, cystitis, colitis, migraines, sinusitis, hypertension coronary artery disease and thyroid disease.

Many people have found that debilitating symptoms such as problems with digestion, fatigue, headaches or skin, that couldn’t be diagnosed or cured conventionally actually disappeared when they had a root canaled tooth removed.

There is a contentious debate between dentists who unquestioningly advocate doing root canals to ‘save the tooth’ and those who believe all root canals are toxic and must be removed for safety. On one side they compare a toxic root canal to an infection under your fingernail to treat with antibiotics, and other side they compare it to a gangrenous toe that must be amputated.


Dental work is extremely expensive, particularly implants and cosmetic dentistry. Root canals alone are at least a thousand bucks. There is definitely money to be saved if you have your dental work done in TJ. There are many great dentists there as well. 

People often say to me (with a look on their face that meant “why the hell do you do this?” Is it really that much cheaper?” I would have to remind the person asking that I go to this dentist because I trust him, he is my dentist, and “yes” is it is cheaper, but that is not the primary inspiration.

A biological dentist is much like a naturopathic doctor. They take their training to another level, which involves the entire body. When you consider the travel and inconvenience I am not so sure one might save that much money. It depends on what you are having done.  TJ has grown enormously and there are nice hotels, and those that work with the dentists (blended soft foods and a somewhat healthy diet). It takes some planning, and budgeting. I pretty much have it down now, and if I had to do it all over again, I might stay closer to the border because the back and forth made for very long days.

Prior To and Post Surgery Procedure:

FYI: Here are some of the protocols prior and post surgery. Dr. V. recommended several homeopathics: Arnica 30X (bruising), Belladonna 30X (swelling), and Phosphorus 30C (bleeding), Gelsimium 30C (anxious or nervous) plus Echinacea and Goldenseal, vitamin C, Grape Seed Extract, and a diet of fresh soft foods, and no alcohol or sugar.  

Best Hygiene Protocol - At Least Twice A Day

Irrigate: OMG, you must get a waterpick to remove large food particles and plaque. I love using my waterpick and always use it after meals, especially  if I don’t have time to brush. it is great for the gums as well.

Brush: Sonicare toothbrush by Phillips is what Dr. V. recommends. I was not using an electric toothbrush because I don’t like having a motor in my mouth. OK, I am over it, and use one now. Dr. V. stressed how much better they are for cleaning off the plaque.

Brush: Yes, again. This time with a compact head medium bristle toothbrush with minimal fluoride-free toothpaste. This is to massage gums and improve blood flow. Brush down on upper teeth and up on lower teeth. 

Floss: Glide by Crest or your favorite dental floss. This is vital to eliminate plaque from between teeth and remove any remaining debris. 

Rinse After Flossing: 50/50 mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide to prevent bacterial growth at the gum line and help with rapid healing of micro-cuts caused by flossing. 

Tongue Scraping: Put the tongue scraper or a tongue brush at the back of your tongue and gently bring it forward along your tongue; repeating several times or as needed. Make sure you brush the dorsal or central section as well as the sides covering the entire tongue and finish with a fresh water rinse. This is done to eliminate toxins and plaque and at the same time reduce halitosis. 

How about YOU?

Have questions? Have similar experiences? Please do tell below. We are all learning and by sharing experiences and knowledge we will learn more. 

Here’s to your beautiful smile!

Aloha, Susan Teton

I am offering “Improve Your Diet & Strengthen Your Self Care Practice.” complimentary consultations. Have questions about aging, diet and nutrition, digestion, joints, skin, teeth, and/or your energy, mindset, or mood?

I am a health and consciousness junkie and am dedicated to help people master a self care practice that fits within their lifestyle and provides them the results they want.

Send an email to “Susan@ChefTeton.com” and include your time zone and options.





The Most Delicious Dressing Ever - The Golden Elixir For Salads & Veggies

This delicious dressing, often called the "Golden Elixir" is to live for. People often say they want to drink it. Full of Essential Fatty Acids, fresh lemon, tahini, sea kelp, and ginger, this dressing is a must for salads, fish or grains. Yum!

This is the dressing that started my cooking career. No joke.

Early on in my nutritional foodie career I understood the difference between good and bad fats. Bad fats are as inflammation causing as sugar. Deep fried everything, and dressings made from cheap olive oil, canola and sunflower oil are all lumped into a category that include Omega 6’s.

Not to get too technical, but the Omega 6’s are the omega’s that you want to avoid. I know, it is hard if you are eating out. Most all of your food service establishments buy poor quality oils because that is all they can afford. By poor quality, I mean that they are not fresh. They have most likely been bleached and deodorized so they they remain shelf stable. Food producers must do this for nut and seed oils because they are tinder and go rancid easily with heat and light. Even though food is not always deep fried in many of the restaurant food, the poor quality oils are also used for everything else like cooking and for sauces. Many people do not realize this.

Other than olive oil, the only oils that are of any substance of quality are cold pressed oils made from nuts and seeds. They are few and far between in your local stores, so you usually have to purchase them online. But, even then you must use them quickly so they do not go rancid.

I believe, in part, one of the reasons “raw food” culinary methods are so healthy and satisfying is because of the methods (soaking and sprouting) of nuts and seeds, which makes the valuable nutrients them available for your cells and joints. This is why I produced the “Raw Food Series”. Learning raw food methods are one of the most powerful ways you can put nutrient dense food into your precious body. The course is still available - check it out HERE.

Think about it. If you are not eating a bunch of nuts and seeds (walnuts, pumpkin, sunflower, flax, and chia) then you are most likely starving for good fats. This is the reason to make delicious sauces and dressings from excellent fats. I love Barlean’s Flax oil because they press it and ship it straight to your door, or the store. It does not sit on a distributor shelf somewhere for months on end. But, the best part is that they are slam dunk delicious. Of course, a high quality olive oil is always wonderful, but it is limited in its nutrient value and flavor. It is nice to mix it up now and then. Those of you who have my “sauces and dressings” course know how I mixed up the raw and cooked foods together to make them super delicious and nutrient dense.

Knowing this early on my career had me in the kitchen making delicious dressings for salads and cooked and raw vegetables. We named this one the “Golden Elixir”. Enjoy!

Tip: If you eat out a lot, you might consider making some delicious dressings at home and then taking a small amount out when you go out to lunch. Then you can get a great salad - hold the dressing, because you will have your own. Make sure it is in a leaf proof container.

Recipe for the Golden Elixir


1⁄2 cup        Flax Oil - Barlean’s High Lignan is best (Olive Oil can be replaced if preferred, but will have different taste)

1⁄4 cup        fresh lemon juice (or juice of a whole lemon)

1⁄4 cup        water

1⁄4 cup        low sodium Tamari (use a little less if it is regular)

2 tbsp          Sesame Tahini (raw or toasted)

2 tsp Sea Kelp Powder (this will provide flavor and also thicken mixture)

2 tsp fresh ginger juice (grate fresh ginger and squeeze out juice), or add small piece of ginger.

1 garlic clove (if wanted - peeled) - optional dash of cayenne

Blend all the ingredients except the oil. Once the ingredients are blended, add the oil slowly while the blender is on low speed.

Enjoy immediately, or chill before serving.

The dressing keeps up to several days in the refrigerator, however, for essential fatty acids to remain in integrity from the Flax Oil, (or dressings) it should be consumed within 6 weeks.

Note: The dressing will thicken a little over time because of the thickening quality of sea (kelp) veggies.



Finally Some Solutions To Current Horrible Food System

Many of you know that I have been a foodie activist for a long time, and many of you follow me from the Food Revolution, created by Ocean and John Robbins. My foodie career started when I read John Robbin’s book, “Diet For A New America” because I was fortunate enough to work with John Robbins (Ocean was just a young teen then that was an incredible activist even then at 17) and the team at EarthSave International.

I share this tidbit of a story because I want to give you an idea of the time span that has taken place. It was 1991 when I went to work with John and the team at EarthSave. That is 28 years ago if I do my math correctly. Let’s get a perspective here. It has been 28 years since we have been warning the public of the horrendous side effects of our current food system both in our ecosystem and on humanity. We were headed for trouble then and now it is a devastating situation that calls for immediate action.

The Complimentary Film I am introducing is about action you can take now - that you must take because we cannot leave it up to others or the government. Not only does it show us how we take can action now, but it will also help you see why it is vitally important for you to eat food from healthy soil. Your system is much like the Earth’s. Your inner soil must be as alive as the Earth’s. Our bodies are mirroring the soil from which we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink.

All of us need food and we must protect our youth and their future food supply. Not only do we need food, but we need high quality food grown in high quality living soil. In addition to this dire need for our survival, our food system is one of the most vital places we can create change and mitigate global warming and climate change.

So, watch this incredible award winning film and find out what you can do and why it matters. Then please, let’s all get with it!

Let me know what you think and what action you will take. Watch here NOW.

Aloha, Susan Teton



Should I Get A Shingles Shot?

This is another video in the series I am launching for “Build A Body To Last A Lifetime.”

So many people ask me If they should get a shingles shot. I say, “I have no idea”, but I will give you my opinion of what I did and did not do, and the road I took. I since then have done some research because I am eligible to get one now if I wanted. But, it scares me too much as I would never want to bring this on me again. Listen if you like. The video is about 12 minutes long and also speaks to the Medical Medium and his experience with these so called “auto immune” diseases which include Shingles and the EPV virus that we are being plagued with. This is really important if you are struggling with any of these, including adrenal fatigue.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Interested in joining in my pilot program. Want to get super healthy, loose weight, gain energy and look good, then you may be a candidate for the program. Contact me at: Susan@ChefTeton.com and we can see if you are a fit.



Rebuild, Revitalize & Prepare To Build A Body To Last A Lifetime!

Super excited about getting ready to join everyone in Building A Body To Last A Lifetime. This video is about 7 minutes long and covers - just briefly - the areas that are important for us to focus to create a healthy, strong and smart body and mind.

Let’s all set an intention NOW to age well. We, I believe, have a mission to become an asset to the younger population and to ourselves. Seriously, I am sure you don’t want to end up like many seniors are ending up today, drugged and totally dependent on our children or community to care for us. Wouldn’t it be more fun to enjoy our lives fully up until the end. I think so.

We can’t keep throwing caution to the wind. The time to act is NOW. Our bodies and souls need us to take care of this precious gift called a body - a body full of untapped miracles and potential. Join me and others.

By the way, I am launching a pilot program that I am looking for at least 10 people to kick off mid October - before those holidays come upon us. Interested? Contact me if you want more details. Susan@ChefTeton.com



My Coming Out Video - Expanded New Programs

Aloha Everyone,

The above video starts the conversation about aging in a new way. We have so much to gain if we can revitalize ourselves and prepare with more of a focus to move ahead through our years to come. Many people are experiencing some sort of physical trauma, whether it is an illness or a surgery. It takes quite a bit to build a body back, to restore and then revitalize it. If we have been so lucky to be living without any trauma to our body, but are stressed out and tired from working to hard, then a trauma could be around the corner. I don’t want to sound like doomsville here, but it could be true. That is why I want to be positive and prepare.

There are so many wonderful things we can do now - understanding the self care practices on all levels of our bodies and soul are moving toward a vision of outstanding health as we age. Let’s do it!

I would love to start a movement, or better said, join in the movement that is already happening and bring you along with me. Let’s become an asset to our families and communities instead of a liability. Let’s let our wisdom shine and make the contribution we know we can.

Remember Imi’ola? This is the practice that is inspiring me to live the highest form of life! Join me!

What say you? Are you in?

FYI: I am launching a pilot program in October, and I need 10 people to kick it off. If you are interested, let me know and we will jump on a call together and see if you are a fit. I promise you will benefit from our conversation.

email me at: Susan@ChefTeton.com



Build A Body To Last A Lifetime - An Aging MasterClass

An Aging MasterClass
Build A Body To Last A Lifetime  

Recover * Rebuild * Prepare   


10 to 5 Waiehu Beach

$97.00 includes a fabulous lunch

Susan Teton will share her experience and expertise of what it takes to Recover, Rebuild & Prepare to build a vibrant, strong and healthy body to live in for the rest of our lives. Preparedness needs to start NOW. If you have recently had an illness and need to rebuild, want to loose weight, or are low on energy this is the workshop for you. We must do more than prevent disease, we must instead build a body to last a lifetime. Let's Age with Vitality. This will be a power packed day covering:

  • The Most Powerful hormone to reverse aging, promote weight loss, hair growth and deep sleep to name a few.

  • How to use Stress to create courage & Oxytosin * Mind over matter

  • The vital role of nutrition to keep our energy up & mind sharp.

  • The best way, foods and products to detoxify and revitalize at the same time.

  • How to build and enhance your mitochondria

  • The most powerful movement to keep your spine straight, your stomach flat, and back pain free

Let's rise to the challenge and create history. We have a lot to give, so let's not be a victim of time. We could be the world's best asset if we are vibrant, alert and mobile!

Visit my Blog post to find out more about my most recent journey, the cutting edge protocols I learned for anti-aging and why it takes a combination of integrated approaches to build a body to last a lifetime.

Limited Space + To Register contact:

Susan@ChefTeton.com or call: 808-250-1535

See SusanTeton.com

See What it took to Recover


I learned Sooooo much more than I ever anticipated. Going in I did not realize I would learn so much. You have so much knowledge and expertise and heart. You made getting a handle on how to start preparing my body for great health and aging fun and unimaginably easy! Thank you!

It was a wonderful class with wonderful women. Thank you for sharing your vast experience with us. Your methods must work because you are an example of what we all strive for. Bravo!



Why Meditation?


Wow, super excited that FMTV is launching a summit on Meditation. Go HERE to find out more and register. It is FREE.

My story on Meditation:

The first thing I learned to do when I came down with some sort of autoimmune that turned into Shingles was meditate. There is nothing like life exhaustion to give you the desire to just sit and do nothing. How wonderful it was to allow myself this luxury.

I did not realize that I did not meditate as I knew how to and I used to meditate, so somewhere in me, I thought I meditated. Gosh, we fool ourselves. Meditation, in addition to dancing, singing, having great sex, or laughing your brains out, is one of the best ways to alleviate stress that has accumulated in the body and mind.

When our mind relaxes our entire body settles down and it is our opportunity to check in as well as check out. Years ago I attended a 10 day Vipassana retreat where I sat in silence for ten days. I am sure I went beyond an Alpha state of mind and into deeper states. The result was bliss and I understood for the first time why monks do what they do.

The Alpha state helps to reduce depressive symptoms and stimulate creative thinking. It is a great way to reduce stress and reverse some of the damage caused by stress. Studies show remarkable healing from meditation and also from using mind control techniques. Although this is not the purpose of meditation, once you have sufficiently taken your brain waves to an Alpha state you can begin to program your cells in a conscious way. There are countless studies of the benefits of meditating.

And, if you don’t think you have time, I hope you can realize that in some magical way, our concept of time disappears when we meditate, and we are much for functional. Meditation should be a part of time management because it helps everything flow better including focus!

If you want to know more, and want to receive a huge dose of inspiration I highly recommend you listen to the summit being put on by Food Matter TV (FMTV) about meditation. This is also an opportunity to join FMTV and get a boat load of amazing methods, information, inspiration and knowledge. Go here to register for this incredible summit: http://fmtv.go2cloud.org/aff_c?offer_id=40&aff_id=1188&url_id=1992

Just 15 minutes a day will do you wonders!



My "Sick" Story & What It Took To Recover

This is a call to action!

Let’s recover, revitalize and prepare to build a body to last a lifetime.  

Let’s age with our mental faculties sharp, our bodies mobile and our spirits strong. Don’t wait until it is too late. Start preparedness NOW. 

Have you recently been ill, had unusual stress and in need of recovering, rebuilding and revitalizing your body, mind and soul? I have learned that it takes time to integrate a self care practice that serves all parts of us.  Let’s step into our senior years with vitality, sharp mental faculties, a mobile body and a strong spirit.  

Our senior years are the time when we have ripened to be full of wisdom. We have something to contribute, and our state of wisdom and leadership are what the world needs. Let's look ahead and prepare ourselves with a new vision of vitality so that we can enjoy the fruits of our lives, and serve in the way we know we can and know we want to. Our world needs healthy seniors. 

My Story & My Year To Recover

It’s May 2018. I am 72 and I think I am healthy. I have been a life-long student of nutrition, metaphysics, and environmental issues, with a focus on agricultural practices and policies. As an author and activist, I  have worked with the top scientists, authors and experts in the field of all things health related, including the health industry, it’s economics and the infrastructure that fosters the growing movement in the USA and abroad.

So what? Because my body is strong and I practice excellent self care, perhaps I think I am immortal, and I know it all. Really, 72? This does not seem old at all. I am rockin it without a thought of anything otherwise. I know what I am doing and why. 

Then one day I feel as though I could be having a heart attack or something weird. that throws me a big curve. I can hardly breathe. I am going down. “Take me to the hospital,” I demand of the friend who is with me. After checking in they decide they want to keep me overnight, saying that at my age they need to monitor my heart and vitals over time. “No way, there is nothing wrong with me, really, me?” Yes, me. 

I stay the night and I am fine despite trying to eat something they call food. I am a bit arrogant, and humbled all at once. Within the next month it happens three more times, yet I never spend the night again, thank God. By the time I get to the hospital or am in the ambulance all the symptoms of dizziness, rapid heart beat, and shortness of breath stop. They send me home thinking I might be hallucinating. I wish. Am I having panic attacks? My doctor asks if I am stressed? Who isn’t?

The fatigue that has taken over my body and now life is overwhelming, but all my vitals and tests are fine. Living the mystery I take leave from the job I had recently taken on. July 4th, 2018, a few months later, another birthday rolls around and I am with friends at my home, unable to spend this special day like I am used to. Suddenly a pain starts stabbing me in my back. “What the f’ was that?” It stopped. Then another came about 30 seconds later. This continued while worsening with intensity until my guests left. I dove into some old meds, and found an outdated Vicodin, took it and fell asleep. I wake up the next morning with an ugly rash from the left side of my spine, wrapping under my arm and across my left breast to my sternum.  My heart center was encased in shingles. Although I was in pain I was not that concerned as I thought it would be over soon. At least something inside had erupted outside. Good? Not sure. Hope so. 

July 5th, 2018 was the beginning of a nightmare that lasted several months and then took a year to fully recover. The entire experience transformed me. Any arrogance about being super healthy and immune to aging evaporated. Humility seeped into my pores, as desperate agony took over my life.  In an already thin frame, I lost 15 pounds, and could hardly walk. The pain I experienced was deeper than the skin or anything I could feel physically. It was pain that lived in my soul, in every cell of my body. It scared me as I cried out for mercy in the middle of the night. This might sound overly dramatic. Trust me, I am only scratching the surface. 

My story has significance in how I transpired during the next year, how I rebounded, and what it took to recover and build my body back to strength and vitality. Since it started on my 73rd birthday, it was an easy mark to say to myself, “On my 74th birthday, I am going to live in a rebuilt body, fully recovered and back to a renewed vitality. I knew there was no normal to go back to, but there was something new to learn, integrate and practice. I began looking ahead with a dedicated and prudent eye. 

In retrospect, I wonder if I had not been as healthy as I was, would this have taken me out, because it sure took me down. As a health professional I realized several vital factors that are of value as we look toward healing, restoring our health and aging.

As most of us know, achieving health is an integrated job that includes the body, mind and soul. We have been saying it for years, but we are still learning what it means. Since I have been a spiritual seeking health food junkie for years, perhaps you would think that I should not get sick. My family and friends would say, “What’s wrong, you eat so healthy?”, like I should never have an ailment or trauma of any kind. There is still such a mystery to our existence in that we are all, no matter how committed and educated, treading in uncharted waters. None of have lived tomorrow yet, and we do not know what it will bring. The statistics for where we are headed are alarming. We must shift the vision of doom and become proactive in getting ready for vitality. For this reason I am embarking on a new course of preparedness to Aging With Vitality. 

Let’s prepare ourselves for moving ahead and getting older . Because if we are lucky we will end up there. It is not so much about preventing a disease, in that it is preparing to live in a body that functions, is mobile, with a sharp mind and our evolutionary wisdom ready for sharing. We have something to give that our current culture is missing.  We also have a life that has tremendous potential of joy, satisfaction and contentedness.

Many of our elders are demented, on medications and dulled down. They are dying in pain, many alone, weary and decaying. We are being deprived of the gift they could give, or as I would say now, we can give. We know so much now about health and life. This is the new opportunity to prepare ourselves for a vibrant old age where we are alert, vibrant, relevant and feeling good about ourselves.

I knew a lot of self care practices that I simply was not incorporating into my life. I had taken on a job that created a lot of stress for me in that it was new and different. Of course it was fun in ways, but also demanding. The stress it caused catapulted me into cutting corners, eating poorly, running my ass off, and abandoning my regular yoga and meditation practice. Skipping what I knew to do caused even more stress in that I felt bad and guilty that I was not doing what I knew I needed. I had been in business for myself for years, and thus developed a deep empathy and understanding for the 9-5 working population. I had fallen into their rut. 

It is a shame that so much of our learning has to be experiential, but it seems it does. Health practitioners have been preaching to us for years what we need to do to stay healthy, but like me, many throw caution to the wind and make other things, that are actually less important, a priority in our lives. If we can incorporate an excellent self care practice then perhaps we won’t hit a crisis, or even if we do, it might not be as bad and we can recover faster and perhaps with far less pain and expense. 

Self care, in this day and age, must come upfront and center in our daily lives if we want to avoid a life threatening disease and age well. Some of us, even with excellent self care might still need to undergo some major surgeries. This is another reason to prepare a strong body so that it can withstand a trauma or set back. 

Below are some of the vital steps I took to recover and revitalize. I practice them in my life today as part of my continual preparedness package. They are the vital self care practices I will be covering in my upcoming programs.   

Community - Ask for Help - Get Support

After a couple weeks of being down people kept asking, “Is there anything I can do?”.  “Yes”, I would exclaim, but I could not manage the coordination of what was needed. Finally, in desperation, I asked one of my friends to coordinate an effort to help. I sent her a list of my needs, and a list of names and contact info. She took it over and before I knew it angels were at my door to clean, wash, cook and provide love, affection and body work. OMG, I let go and surrendered completely, something I had needed to do for a long time. As a single woman, I did not realize how independent I was and how much I relied on just “me”. Grateful, cannot even describe how I felt from the out pour of help and love I received. I felt held and supported, which is a vital part of the healing process. Word traveled and farmers I had worked with, stores, restaurants, and more showed up for me. When I got well, I gratefully wrote 38 Thank You notes. 

We have to be able to ask for help when we need it, and have community around us. In fact, we should seek support before we need it. Studies show that when we are trying to achieve something we have an 85% more chance of success if we have support. Get support for whatever it is your are wanting to do if at all possible. I wanted to allow myself to completely surrender and feel what it felt like to let go, rest and not worry about a thing. I believe we all need to do this sometimes in our lives. Perhaps that is why we get sick in the first place. Allowing ourselves to be loved and cared for it vital. Even if you are not ill, become part of a community and socialize. This is vital to your physical (including your brain), mental and emotional health.   


I would like to hit this one hard. Eat organic food, no GMO food, and eat from the Earth and not the Factory. Simple. 

I chose the Medical Medium’s diet and here is why. Many people referred me to Michael William’s book, the Medical Medium when the breakdown and fatigue hit me. I could not read, so I listened on Audible. He opened a whole new world to me, which was funny in that I thought I knew it all. His diet has become a way of life for me that I enjoy. I believe it is because it is focused on what to eat, not what not to eat. There is a purpose to putting wonderful nutrient dense food, and lots of it into your body. 

In his book, he speaks to autoimmune diseases, including Shingles, so of course, it resonated with me. I believed him and my body loved the food. If anyone wants to lose weight, this diet is for you. It is a way of life diet that is so easy to follow. In a nutshell, all things plant and animal are allowed with the exception of eggs, dairy, most grains and all processed foods. It is such a pleasure to enjoy an abundant variety of fruits again, and things like dates, real sugars like honey and maple syrup in moderation (these are real foods). It works if you are a vegan or meat eater. The layers are important to know, so I recommend a read or listen on Audible. I find his story, and the stories in his book to be fascinating and believable in that there is remarkable healing. There are many recipes on my Blog and I go into more depth of why I love this diet.

There are variations of the Keto diet, the Paleo, the vegan and whole foods plant based diets. They vary with carbohydrate and fat allotment. I like choosing my protein of choice first, and building my meal out from there with lots of plants. If you are a vegan. The protein choice might be beans or tofu. If you are a meat eater, then it might be chicken or fish. From there a variety of vegetables are recommended no matter what diet you choose. Then your fat allowance comes in. Variations depend on the person, their age, activity, lifestyle, finances, and their likes, dislikes and principles. There does not seem to be one size that fits all, yet the basics remain the same: Eat from the Earth and not the factory. My advice is to become educated, watch your body, and adjust until you find what is right for you. This is what I love helping people discover. Eating whole foods can be transformative.

Detoxing & Supplements

The Medical Medium suggests many supplements, which sort of blew me away. There were more than I could handle, so I chose carefully and intuited which ones to start with. Over time, I came to know what was most important, particularly for detoxing the liver from medications and heavy metals. There is much to say in this area, yet it can be made simple if you understand the importance of continually detoxing your body and supplying it with the nutrition it needs. I have a blog post coming on a few of my favorite ways to detoxify and nourish that can easily be put into your daily regime. 

Emotional Clearing - Staying Present

The emotional pain that erupted from my body during my late night crying sessions was deep. This is extremely personal which I will get to in another Blog post. What is important is that we must keep our emotions moving instead of letting them stick inside our cells. Trust me, everyday we have feelings about one thing or another, fears underlying many of our actions, quiet thoughts, worry for loved ones, and/or ourselves. We are human, and the human experience feels things all day long. It is vital to journal, or sing your shit out loud. Dance it, express it, let it flow through you. If anyone has read Dr. John Sarno’s books (The Mind Body Prescription, or Healing Back Pain), where he cites the curing of thousands of people with back pain, you will gain a conceptual understanding of how vital it is to move your emotional energy. 

Movement and Breathing

I am shocked at how many people slump over and have weak solar plexus, even those who exercise and work out regularly. They might build some muscle and look good, but their spines are not straight nor are they flexible or mobile. A mobile spine, I believe, is the key to healthy organs. It is vital to keep a healthy mobile spine as we age so we can move, stay free of pain and hold ourselves upright. Kundalini Yoga is my favorite. way to move, revitalize my organs and tissues, refresh my breath, and calm my mind. I received my Yoga Teacher Certification in many practices of yoga, with the exception of Kundalini. When I discovered Kundalini, my entire world changed. All yoga is amazing, don’t get me wrong, but including fire breath and some rapid, repetitive movements stimulates fresh blood and oxygen to all our organs, connective tissues, bones, and brain while stimulating a vibrant energetic attitude. In addition, it is one of the best ways to stimulate the mitochondria. 


This was the first thing I learned to actually do everyday. I did not realize that I did not meditate as I knew how to and I used to, so somewhere in me, I thought I meditated. Gosh, we fool ourselves. Meditation, in addition to dancing, singing, having great sex, or laughing your brains out, is one of the best ways to alleviate stress that has accumulated in the body and mind. When your mind relaxes your entire body settles down and it is your opportunity to check in as well as check out. The Alpha state helps to reduce depressive symptoms and stimulate creative thinking. It is a great way to reduce your stress and reverse some of the damage caused by stress. Using some mind control techniques, once you have sufficiently taken your brain waves to an Alpha state you can begin to program your cells in a conscious way. There are countless studies of the benefits of meditating. Just 15 minutes a day will do you wonders. 

Mind Control

Oh my, is there such a thing? Can we control this little monster that fuels us with non-truths? Yes, I do believe we can, but it does take practice. It is a skill that takes cultivating and inquiry. There is so much we do not know about our world, ourselves, and our bodies. But, we do know that the mind has a power we most likely under utilize for our benefit, and over utilize for our detriment. Along with my meditation practice I learned some mind control techniques that can aid us in creating a fulfilling a vision. It is the ticket to living on purpose.

Thank you for being a part of my world, for keeping me on my toes and for the inspiration to learn how to share what I have learned. I appreciate all of you. We learn from each other. So, let’s stay connected.

I will be going into much more depth within all the above areas and even more as they arise. Stay tuned.

Are you curious? Do you need some direction? Contact me for a complimentary consultation. Together we can discover your most vital next steps. Susan@ChefTeton.com. Or, leave a comment below.



What Is Your Diet of Choice? Why? Does It Work For You?

Pear Parsley Smoothie - One of My Fav’s

There are so many diets and it is still a mystery as to which one is the best. People are all different and it seems a protocol that might work for one will not work for another. Another thing I have noticed is that some of the more radical diets are short lived for many people. 

What we know for sure is, even though some are radically different than others, they all seem to work well for whoever practices them. Often they loose weight or heal if that is their objective. Another thing is that even though diets are often dramatically different, they all have one thing in common. That is, “Eat From The Earth and Not The Factory” is the theme. It is certainly mine. I can’t think of a diet that recommends processed foods. Secondly, for the most part they are all plant centered.

Here is what I would really appreciate, and need. Would you kindly take a few moments to share with me what diet you practice, and how it works for you. 

Are you trying to lose weight, and is it working?  Do you want to loose weight and nothing ever works?

Are you eating for health and you feel great? If so, what is the diet you practice? 

Are you confused and dilly dally all over the place?

Does your diet work for you beautifully, even though it might not be the best (so to speak)?

Do you want to eat healthy, but you don’t know how, or don’t have the time? 

What is your food story? What are your challenges?

What works for you?

Please check into the comments below and let me hear from you. Thank you so much!

I am asking this because I am launching a new pilot program and want to make sure it fits the needs of those who want to join in.

For your efforts I am happy to offer a complimentary session in where I will do my best to assist you in discovering a solution to what your challenges might be. Just email me at: Susan@ChefTeton with your name, time zone and alternate times that work best for you. Then we will jump on a phone or Zoom call together and make some magic.

Thank YOU! I so appreciate you taking time for this.

Aloha, Susan Teton



Paul Simon Is My New Role Model

Paul Simon is my new role model. Why, here is a 77 year old man who rocked it for over 3 hours two nights in a row a couple weeks ago on Maui. This type of entertainment takes strength and stamina. Honestly, his voice is not the clearest, but he belted out his tunes with power and passion. The concert was amazing. He danced, played instruments, sang and moved to entertain us like never before. There were a few moments I thought he was done, and thought he surely must be tired. But, no. He just kept going strong.

Mind you, we have excellent musicians here on Maui, and fabulous concerts. The venue is small so they are always intimate. This being said, many of my friends who frequent concerts said it was the best concert ever. Two night in a row he and his band entertained us with a variety of musicality none of us had witnessed. This had to take incredible genius to orchestrate and produce, and it took stamina and a lot of strength and willI to pull it off. I was impressed and still am.

Since I had shingles, my body has taken almost a year to completely rebound, reboot and prepare for the years to come. I believe it takes about a year. to really transform your body (depending on what state you are in). Now, I have a new goal and that is to get even stronger than I was before. Why? Because I want to play and enjoy my life with strong vitality. I want to create and play. Simple. No other reason. Life is just so much better and happier when you live in a strong, vibrant and healthy body.

I am inspired to create a year long reboot, recharge and restore to create a strong and vibrant body. Perhaps you too have experienced an illness or surgery that set you back. Perhaps you just need to ignite a serious preparedness program for aging. No matter what your age, it is time to prepare now. Cast a vision for the future and get ready to prepare for the trip of your lifetime - Aging!

Care to join me? Stay tuned because I am totally turned on. Thank you Paul

Join my “Age Beautifully - Prepare Your Body To Last A Lifetime” A Year Long Mastermind for committed individuals.

Contact me to see if you are a fit: Susan@Chefteton.com



Can You Ask For Help When You Really Need It? Can You Move From: "I Don't Know What I Want to I Do Know What I Want"?

 Recently a dear friend of my son’s reached out to me with a deep plea from his soul. He wanted help. His cry was “Come get me. I can’t do this alone. I need help. I am dead. I am sick. I need help. This is more than I can handle”.

Did he just say these words? No.  He screamed them from the center of his soul. He begged, demanded in a way that no one could deny. It was deep, profound, the kind of cry that you instantly reach your hand out to, no questions asked. Included in his plea was the statement, “If someone does not come in this door within a few minutes and put their arms around me tell me they love me, I am going to die. It was guttural.

I came. I had never heard such a deep, honest and courageous, yet demanding, plea as this. I had to pack, fly, rent a car and drive, which took me only 24 hours. He told me he would sit on his couch and wait for me. I arrived and he grabbed me, held me and sobbed in gratitude.

His courage to express his pain and reach out with total abandonment of any self consciousness was refreshing.  Although painful, it was beautiful. Most of us don’t have the courage to be so vulnerable. Many of us don’t even know when to ask for help, let alone how to.

 We talked for hours, and I fed him of course. I listened and tried to meet him where he was. He was stressed over money, rent, his car, and his girlfriend. He was spiraling down through a maze of ridiculous confusion over what seemed like simple matters. Simple to me. but to him, his whole life, purpose and the value of his existence was wrapped up in it and her. He also kept saying he was so afraid. I asked what he was afraid of, and he could not answer. He actually looked at me with surprise in that he thought it was obvious.

At one point after sharing, a new space emerged and we discussed action steps. I asked, “What do you want?” His only answer was, “I don’t know?” Over the course of a couple days he was able to express what we wanted within the situation. But, since the situation would determine unidentified long term outcomes, I thought it important to look ahead. He could not find the answer of what his soul wanted in his life. He just wanted this situation to be resolved. I got it. How can we think long term when we are sitting in the midst of a crisis? Most of us just want the crisis to be over.

With reflection I began to ask myself, “Why is it so much easier to express our pain rather than to express our desires?”  Even though many of the details were worked out regarding my friends rent, landlord and the girlfriend, he still could not articulate what he wanted in his life. In retrospect I think he wanted all his past efforts toward a particular outcome to turn out golden, and that is not what was happening. There was a sense of defeat and failure that he could not accept or deal with. He could no longer proceed alone. He needed help.

With further reflection I saw that many of us move from one crisis or situation after another. We often lack the foresight to create a vision that excites us and fulfills us with a sense of purpose for our future. I get this. I have done it as well. All of a sudden we find ourselves older or old and it is too late to fulfill dreams we had when we were younger. Or, we fail to continue asking ourselves. So many of us are just responding to life, and putting out fires.

 I remember when I was 42 years old, I realized that I would never be a professional dancer. When I saw that it was too late, I cried– sobbed with regret and mourned the loss of what would never be. Why didn’t I pursue it? I certainly could have, but I let life get in the way by responding to circumstances, and fulfilling short term goals instead. I did not pay attention to the deepest expression that my soul yearned for. 

How about you? Can you claim your desire with the same intensity that you claim your pain? Can you connect to your higher power and ask  yourself, “What do I really want from the deepest part of my soul?”

 Can you cultivate authentic curiosity, identify the essence of your unique desires,  and then muster up the courage to dare believe it could be yours, and then act on it?

My friend has the kind of emotional courage I admire. He was not afraid to ask for help, and neither was I. To move into lightening speed, I also had to ask for help from my friends and family. Everyone rallied. Perhaps from this new place of confidence, knowing that friends show up when we need them, we can find the space in ourselves to identify our desires beyond our immediate needs, and get support.  

Despite what is going on in your life, I suggest we all continue to ask , “What do I really want?” Asking this question May also alleviate discontent and pain, because discontent and pain often comes from dreams unrealized.

Where is your pain, and what do you need to do to alleviate it? Does it have anything to do with your deepest desires unloved? Check in and ask yourself, and if it does not come, keep asking. This is not meant to make your days ugly because you are not doing exactly what you want (if that is the case). It is meant to become self aware, and conscious about underlying rumblings.

Self awareness is not always easy, but it is always valuable. A discovery may contain the revelation you need to move forward.

Do you need help? D you have the courage to reach out and ask for help? If so, do it now.

Care to share? I would love to hear from you on this subject.

Have a question? Need help? I am once again offering complimentary consultations. Contact: Susan@ChefTeton.com.




Raw Beet Apple Salad with Macadamia Nut Powder & Fresh Mint

Raw Beet Apple Salad with Macadamia Nuts & Mint

This is the most delicious salad you ever tasted - if you like beets that is. That said, it is simple to make but a little messy. But, so worth it!!


1 raw beet - washed and scrubbed

1 or 2 raw apples (depends on the size of the beet. I like lots of apple, so it is usually two to 1.

a small handful of raw macadamia nuts

a few fresh sprigs of fresh mint

Get out the grater. Now, this is important. It is vital to the taste of this salad to grate it on the very smallest grate. It takes a little work, but it is what makes it juicy. It is all about the juicy………the apple actually turns to apple sauce. This is also the best way to grate carrots too. When you make them juicy they are so much more tasty.

Grind the macadamia nuts (or sesame seeds) into a powder. I use my Vita Mix. Easy.

Mix the beets and apple, and top with macadamia powder and chopped mint. OMG, this is so good.
