Support My Campaign on Indiegogo to Publish Eating As A Spiritual Practice!

Help publish my book by supporting me on indiegogo HERE

If you want to truly awaken, alleviate stress, prevent disease, live your purpose and dreams, become healthy and vibrant, all while making a meaningful contribution to the world and your communities, you must start making Eating a Spiritual Practice.

That’s a tall order. Yet, one of the single most powerful things you can do to create a better world, and a better you, is to become aligned with your source, the Earth, and your plate.

Eating As a Spiritual Practice will awaken you to:

  • the profound global repercussions of your food choices.
  • the power food has to reverse almost any condition.
  • why now, more than ever, we must love ourselves enough to become our own purpose.
  • the incentive for abandoning diets, and eating from the Earth and not the factory.

Contribute Now on indiegogo!

Today, we know more about health than ever. We have the most advanced medical systems as well, and yet, we have alarming rates of chronic illnesses. We also have problems with feeding the world, and sustainable food security. What is really going on here?
Author and chef, Susan Teton, says, “It’s all about the food,” but not about diets, proteins, carbohydrates or fats. Eating As a Spiritual Practice inspires a brave new way of eating: dropping diets, and enjoying the bounty of food from the Earth (and not the factory). Adopting a “spiritual practice around food” provides profound personal and global benefit for our present and future generations. Plus, Susan’s story will touch your heart and soul, in ways you may have never considered, as she inspires you with a lively, mouthwatering combination of raw, cooked and cultured foods.

Out in April!  Contribute


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Bone Broth Soup w Cilantro

Since bone broth is the rave for many, and since it has become a staple in my house, I keep finding different ways to incorporate veggies with it. Of course, soups are perfect, but sometimes we want an easier version. Here you see this beautiful green broth (this is chicken but you could use veggie or beef stock). I added a hand full of cilantro and blended is in my Vita Mix. I can't even tell you how delicious it was. Top it with your veggies of choice.

I love to grate a raw carrot and some zucchini and other veggies in mine. You can throw them while you are warming it and then they cook just slightly. More of these to come!

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Offering Complimentary Consultations - Schedule Yours Now

After living in this body for 71 years and accomplishing vibrant heath (keep my fingers crossed), studying health and nutrition, agriculture practices, becoming a certified nutritionist, yoga teacher, authoring an award winning book, and coaching many, I feel qualified to help you with health, wellness, weight loss, nutrition and stinking thinking. You don't have to be a victim of disease of any kind. You actually have the opportunity to live a vibrant life. I have helped many and I can help you.
Therefore, I would be thrilled to offer you a complimentary, no obligation consultation by phone, Skype or in person if possible. The best way to reach me to schedule your session is to FB message me, or text me at my personal cell phone number: 808-250-1535.



New Moon in Libra - September

According to Mystic Mama,

"the NEW MOON* is here again bringing us a new cycle wherein we can plant seeds for a brighter, more compassionate, more cooperative future.

The archetype of Libra reminds us of our interconnected nature and teaches us about the art of harmonizing with all of our relations.

Ruled by Venus, she inspires us to walk with beauty and bring forth our feminine gifts of empathy, love and creativity to bridge a new understanding of ourselves and each other and the animate world that surrounds us."

So, what does this mean for you? The new moon is the time to plant seeds, seeds of potential.  The full moon is to celebrate the harvest. Around my house, the new moon and full moon are celebrated. For this reason, I have decided that my newsletter will go out on the New Moon and the Full Moon.

Putting intention into our lives is a great way to stay on course and to consciously ground in to where you are, and what you want,  then set a goal or intention for the next phase. Planting the seed of intention is thus reflected in the full moon as you can now celebrate the outcome of your choices and manifestations.

Here is mine for this new moon. On October 15 (full moon) I shall celebrate having a solid first draft of my book, Eating As A Spiritual Practice, ready for the editor. I shall also have the pre-sale launched. for my personal care, I will have completed another 15 days of my 90 day challenge of lemon water/olive oil drink first thing every morning. I will also have completed 15 more days of morning meditations for mental focus and clarity, honoring my authority, and abandoning fear of all kinds. My Kundalini practice will continue to sustain it's daily practice. I will also have a lot of fun doing whatever it is I choose to do. I will be kind even when I am mad or feel taken advantage of. OK, that is enough.

What seeds are you planting on this new moon?



Best Cell Phone Protection From RF Safe

I love my IPhone 6Plus, but I do not like the way it makes my hand and ears hurt...UNLESS....I have it in my case from RFSafe.com.  Here is the great thing about this case. It not only protects you from harmful radiation, but it is so handy in how it works. It is like a little wallet. It is seriously spiffy! Let me tell you why and how much it cost.

The latch that closes the case has a little magnet on it, so it closes easily all the time. The speakers are on the bottom, so you can have the case closed and you can still use the speaker, or just hold the phone and case up to your ear - with it closed - and you can still carry on a conversation.

The camera is also available, but you have to open it to take a pic. The best part is that this casealso protects the phone. When it is closed, you can put it in your pocket or throw it in your purse or car,  and not worry about it getting scratched. I have dropped mine a few times and the case protected the phone perfectly.

I have been using RFSafe products for years. They are the best, in my opinion. You can also get their fabulous ear buds. The set costs about $69.99 (ear buds and case) for an IPhone 6Plus. I don't get paid anything for telling you this - just in case you think I am saying this for perks. Yet, if you do call and order one, tell them Susan Teton sent you. They have them for all styles of cell phones.

Oh, one more thing, it comes in black and white. I get the white because my car likes to eat my phones. It is easier for me to find. Plus I like white. It is also easy to clean up if it gets a little dirty.

Get one!!!!



Lemon, Miso, Maple, Olive - My Favorite Salad Dressing

My favorite salad dressing which is great for cooking fish as well as sprinkled all over this salad.  It is also great on veggies, grains or by itself in a big spoon! Here is is:

1 tbsp: Miso of choice

2 tbsp: Lemon juice (or more or less to taste)

1 tbsp: Maple Syrup (or less if you want less sweet)

1/3 cup: Olive oil

Mix all ingredients with the olive oil being last. Whisk the olive oil in slowly so it will blend thoroughly. Make a bunch of this and then keep in the fridge for a few days.  Remember all lemons and Miso's are not created equal, so adjust to your own liking. I love the salty, tart and sweet flavors blended.

When I cook fish (Salmon shown above), I like to cook it in a little of Barleans' Culinary Coconut Oil (fabulous for cooking - no coconut flavor and can stand high heats better than coconut oil). Before I turn the fish I top it with a tsp of the above dressing. Then I turn it over, cover it and turn off the heat. I have an electric stove (I know, don't love it, but it is what I have), so turning off the heat works well for me, and then I don't dry out the fish.

Most people over cook fish and then it is dry. Seriously, it hardly ever fails that I don't have dry fish when dining out and/or at friends house (don't tell). 

The salad above was my breakfast this morning: Romaine lettuce, green beans, small beet and carrot, chopped onion, topped with fresh cilantro, salmon and a tbsp of my favorite dressing. Seriously delicious!

Here is how I do this in 15 minutes or less. Chop beans and beet and cook in water for about 10 minutes (start with a boil and then reduce heat). While veggies are cooking I start the fish. While fish is cooking,  I chop the lettuce, fine grate the carrot (so it is raw), chop the onion and clean a few stems of cilantro. This was all done in 15 minutes. I even took a phone call in between with my book writing coach (Patrick Snow).

I like to let my food sit while I clean up quickly. Then I can eat in peace and only have one bowl to clean when I am pau ("done" in Hawaiian).

Try it and let me know what you think. 

Remember: I have a gift for you:

After living in this body for 71 years and accomplishing vibrant heath (keep my fingers crossed), studying nutrition and agriculture practices, becoming a certified nutritionist, yoga teacher, authoring an award winning book,  and coaching many,  I feel qualified to help you with health, wellness, weight loss, nutrition and stinking thinking. You don't have to be a victim of disease of any kind. You actually have the opportunity to live a vibrant life. I can help. Read more about my coaching HERE

Therefore, I would be thrilled to offer you a complimentary, no obligation consultation by phone, Skype or in person if possible. The best way to reach me to schedule your session is FB message me (Chef Teton or Susan Teton Campbell) or text me at my personal cell phone number: 808-250-1535.   



How to Achieve Perfect Health - Bentinho Massaro

http://www.TrinfinityAcademy.com - In this meeting, Bentinho sheds light on what makes for a healthy bodily experience, and what makes for an unhealthy bodily experience. In the bigger picture, to be healthy, transcends even the physical body, and perfect health could be defined alternatively as infinite well-being spilling out into one's entire experiential life.

Hello everyone! Here is what is alive in me today and most recently. Many of you may know that I have been on a relentless pursuit to get in touch with my stinking thinking, and old beliefs that may be hidden from my immediate operating system. I learned years ago with The Work of Byron Katie, that believing my thoughts created a story that was not necessarily the "truth". From there I attended four Avatar courses, ending with the two week Wizards course. I didn't share this to brag (not that is it brag worthy). I share this to express that for some of us, like me, it is really hard to shake some of the old beliefs and the patterns that molded me over all these years. Every time I find myself upset about "anything", I begin to look deeper.

In the last few months, working with a counselor who specializes in the Course In Miracles, I have found what we call "eggs", that are very old believes that formed an adaptive behavior that I have been practicing for years. Some are so ingrained in me that I did not even notice them until I looked back over years of acting out patterns. The key is to find the originating circumstance that inspired a belief about myself that was not true at all. This is what we call "cracking an egg". From the belief I found I was able to subsequently discover the adaptive behavior I created to either get something or avoid something. This behavior is masqueraded by"just the way I am". Dang!

For instance, I personally don't always act on my own behalf, often finding myself in retrospect that I worked my butt off for someone or something just to help, please or get praise. I found I do this to feel powerful. This seems so trivial to share, but long ago when I was a little girl I got spanked by my Dad. I was probably only two years old. I remember he sat on me and gave me a couple of waps on the butt. I was not physically hurt because he did not hit hard. But he pinned me down. Of course I was a very good little girl, as my Mother reports, so I was completely confused, and felt powerless with this huge person pinning me down. Years later when anyone tried to pin me down or tickle me playfully, I would go insane and almost kill them.  That was easy to notice where it came from, but, the powerlessness was not. It took me years to find that that one little incident created an adaptive behavior to avoid:  not rocking the boat, being a good girl, not getting in trouble. This was the operating system that got me a lot of praises, while I blindly ignored acting in my own best interest just to avoid confrontation. OK, this may be really boring to you, but I thought I should provide some sort of example, even though many of you already know what I am talking about, and have done a lot of inner work.

Then Bentinho Massaro came along, referred by my counselor. This young man is inspiring and teaching generations of people all over the world. He explains "awakening" in a way that I find to be much more powerful than many of our older and current teachers. He is another voice that is trendy, timely and speaks a language that I, and many others I know, can relate to. While his information is right on, many of us still have to "crack some eggs" so that we can free ourselves from old beliefs, and enhance our energetic vibration. If we don't "crack the eggs", we may only be pretending as we effort to enhance our energetic vibration, and become truly happy and fearless in every moment.

So, give him a test drive. I am attaching the lecture about "How To Achieve Perfect Health". In my attempt to let go of all my beliefs about diets, this lecture freed me up a bit, and had me looking even closer at what might still be haunting me. Even though I will always practice a diet that is aligned with the health of Earth's living systems, there are aspects of the confusion about which diet is best, that I am dropping.

There is one more thing I want to say about Bentinho. Since he is young, and speaks a trendy language, he may be a good person to refer to those who will never hear a word you say. You know, like your spouse or kids.

You will find many lectures by him on You Tube, and on his website that bears his name. After you take a ride with him, let me know what you think.

If you want to work with me on how to find some of those beliefs that might be driving you crazy, need to loose weight, get off medications, or just get vibrantly health,  let me know. I would be thrilled to offer you a 30 minute complimentary, no obligation consultation. the best way to schedule a consultation is for you to message me on FB or text or call me on my personal cell phone number: 808-250-1535. Give me a call and let's "crack some eggs". Let's chat about my favorite subject besides good food!

Aloha, Teton


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Special Sale - 3 Courses on "Plant Foods" for the price of one!

3 powerful ways to put more plant foods into your life!

Plus a Surprise Bonus - See below!

Are you one of those people that ask, "What do I do with vegetables? or "How can I put more plant foods into my diet easily, affordability and eat something that tastes good and fills me up?" The answer: Raw Foods, Ayurvedic (Indian food), and Cultured/Fermented Foods. These 3 culinary methods from a variety of lifestyles will provide nourishment, flexibility, variety and great taste. Learning the basics of these culinary practices is easy with my 3 courses, this is why I am offering all 3 to your for the price of ONE.

Why am I doing this? Because I know from extreme experience that what you eat really matter to how you feel. How you feel determines how you treat others, how you treat yourself, how you participate in the world and how you love and fulfill your dreams. It hurts me (not that this is a good reason) to see people hurt themselves with poor food choices. Yes, there is a learning curve, but it will be so worth it. Do you and your body a favor, and learn to put more plant foods into your diet and life, NOW.

Eating more plants foods will support you for a lifetime whether you are a vegan, vegetarian or paleo lover. Plants are the kings and queens of every health diet out there. Don't get confused by a title. Just eat more plants (organic that is)!

Below are short videos and explanation of each of the courses. All 3 courses for the price of one: $77.00. They are yours forever, just download them. All the courses come with recipes. Plus there is a private FB group so we can play and invent together.

And, guess what? See below for the bonus (my new book)!


1. Raw Foods: Incorporating Raw Food culinary methods is one of the coolest ways to put tons of plants foods into your life (veggies, nuts, seeds, fats). With the raw food culinary style you can learn to make fabulous desserts, delicious sauces and dressing, gluten free crackers and amazingly satisfying salads and entrees. Learning raw foods is worth learning. Below is a short video clip, which gives you a glimpse of the Raw Food Course, which incidentally has been called, "The best Raw Food Course available".

Healing Foods Ayurvedic

2. The second course is all about learning the basics of the art of Ayurvedic cooking. Now, this does not need to be complicated. Just learning the basics with the use of powerful spices and herbs can transform many veggies into something completely divine. The truth is that the methods are extremely easy.  Check out these two short videos from my course on the art of Ayurvedic cooking. It can now be yours.

Cultured/Fermented Foods

3. Lastly, cultured/fermented foods and now gaining popularity even thought they are a very practice of preserving foods and providing living flora to your gut for digestion and immune building. Making cultured veggies is the best way to make them the way you like and to be affordable as well. In this course you will learn to cultured veggie, make yogurt and kefir, beet kvass and ogi (a fermented grain).

So, now is the time to get all 3 of these courses for the price of one. I am not going to write one of those long sales letters to harp and harp on you about why these courses are so good, and why they are packed with awesome information that you need. Quite frankly I don't like those letters. They are such a turn off. So, how do I tell you in a few short words or pictures? I am not sure, really. Here is my best try to save you time and money.

I know that what you eat matters a great deal. Quite frankly, I do not think that the diet you choose matters that much as long as you are eating from the Earth and not the factory, and that includes factory farms animal production. Just eat good wholesome organic foods and plenty of them. Then you can customize as what suits you best. Do it.

OK, I promised a BONUS for all those that purchase these 3 courses for an incredible price of only $77.00. the BONUS is a copy of my new book: Eating As A Spiritual Practice. This newsletter is the first to provide a peek at the book. The BONUS will include a complimentary copy of the ebook, which is scheduled to be out by the end of summer. Drum Roll please!!!!


Get all 3 of these courses now,  and have them for life. They come with "how to" videos, recipes and mouth watering information. Purchase by the end of July and receive my new ebook, Eating As A Spiritual Practice, for free when it comes out in September.  

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Making & Harvesting Cultured Vegetables

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Making & Harvesting Cultured Vegetables

Yeah for Cultured Veggies! I have tested, tasted and experimented with making fermented veggies for about 20 years (maybe more). My point is that I have made them in so many different ways. You can do it too, and the best reason to make them yourself is that you can make them so delicious. I still like mine better than anything I can buy. So, do it!

Watch this video. It is on the long side and I do somethings with my hands that you should not do.  You will note I use my hands quite a lot with the food. If you do this, YOU MUST make sure your hands are super clean. Also, you must make sure that the all the utensils, equipment and counter surfaces are super clean. 

If you have a question when you begin or end the process, just drop me a line below and I will answer best I can.

Below is another video on harvesting the veggies. Then below that I have made some notes that pertain to the process that might help you out. There is also a link to some recipes, although I think you should make up your own. Good luck!

Here are helpful points to consider:

1. Make sure the container you make the veggies in is clean.

2. Clean: Whatever container you use, make sure that the inside of the container, bowl or crock is super clean from the top of the veggies to the top of the dish. In other words, if some food particles get left on the side of the container above the salty brine, they could attract mold. This is because they are unprotected. The brine, plates and canopy protect the veggies being cultured. But, above the line mold can attract easily. In my experience, there are many times that mold has appeared on the inside of the container on the rocks and even some floating on top of the brine. This does not mean the veggies are ruined. I have never had to throw a batch out if they are properly submerged below the canopy and brine.

3. Mold: In the situation where there is mold on the top of the container or on the brine, make sure you clean it all off before you lift the canopy to harvest the veggies. I usually wipe it very clean and pour off the excess juice on the top and discard it before I lift the canopy. Discard the canopy and all the juice on top if it has any mold.

4. Taste: This is the best way to make sure your veggies are good. Once you remove the canopy, then scrape off the top layer (not always necessary, but makes me feel better). I take a deep whiff (smell), then a small taste. You will know. Like I said, I have never had to throw a batch out. When you refrigerate them, the flavor will get even better. 

5. Smell: I have had many students call me and say, "I thew out the entire batch because it got foamy and smelly. Hear this: foamy and smelly is good. A natural foam can appear on the top of the brine. There is also quite a smell that comes along with the process, which depends on the vegetables that you use. For instance, don't use broccoli. It smells horrible. I remember the first time I used onion. OMG, it stunk, but the veggies were delicious. I still use onions in all my batches. 

6. Keep the process simple. A good way to start is to start small. Perhaps use a large glass jar. You don't even have to have a lid. You can place another jar full of water to act as a weight. Place it on a small canopy and then cover with a salty brine. Then cover it with a cloth and put in a dark place to ferment.

7. Timing: I went to a class once where we ate the veggies the next day after making them. I don't recommend that, but it is possible. I like to recommend at least 4 days. I ferment all of my big crocks for at least 2 weeks. I get an excellent product from 10 days to 2 weeks. Once you refrigerate them they will continue to ferment but very slowly.

8. Sea Veggies: If you use a lot of sea veggies like kelp or dulse, know that it can make the mixture gelatinous, which means kind of thick. I used a lot in one batch I made and the juice was kind of slimy.  It gave me the creeps, so I am careful how much I use now. In a very large batch with about 5 cabbages and a lot of other vegetables, I only use about 1/3 of a cup of kelp granules or dulse. So, keep this in mind.

9. Recipes: go HERE to my Blog to the cultured foods page. There are lots of goodies there. If you are interest in my course on Cultured Foods, the link is HERE.

OK, now give it try! Let me know how it works for you. Also, if you are need, or would love a 30 minute consultation with me, just let me know. Write me at: Susan@ChefTeton.com


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Veggies a la Ayurvedic Style - Raita


Veggies a la Ayurvedic Style - Raita

Everyone always asks me, "What do I do with vegetables?". Well, here is the answer. Cook the Ayurvedic way. It seems everyone loves Indian food, and many think it is difficult to make. But, truly, it is so easy and you use the same spices and herbs over and over again in different veggie combinations. Once you have your herbs on hand, and try a few recipes, you will be on your way to making veggies the most delicious way possible. You will never get bored with them, and they will nourish and satisfy you at the same time. Plus, I think they are fun to make. 

Watch this short video and then give it a whirl. If you are interested in the Ayurvedic Healing Foods Course, check it out HERE.

Here is a short video showing you how to make a dish named "Raita" from my Ayurvedic Healing Foods Course. Raita can be made as a condiment or just a delicious side dish. Trust me when I say you should make this dish because you will swoon over it's amazing flavors. It will light up any and every dish you make. If you are a person who likes to eat dairy free, then use coconut yogurt.

Raita Recipe

2 cucumbers

3 tbsp Ghee

1/2 tsp cumin, black mustard and fennel seeds

1 pinch hing (optional)

1 pinch cayenne or chili flakes

1 handful of cilantro (about 1/2 cup)

1/2 cup plain organic whole milk yogurt

Skin and grate the cucumbers. Pour off excess juice (drink if you like). Mix with yogurt and set aside.

Heat the ghee in a saucepan over a medium heat. When the ghee is hot add the herbs and hing, cook a moment until the seeds sizzle and pop. Add cayenne or chili.

Remove from heat and add in the cilantro. Let cool and add in the yogurt/cucumber mixture. Serve as a side dish.

susan@chefteton.com 808-250-1535


Nut & Seed Milks - Delicious, Nourishing, Affordable & Easy!


Nut & Seed Milks - Delicious, Nourishing, Affordable & Easy!

I see so many people purchasing dairy free milks in aseptic containers, which is OK, but not nearly as delicious, nourishing and affordable as making your own. First of all, most of these milks like almond, coconut, soy, hemp, etc., are pasteurized, which means they are no longer alive and fresh, which means the only value they provide to you from those precious foods, is, calories.

Although they may be more convenient and good for travel, they are not nearly as delicious and nourishing. The great thing about consuming nut and seed milks is that they contain essential fats that are fabulous for every part of your body. When these factory made milks are heated and processed they loose a lot of the essential ingredients and other nutrients that make them healthy and tasty.

In my Raw Food Series, you can learn to make your own. They are so simple. All you do is soak the nuts and/or seeds, rinse. Put in the blender with cold filtered water and blend. Strain if you like. The focus in my course is sesame seed milk, which is alkaline and also almond milk. You can also make milk from sunflower seeds, hemp hearts, pumpkin seeds, and buckwheat to name a few. I like mixing a few varieties together. After making them, they store well in a glass jar for a few days. This is how you get “live” seed milks full of essential fatty acids.

Making your own milks is so easy and affordable, plus so much more. Give it a try. You will love the refreshing flavors.



Lemon Cake - Gluten Free - Paleo (sort of)

Lemons, lemons and lemons. I love lemon anything, particularly some sort of cake or dessert. Since I am a not a real sweet lover, I found a recipe which I would call "sort of Paleo". So, I adopted it and then topped it with fresh strawberries and blueberries. Here is the recipe:

Cake Ingredients

4 eggs

1 cup gluten free flour

1/2 cup almond meal

2 sticks of organic butter (I used Cultured Butter) softened

1/2 cup sugar (+ more if you want it sweeter)

2  tsp baking powder

Zest of one lemon and juice of one large juicy lemon

Topping Ingredients

Zest of 2 lemon rinds plus the juice

1/3 cup sugar or maple syrup

Mix ingredients for topping together and hold until cake is baked. 


Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and grease loaf or square baking pan.

Mix all of the ingredients together and then bake for 35 to 40 minutes. When the cake is firm, remove from the oven. Take a tooth pick and poke little holes all over the top. Then spoon the topping over the top of the cake. Let cool and enjoy. Refrigerate to store. 

This cake become firm, and quite dense. Since I am a lemon lover and not a sugar lover, I find I can sweeten things a little more if I use a little stevia with the sugar. The sweetness will also depend on how sweet the lemons are. If they are really sour, I would add a little stevia with the sugar or use more sugar. Up to you! 

Top with fresh berries. YUM!




Take Care of Your Teeth This Way

See that big smile! Please know that it did not come easy. Just two days ago I sat in a dentist chair in Tijuana, Mexico for 5 hours worth of drilling. It was traumatic to say the least, and I cried when I got the news. Yes, I felt horrible. Here I am, Miss Self Care. I was humbled, mortified and puzzled that I had let this naively happen. It was also expensive.

Trust me I thought I was doing everything right. For some reason I was gifted with teeth that decay easily, and I therefore have had a ton of dental work over the years. I have had to learn to keep my teeth healthy, and my system healthy too. This could be a very long blog post if I were to go through the whole story. So, I will cut to the chase and tell you what I just learned from my dentist two days ago.

First of all I want to let you in on my current (now past) dental hygiene practice.  I brush twice a day and floss everyday. I also use a water pic about once a week. I gargle with peroxide every week or two, and I oil pull every few days. Good, right? I also do not eat a lot of sugar, hardly any.  My diet is about as good as I know to get it.  I also often rinse after a meal.

But, all that said and done, it was not enough. I was scolded by my dentist, who happens to be one of the best in the world by my standards. He was referred to me years ago when I met the filmmakers of a film on biological dentistry and the effects of mercury. So, there ya go. I go to the best, I think I am a good girl, and still once again I go to see him and find I have 4 new cavities in some of the teeth I still have in my mouth that do not have crowns. I was devastated. How could this be?

When I was a baby my Mom fed me chocolates. She was shoving them in my mouth all day long thinking she was doing a good thing. Is this why? I have always blamed her teasingly, but who really knows. I wonder why I have never really been a chocolate lover, perhaps this is why.

I also want to warn you against some dentists. My dentist is in Mexico, so traveling there is not always easy. Because of that, I will get my teeth checked by a local dentist, depending on where I am, and then I send the labs to my dentist in Mexico. He always has a different story, and an enhanced procedure. He has saved me teeth, root canals, and much more. Study and research before you get root canals, before teeth are filled, and do what you can to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Here is the new protocol my dentist gave me this trip around. It is a 6 part process that he actually had prepared on a hand out. He never handed this before, so there must be more people like me that need to see the written word, scolded, and pressed into a new dental hygiene practice.

1. Irrigate: Waterpick (medium size, not family or portable-except when traveling). Why: This is done to remove large food particles and plaque before you begin the cleaning process. It is also vital for gum health. (take the small travel size when you travel)

2. Brush: Sonicare toothbrush by Phillips. Why: Best for removing plague from inner and outer surfaces of teeth.

3. Brush again (gently!): Compact head medium bristle toothbrush (Oral-B or Reach by Johnson and Johnson). Use minimal fluoride-free toothpaste. Why: To massage gums and improve blood flow. Brush down on upper teeth and up on lower teeth.

4. Rinse before flossing: 50/50 mix of water and hydrogen peroxide. Why: To prevent bacteria from being pushed into the gumline during flossing. (I never did this)

5. Floss: Glide by Crest. Why: To eliminate plague from between teeth and to remove any remaining debris.

6. Rinse again with a 50/50 mix of water and hydrogen peroxide: Why: To prevent bacterial growth at the gumline and to help with rapid healing of micro-cuts caused by flossing.

Wow, this is quite a procedure, but one I am now committed to.

Do it! Your teeth will last much longer, you will save money and the horrible experience of being in a chair with a drill in your pretty little head for several hours. Ouch!

If you are wanting any further consultation please feel free to contact me for a 30 min, no obligation, complimentary consultation. I love to help others by what I have learned.




Easy Chia Pudding With Coconut Milk & Berries

It took me a few yeas to catch on to the Chia Pudding craze. Now, I find it one of the easiest snacks/desserts to serve for almost all diets. Below is a basic example of a large bowl to serve many. There are many variations that can be made from this basic idea. Enjoy!


1 can of organic "whole fat" coconut milk + 1 can of water

1/2 cup chia seeds

1 cup + frozen berries or other frozen fruit

sweetener of choice (honey, stevia, maple syrup, coconut sugar, raw sugar). Sweeten to taste.

Options: Protein powders, green powders that may have already been sweetened (like Barlean's Greens), spices like cinnamon, cardamom, clove. Pinch of salt.

Place the coconut milk into the blender and add chia seeds. Blend just enough to break up the chia seeds. This will help it to thicken and create a smoother taste.

Put all ingredients together and blend softly on low speed just enough to blend. Pour into serving dishes or one large dish. Place berries on top and refrigerate until firm.

Note: If you want a richer pudding, then use the coconut milk without water. If you do this, then you should use less Chia Seeds. Chia Seeds thicken, but how they thicken depends on how much they are broken down. You may wish to alter the amount used depending on how firm of a pudding you would like. I personally like it a little more watery than a lot of people who like it very firm. Have fun with it!!





Why I Do Yoga & Think You Should Too!

Why You Must Learn and Practice YOGA

(Youthful Opportunities Giving Always)

Let’s talk about movement and yoga. For years I resisted yoga, until I was writing my first book (The Healthy School Lunch Action Guide), while living in Santa Cruz, around 1995. At the time, I was working for EarthSave International, a non-profit organization. We were not getting paid much, if at all at the time, so many gifts came our way from supporters. Kali Ray of TriYoga Studio gifted us full access to her studio, anytime we wanted. Free was enough to motivate me. After a full day of work, my boyfriend and I would ride our bikes across town to the studio. We would settle in the class, practice, and then ride back to our office and work on the book until midnight. If anyone has ever written a book, you know how grueling it can be. It was this year that I learned how energizing yoga was, how settling it was, and how strengthening it was. I was fifty at the time. One day, I stood folding my arms and felt my newly revitalized strong muscles. Wow, I thought! The best part is that is was so enjoyable to do at the studio, to be in a space of soft quiet sounds, with a still body and mind, and with lots of new breath coming in to oxygenate every cell.

There is more that I have learned about yoga, over the years. Three years ago, I decided to take a yoga teacher training because, at age sixty-seven, I knew a teacher training would be the only way to kick my butt into gear and establish an imprint for a strong sustaining practice. The training was in Mexico and it was rigorous. I felt like I practically killed myself. Trust me, if it had been closer to home, I might have bolted. But I stayed, and I did build a foundation that has kept me on the mat regularly. In other words, it was worth it!

More recently, I discovered Kundalini Yoga (with Ana Brett and Ravi Singh). I love their DVD workouts, as I do Kali Ray’s and many others’. With Ravi and Ana, I discovered the profound value of practicing yoga to keep the spine and mid-section strong. Here is how I see it, and why I think a yoga practice is a MUST as we age:

1. Everyone’s spine shrinks and, therefore, we get shorter over time. Lifting weights or resistance training is known to create stronger bones. But, think about this. What position is your spine in when you are lifting weights and/or doing some sort of resistance training? Your spine is most likely not elongated, and quite possibly even contracted, during your movements. So, while this movement builds a stronger muscle, and perhaps creates more bone mass, it is doing so while the spine is in the position it has most likely been all day. Gravity always wins, so, over time, compression continues to happen, whether you are walking, stomping, dancing or weight training. A yoga posture is meant to get you into different positions that elongate the spine first, creating new space, then filling the space with breath, and ultimately holding it to create strength. This way the muscle is built while in an elongated position. This practice builds muscle while the spine is lengthened, thereby not only building the strength but also the shape of the muscle. When the spine and the muscle are elongated to a new shape that supports the spine, it will help to hold your spine up while gravity continues to nip at your heels. Yoga is a very smart thing to do to help us counteract the spine’s wanting to collapse. I call it “defying gravity decline.” We will never win, but we can sure stand tall, meanwhile.

2. There is more. When you move in the way described above, you are also delivering fresh, nourishing blood, while strengthening and revitalizing the very core of your body, that houses your vital organs. Your organs need exercise, too. Movement, and the breath that yoga postures inspire, are two of the best ways to give your organs new life.

3. There is even more. When you come to the mat, you come to a new place that is reverent, quiet, focused and sacred. It is the time for you to be with you, and your body, in a collaborative way. You will have to go inside, to listen and to let go. It is gentle, fluid and sensual, while it opens you to new possibilities that will be yours for a lifetime.



4. If you get into Yoga it will provide you with the same awakenings any study or practice does. Think of an athlete that finally breaks a record, or a golfer that hits a hole in one. It can be thrilling. Yoga will do this for you "forever". The continual discovery it offers is un-ending. One day, after working on a pose for months, you will suddenly accomplish a new threshold. The opening this provides is nothing short of riveting. The good news is that it never stops. Going further is always available, and if you are anything like me, you might just love the excitement of growing. A yoga practice with consciousness is a never ending treat of discovery that will spill over to all aspects of your life.


I picked out these beautiful sketches, by Dimitar Hristov, that illustrate what I am saying. See how the body is moved to positions that elongate the muscles and the spine. Now, not even I can move like Dimitar’s imagination, but moving in the direction of these postures will provide an opportunity for challenge and results that will matter to you greatly, as you age.

There is nothing pretty about a slumped spine. I see women, putting fillers in their faces, dyeing their hair and getting face-lifts, and they still look old because their spine is weak and curved in the wrong direction. Strong and straight is sexy and beautiful, especially as we age.

So, even if you don’t like yoga, do it anyway! To get started I recommend committing yourself to a practice for thirty days, at least twice a week.  Then, see how you feel. You can get some DVD’s (I love Ravi and Ana’s: www.Raviana.com), or join a nearby studio or gym that has a variety of classes. Go to them. Play. Learn. Feel good. Remember, there are many just like you, and you don’t have to do every posture like the teacher does, or the person in front of you, on the mat. Just rest if you don’t feel like moving. Give yoga a chance, and get the gift that keeps on giving.

If you want to know more, chat with me and explore some areas where you might like to go or grow, please let me know and we can set a time for a complimentary consultation. It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Let me know your contact and time zone. Email me: Susan@ChefTeton.com

How is yoga working for you? Leave a comment and let's discover the gifts and challenges from each other!



Has Everyone Gone Mad? or Confused?

I Hope This Will Help.

People are going Diet crazy! I can’t even tell you how many people contact me about what they should eat. I hear things like this:

1.     I really try to stay on a raw food diet, but my husband eats meat. It just does not work for me all the time.

2.     I can’t seem to stay on my vegan diet when I am traveling. What should I eat?

3.     Yeah, I tried the Paleo Diet, and I feel so much better since I have been eating that way. What do you think? I often feel bad that I might be doing something wrong, but I feel better.

4.     Vegetarians live longer; this has been the diet for me, but my sister just started the BulletProof Diet. She is doing well and I am shocked and now confused.

5.     What is the best weight loss program? I heard that a juice fast is the best way to loose weight fast.

6.     I thought you were a raw food vegan. What happened, why did you start eating eggs and bone broth?

What’s Really Going On Here?

Are you confused? Do you need help deciding on what diet to eat, or which one to let go of? Are your beliefs helping or hurting you? Are your beliefs about others hurting you? Are you nagging your husband, wife or kids that they should eat better? What diet really suites your lifestyle, and your body at this time in your life? Have you tried everything and still do not get the results you want? How do you feel? How is your weight?

Let's talk more about this.

 “Healthy food” is expressed in a virtual all-you-can-eat buffet of diets that claim to be "the ONE" we need to achieve the energy, beauty and vitality we so desperately crave. This dietary smorgasbord includes: vegetarian and vegan diets, the Blood Type Diet, Raw ‘Living’ Food Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, Mediterranean Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Maker’s Diet, The BulletProof Diet, Nourishing Traditions, and an overabundance of others from doctors, nutritionists and entrepreneurial researchers, claiming theirs to be ‘the ONE true way.’ 

There are protein powders, supplements, and superfoods galore. While there is a lot of fluff out there, by way of dietary advice, there also exist many doctors, researchers and food pioneers steering us toward more functional foods and serving us up a variety of facts, studies, recipes and diets full of integrity. With all this information around, you would think we would be convinced and on our way to healthy food heaven. But instead, so many of us are still confused – perhaps even overwhelmed.

Though food has been my study and part of my own life purpose, I will admit to having lived in a state of nutritional confusion many times. As I experienced an aging body, my health challenges increased and I found myself experimenting with nutritional protocols to keep my bones strong, alleviate my allergies, keep me focused, and give me the energy for a full life. Health pioneers have been my teachers, my guides and my mentors as I searched for answers along the way, but my own body has been my best teacher.

My dietary changes - some out of necessity and some just for fun -fueled me to finally creating a dietary practice that includes many aspects of the above-mentioned diets.  Why, you might ask, as many have?

Here is the truth of this matter. All of these diets work. What do they have in common? They all include food from the Earth and not the Factory. Pure whole foods are the way to go. At different times in our life we need different nourishment. A child, for instance, will often just nibble here and there. Worried parents are shoving more food down them, while they just want spaghetti, or fruit or what ever fancies them. They seem to sprout overnight no matter what they eat.

Then there are teens that wolf down so much food you would think they would burst. Bursting they are, with energy, growth spurts, and hormones raging. They need fuel and they need a lot of it.

Again, let me be clear, I am ONLY speaking about healthy diets here that include only foods from the Earth not the Factory (organic grown, and GMO free).

When we get older and move to new climates our body and diet often changes. For instance, I just heard recently, that older people need more meat or animal foods, where they did not need them as much when they were younger. We need muscle and we need bones.  Is this true?

I remember, when I was a vegan raw foodist, people would beg me to eat a piece of salmon. I was so thin and just needed to be grounded. I remember the day I decided to eat a piece of chicken at a Wild Oats store in New Mexico. I don’t remember what moved me – sheer animal desire I suppose, but I do remember how I approached my purchase. I don’t believe I had any forethought. I saw a piece of crispy cooked chicken breast wrapped in clear wrap in the “to go” section of the store. As my hand reached for it, I became aware that I had made a decision to eat it. Within moments I began to salivate and began tearing open the package before I got to the check out. Standing in line I began gobbling it like a child who had been starved for many years. With manners abandoned, I savored every bite, even chewed on the small brittle bones. Ahhhhhhhh.

Did I have a stomachache? No. Did I want to throw up afterwards? No. Since I was a vegan and had been for many years, the only remorse I felt was guilt, like I had done something horrible. This feeling of guilt had to be more damaging to my health that any chicken breast.

Here is the truth of the matter. All of the above-mentioned diets, and more than I mentioned, work for those who enjoy them. People rave about which ever one is working for them. Finally, they say things like: my skin cleared up, I have more energy, I finally lost weight, I sleep better at night, and I stopped sugar cravings.

All of these diets have one thing in common. They are real food, hopefully grown in healthy organic soil. This must be how people ate years ago. People like me. When I grew up there was no such thing as all these diets. We just ate food – real food. When we wanted to loose weight, we would cut out all the sweets (pie, cake, donuts and ice-dream), and cut down on our portions. Period, end of story. It was easy and there was no confusion around dietary choices.

Now, so many people are confused, and I must admit to that same state of being, until I finally let all my beliefs go and listen to my body. While letting them go, I also discovered there is much more to our health than just our food choices. This is another matter that I will be speaking about in upcoming posts. 

Why did I let my strict habits fly out the window? Because it felt right to do so. My body still feels good. I have not gained or lost weight. I am feeding my soul and my body, truly nourishing myself on every level. In other words, I eat what I want, when I want it. I let go of diets. OK, this is not totally true. I do have some very strict rules: I will not eat any GMO foods. I only buy organic foods and I am truly one of those gals who shops on the outside isles of the grocery store. More often than not, I purchase from the local farmer.

Being a foodie on an island has provided a huge benefit to me in that I know all the growers and where to get the best. This includes eggs and dairy. I ferment my own veggies, make Beet Kvass, and my own bone broth from bones that are delivered to me from the local deer, or cows raised on an organic pasture. This may sound cruel, but we have an overflow problem of deer population on Maui. They create havoc for all the farmers, ranchers and home owners. The USDA finally stepped in and they now harvest the deer in a most humane way possible. Bones are delivered to me to make rich broths, which I often deliver to others in need. Am I a carnivore now? I guess I would have to answer, "yes", at least now and then.

You might say that I take the best of all culinary heavens and enjoy them all. This does not mean that I recommend such a diet for my clients. We are individuals and live in different climates and have different lives. We must do what is right for our body, mind and soul. This is vital to our well being. I can't say this enough. Guilt, pressure and confusion do not belong in wellness. I love to help people find the right foods for them, foods that delight their taste buds, fulfill their desires, lifestyle, age and personal circumstances.  Our lives are busy and stressful enough. Let's find some extra wellness in our choices while listening to our body.

Many ask what I eat now, so below this post is a list of the foods that I include in my diet the majority of the time.

Are you confused? Do you need help deciding, or letting go? Are your beliefs helping or hurting you? Are your beliefs about others hurting you? Are you nagging your husband, wife or kids that they should eat better? What really suites your lifestyle, and your body at this time in your life? Have you tried everything and still do not get the results you want? How do you feel? How is your weight?

Let's talk more about this.

Maybe I can help. If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, let's chat. Contact me and set up a time (include your time zone): susan@chefteton.com.

My Diet (Raw, Cooked & Cultured Foods)

Fermented Foods:  Veggies (everyday), beet kvass, some Ogi, and coconut kefir.

Raw Foods: Desserts made with nuts, seeds, fruits, coconut meat, veggies (carrots and beets), nut butters, dehydrated crackers, salads and veggies, raw butter, ginger, turmeric, sunflower sprouts, greens.

Cooked Foods: steamed vegetables, topped with Ghee, eggs, occasional chicken and fish, soups, onions, garlic, turmeric, Ayurvedic foods such as lentils, rice, ginger, curry, and coconut, broths, noodles, yams and sweet potatoes, taro.

Baked Goods: Dave's Bread (not much bread but now and then the day calls for a good piece of toast) cookies, light coffee cakes (usually gluten free flours) and some Paleo Pies made with fresh fruits and almond flour. Baked good and sweets are minimal in my life. Now and then some rice crackers and chips, but not often, corn tortillas (occasionally).

Sweeteners: local raw honey, a little maple syrup.

Liquids: Red wine of course (not a big drinker but love good wine), lemon water, Barlean's Greens, smoothies now and then with fresh fruits and/or frozen, Mate, and Matcha tea.

Condiments: salt - lots of good Celtic Sea Salt, pepper, and rosemary, cumin, coriander, and fennel are my main staples.

Now and then I eat a little chocolate, but not often because I am not a chocolate lover!

Here is what I don't eat:

GMO foods or anything grown or raised eating GMO foods. Processed foods such as frozen pizzas and other frozen entrees, most baked goods like muffins, cookies, pies and cakes (when in the mood I make my own, but it is seldom), beans (eat only lentils because I don't like beans), most grains and pastas. I am sure I must have left something out, but you get the idea. When I look at all the diets, I see that I pick the best of all of them in a way. How about you? What works for you? Do you love your choices? I sure hope so, because we need to love our choices because the depth of nourishment comes from love.

Contact me for a complimentary no obligation consultation: Susan@ChefTeton.com and let's schedule a time for us. I would love to hear from you.












Matcha Blue Green Smoothie

As I make this post, I realize I must get up and make one of these smoothies. Here again, I am using the ImmuneTree Colostrum, but you do not need it to make a delicious and nutritious smoothie.


Water (a cup or two)

1/2 tsp green tea matcha

1 cup blue berries

1 tbsp ImmuneTree Colostrum

Optional: banana, other frozen fruits, mint, ginger, turmeric, lecithin, protein powder.




Coco Cinnamon Matcha with Colostrum

ImmuneTree Colostrum 6 is by far one of the best things that has happened to my body and my taste buds! I blend it with almost everything. It makes my hot drinks creamy and delicious, my chia puddings rich,  and my sauces divine. I love this stuff, and so does my body.

Recently I purchased some Matcha Green Tea powder. But, I could not even finish one cup of it, until I began reducing the amount of green tea powder I was contributing to my drink. I used one tsp for one cup and found it was too much. So, I reduced the amount to 1/3 of a tsp, added some stevia, ImmuneTree Colostrum and cinnamon and had the most delicious drink of all time. This drink is highly nutritional. To find out more about ImmuneTree Colostrum, visit their website HERE. You can also purchase it on Amazon. Enjoy and drop me a line if you would like more info and ideas on how to incorporate this great food into your diet. 

If you don't have Colostrum, then make this Matcha Green tea with just coconut oil and cinnamon.. Add stevia for sweetener or honey if you like.  You will love it. I am going to create some smoothies with the Matcha this afternoon. I will keep you posted.




Taro in Bone Broth, Miso, or Vegetable Broth

If you are a Paleo lover, this recipe is for you. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, then it is for you as well. Taro is such a hearty food that has nourished people for centuries. But, today, many people do not know how to put it into their life easily. And, easy it is when eaten just on it's own.

Simply boil the whole taro root until soft enough for a knife to slide through easily. Enjoy immediately with some salt and pepper and perhaps a little Ghee, butter, coconut oil or olive oil. Or, chill and store for later use.

When you are ready, simply peel the side skin off, cut into bite sized pieces and put in a pan with a fresh bone broth, vegetable broth or miso. As it is warming, which is all that is needed, you can add some vegetables of choice or Napa cabbage, (which cooks instantly) as I have done here. This meal is so easy, so delicious and fulfilling. It is a great starch for any diet or meal. Go for it!



Yam a la Stryian Pumpkin Seed Oil

it does not much better than this. Bake a sweet potato or yam until soft. Split and pour over Stryian Pumpkin Seed Oil, Celtic Sea Salt and fresh ground pepper. Unbelievable flavor, texture, and luscious satisfaction! Get the pumpkin seed oil and salt at www.CelticSeaSalt.com. Tel them Chef Teton sent you. If you are not enjoying their salts, then do so. They are by far the best.
